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“Will!” Antonia said as soon as she saw him, her hands flying toward her discarded shirt in an attempt to cover herself while Bradley just stood there as if petrified at the sight of his best friend.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Antonia immediately started to say while running over to where Will was still standing in shock. “I can explain baby, I swear.” she continued, her hands wrapping around Will.

As soon as Antonia touched him, he shook his head, as if coming out of a trance, and pushed her away harshly.

“It’s not what it looks like!? Really? Because to me, it looks like my fiancé and my best friend were about to screw behind my back!” he growled as he stepped toward her and gripped Antonia’s shoulders before pinning her to the wall.

Will’s whole body was shaking, one of his hands was on Antonia’s neck which he squeezed and watched the woman he was planning to marry the next day cough and try to free herself; her beautiful hazel eyes wide and full of fear.

“Please… pleas…” Antonia managed to gasp out and Will’s eyes widened when he realized what he was doing and he immediately let go, his hands shaking and his eyes filling with tears.

He could hear Antonia coughing and crying in the distance while Bradley shushed her, as the buzzing in his ears began to intensify and he felt the need to get out of there as soon as possible before he ended up killing the both of them.

“When I get back, you better be gone, or a little breath-play would be the least of your worries.” Will said, his voice deadly quiet and the promise in it truer than anything he had ever said, before he turned around and left, the doors banging so loud behind him that they almost flew off their hinges.



Will felt numb as he looked at the spare key that was supposed to be Aria’s while listening to Meg.

“She called me yesterday and said that she was alright and not to worry about her. She has a new job.”

“Did she…” Will started to ask if Aria had mentioned where she was but Meg just shook her head no, crushing the last of his hopes in the process. It had been almost two months since he last saw Aria and Will was slowly but surely dying inside.

After the scene in his office, Aria

had completely disappeared. She had quit her job at the ‘Echo’ and moved out of her apartment. The only person who knew where she was, was Nura, but the girl wasn’t saying anything.

Will had even tried to track Aria down at her school but the brunette had transferred to somewhere else and they wouldn’t tell him where.

The whole situation was such a mess, a stupid misunderstanding, and if Aria had just let him explain, none of this would be happening.

But Will understood why Aria had reacted the way she did. She was hurt and betrayed; the one thing Will had promised never to do to her.

He kept going back to that day, angry with himself and Antonia. He had been working late when Antonia came in, saying that she needed to talk to him. Will had immediately told her to get out and that there was nothing to be said, but the woman wouldn’t listen.

He had grabbed Antonia’s arm to throw her out and that’s when she kissed him.

It was sudden and it had taken Will by surprise, so in his shock, he didn’t react as quickly as he should have. And, Will hated to admit, it felt good, as all those memories of them came back and Will found himself kissing Antonia back for just a second. But then Aria’s face broke through the haze in his mind and he stepped away intent on telling her off, but it was already too late.

Aria had already seen them and the look on her face and the pain reflected in her eyes broke Will’s heart because he had done that to her and he had never hated himself more than in that moment.

“Please Meg, if you find out anything...” Will said to his sister, not even trying to hide how desperate he was.

“I will Will, I promise you that I will.” she said while looking at him sadly.

Meg had been furious with him when she heard about what happened, so much so that she had even broken Will’s nose before Will had managed to explain to her what had actually happened. After that, Meg had calmed down and has been trying to help him ever since.

Will went home a few hours later, not knowing what else to do. He had searched everywhere for Aria and came out with nothing. It was like Aria had never existed and Will had dreamed the whole thing up.

Looking around his apartment he felt lost. It was too quiet and Will hated it. Once upon a time he had enjoyed it and loved being alone, but that was before Aria came into his life. His baby had swooped in and made that place a home in such a short period of time, that now when the woman was no longer there, Will didn’t know how to cope.

He slid down to the floor, wrapping his hands around his knees and wept. He had ruined the one good thing he had had in his life, and he didn’t know how to fix it.


“How did the first week go?” Nura asked her, while they unpacked the last of Aria’s boxes. She had been staying in Nura’s old place for the last month but now, she had finally found this little studio.

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