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The moment he crossed my path, I grabbed his arm jabbing the taser into his rib cage. I yanked him into the alley. He didn’t pass out from the shock of the taser. The stocky motherfucker tried swinging on me. I ducked then slammed my fist into his face and my knee into his gut. I opened the van door tossing his big ass onto the plastic lined bed, closing the doors behind me. I shoved a rag into his mouth. Sebastian drove down the alley, turning on to the street merging into traffic. Fifteen minutes later, we came to a halt outside an industrial warehouse.

Sebastian unlocked the warehouse door, turning on the bright lights. Hopping back into the van he backed inside closing the doors behind us. It was only Sebastian and I on this trip. No body guards or right-hand men. We carried Bobby inside zip tying him to a chair. Wearing the prosthetic mask felt natural the short brown shaggy wig was slightly annoying. I kicked the grimy motherfucker in his balls.

“Wake the fuck up!”

Sebastian sat behind me inside the bed of the van. “Eric catch.”

I turned catching the blow torch. Even in these prosthetic masks we still look dashing. I laughed inside. Now back to business.

“Bobby, you’ve been a very bad boy.” I slammed my foot on the chair sitting in front of him.

Leaning forward I snatched the gag from his mouth. “You are one sick fuck! You, pedophile piece of shit. Not only do you seek out little girls, you fondle strippers to.”

“Is that what this is about that pretty little stripper I finger fucked. She was begging for it.” He let out a hearty laugh.

“I’ve been watching her since she was eight. She has no idea who I am. I might have tons of child porn on my computer, but I haven’t ever touched a kid,” he grimaced.

“Lydia may be older, but it’s still wrong. You’ve been pining away for her since she was a girl into adult hood then you made your fucking move.”

“It was fucking worth it. She’s virgin tight.” He laughed throwing his head back.

Like a flash of light, I moved toward him, igniting the blow torch, holding the flame against his thigh.

He wailed out from the searing pain. I didn’t give a shit. I was pissed. This sick fuck has been obsessing over Lydia for years. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Caden, his life history!” I yelled out.

“Born in 1966, never married. Had a few girlfriends nothing longer than two years at a time. Has lived in the same house for twenty-two years.”


“Down the street from Lydia’s parents address.”

“First time he ran a search on a computer looking for child porn?”

“1992 in college.”

Bobby’s eyes widened. “How did you get all that information?”

“Easy. I am the best hacker in the world. I hacked your college student ID number. I used your social security number for other searches, library account number, I can go on. I know everything thing there is to know about you since the day you were born. I know how many times you went to the psychiatrist growing up. I know how many times you were in the principal’s office in elementary. Everything is run on...”

“Data. You know I am an Engineer.”

“I do. You tried to cover your tracks, but I uncovered everything. After today, it will be leaked to the media that you are a child pedophile.”

“You can’t do that. I volunteer at the school down the street from my house. They will make me move!”

I poked him in his chest. “You don’t have to worry about moving because I am going to fucking kill you!”

I glanced back at Caden. “Any children ever come up missing in the neighborhood over the years?”

I stared into Bobby’s eyes.

“Yes two. One white girl and one white boy.”

“You can’t pin that shit on me!”


“Ten years ago.”

“How old were they when they disappeared?”


I laughed aloud.

His eyes were the size of saucers. “Now how did I know he was going to say age eight?”

I stood pacing back and forth.

Beads of sweat trickled down his brow.

“No, I didn’t do anything,” he cried like a bitch.

“Tell us where the bodies are buried. I don’t give a shit if its coordinates. We can find the children.”

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