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hat’s great. Tomorrow, around 6? We could maybe have dinner and then catch a movie? I mean if you want to?” he said and Aria chuckled at the boy’s nervousness and nodded.

“Sure. See you tomorrow.”

John smiled, yet again, and waved his hand awkwardly before running out of the café without his coffee. Aria shook her head and giggled at the guy’s antics before getting back to work.

She hoped that she had made the right decision. It had been three months since the break-up, but at times it still felt like it had all happened the previous day. Aria couldn’t deny that she was still very much in love with Will, and she knew that it will be near impossible to get over him, but she had to at least try.

And John was a good, normal guy, exactly what Aria needed right now, so she will try.


It was a minute before John was supposed to pick her up for their date when there was a knock on the door. Aria smiled at the boy’s punctuality and went to let him in.

“You are right on time. I like…” she said while opening the door but as soon as her eyes fell on the person standing in front of them her heart stopped.

“... that.” she finished quietly.

“Hi, baby.”


Will was standing in front of her, looking exactly like he did the last time Aria saw him and she almost fainted as she stared at him speechless.

“I found you.” the man whispered after a few moments and Aria finally came to her senses.

“What do you want? I think that I had made it quite clear that I don’t want to see you ever again.” she said while glaring at the man.

“Baby please.” Will started to say, but Aria quickly cut him off.

“I am not your baby!”

“Fine! Aria, please, just talk to me. Let me explain.”

“No. There is nothing to talk about.”

“Aria?” she suddenly heard a third voice and looked up to see John standing behind Will.

“Hey, John.” she said, only then remembering what she was supposed to be doing in a couple of minutes and sighed.

“Am I interrupting anything?” the boy asked while nervously eying Will up, while the man in question sent daggers with his eyes at him.

“No, you are right on time. We are finished here.” Aria said while picking up her jacket and locking the door. Will looked at her pleadingly and gripped her hand before she had the time to run.

“Where are you going? Please just talk to me, Aria. Just give me five minutes to explain everything.” Will started to beg and Aria almost succumbed at the pleading look on the man’s face, but the image of the same man in another woman’s arms flashed through her mind and she shook her head and sneered.

“Let me go. I have a date, as you can see and you need to leave.” she said harshly and saw Will flinch at her acid words. Her hand slipped from Will’s loosened grip and looking at the man, Aria saw a flash of pain flash through his eyes.

“A date?” Will whispered and she nodded, before turning around and leaving the building with John.


Aria sighed as she watched Jonathan drive off and shook her head. The guy was great; smart, attractive and funny. And yet, the only thing Aria kept thinking about throughout the dinner was the man that she had left behind.

John had of course noticed, and being the great guy that he is, told her that it was alright if Aria was not ready for anything. So, they ended the date after they ate and John drove her home.

Aria had almost reached the door of her apartment when she noticed a figure sitting on the floor next to it.

“You are back.” Will said, while quickly scrambling to get up.

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