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“I’m their attending physician. I’m examining the boys and we shouldn’t be disturbed. Can you possibly come back in maybe an hour?” I was surprised how strong her voice came out, not even a shake in it.

I buried my smile in her neck, not listening anymore. Carl was shaking, but not quite laughing, hands fisting in his bed sheets. We listened for a bit, but the nurse didn’t try to push the issue, muffled footsteps going away from the door.

“Best physical examination I have ever heard.”

I didn’t even try being quiet. Carl snorted, but Emma must have done something with her hand that had him gasping and arching his back, trying to thrust up his hips. I braced my free hand on the bed, giving Emma more of my weight, panting into her neck as I moved my hips faster. She groaned, then leaned over to take Carl back in her mouth.

Emma screamed, and it was muffled by the cock in her mouth. Carl slapped a hand to his own mouth, biting at the heel of his palm, and I could tell by how his face twisted, into pleasure bordering pain, that he was coming. With Emma convulsing around my dick, I joined them both, and I didn’t realize until just then that we hadn’t used a condom.

It should have worried me. Instead, it made me more excited, and I bit at her shoulder, where it wouldn’t be so visible, as I came harder than I had before, filling her until she overflowed with my come.

Chapter Sixteen


It was daytime again. We were lying in our room, the curtain left open, but we weren’t talking. All I could think about was the night before, how great it had been, how I wanted to do more of it and soon.

Emma was perfect, if not better than I remembered. I’d definitely made the right call, letting Abe talk her into trying again. I could have ruined it with my big mouth, but I wasn’t as much of an idiot as my brother thought when it came to some things.

I didn’t know how much time had passed. The IV drips had been removed a while back, thankfully, but we still had pain meds offered when we felt they were needed. When a nurse walked into the room, I looked up expectantly but came up short when I saw her with a cordless phone in hand instead of more medication.


She glanced at both of us. “A call for Mr. Thomas?”

Abe and I shared a look, and I reached for the phone because I had both hands free. His right arm, his dominant arm, was the one in a cast so it might have been awkward for him. She gave the phone to me.

“I’ll just come back for that in half an hour.” She smiled and left without waiting for an answer.

Who the hell would even be calling us in this hospital? I brought the phone to my ear, feeling cautious.

“Hello? This is Carl Thomas speaking.”

“Good, you little runt. Maybe you can tell me what the fuck you were thinking racing along the fucking highway.”

I was surprised for a second, my body tensing up before I relaxed. I didn’t call him on the runt comment, we were the same height now, but I didn’t want to answer to the second statement, either.

“How did you even hear about us being here, dad?”

“I talked to Sharon Davis, she told me you two went out there looking for her daughter. She talked to Emma and Emma told her you guys had an accident.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you calling to gloat, dad?”

“Hell, no. You should have been careful, car or bike, but I already got the news that you were fine. I’ve been talking to one of the nurses and I asked to speak to you.”

“Did they tell you when we would be released? Because you could have just waited until we were out. Phones and hospitals aren’t really that great a combo with all the medical equipment.”

Even I knew that.

“Well, I’ll knock your head for the stupidity when I see you next, but I wanted to talk to you about something else. Is your brother there?”

I glanced over at Abe. “Yeah, we’re sharing a room.”


I waited, but nothing. I frowned, turning and meeting Abe’s curious gaze. He arched an eyebrow, but I just shook my head and held a finger up for him to wait.

“What did you need, dad?”

We were technically supposed to send him some money. We hadn’t had time to do it yet, but if he was calling us at the hospital just to remind us, I was going to hang up on him. He’d probably hunt us down, just so he could smack me for it, but I didn’t care.

“I have some news for you boys.”

Immediately I felt suspicious. “Good news, or bad news.”

“Good news. Well, to me anyway.”

My eyebrows jumped up at the sudden change in tone. I thought he sounded… Happy?

“Well, spit it out already. I’m dying to know.” My voice was bland, but he didn’t call me on it.

“I’m getting married.”

I thought my mind blanked out for a moment, and all I could do was blink. I was sure I heard him wrong.

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m about to get married, son. Can’t you even sound a little happy for your old man?” he said, voice disgruntled, but still with that underlying happiness that was so odd in his voice.

“Yeah, dad. Sure. Where the hell is this coming from?”

He chuckled. “See, it’s like this…”

I listened, growing more confused by the second. My mind was working a little slow, but I could piece everything together just fine.

We were due to leave the hospital tomorrow, and Dad was calling to tell us that in four weeks our parents were going to get married. Our, as in my dad and Emma’s mother. That was why they both wanted money from us, to fund their wedding.

I wasn’t sure what to feel at first. A little hurt, yeah, but more than that. He kept it from us, even as he asked for money, and we handed it over and speculated what he was doing with it all. At some point, I thought he was doing drugs, or ‘got in with a bad crowd’ if that was even possible in the sleepy town of Libreville.

I thought he wasn’t even going to invite me—not us, just me. The hospital thing must have knocked him pretty hard, even though he sounded just like usual. I wasn’t sure how long we talked for, but the nurse came back and found me still on the phone. She would have gone back out, but I used the excuse to get off the phone with Dad.

“We’ll be out soon and we’ll give you a call.” I hung up before he could say anything more and wordlessly handed the phone over.

The nurse seemed to know something was up. She took the phone and quietly left again.

“What was that?”

I turned to my brother, still feeling a little dazed. He looked confused, though he’d probably heard at least part of the conversation.

“Dad’s getting married.”

“Yeah. I heard that bit. Who is he marrying, and why are we only hearing about it now? I didn’t even realize he was dating someone.”

Neither did I.

“Believe it or not, he’s marrying Sharon Davis.”

He frowned. “Fuck.”

Yeah. He and I were about to become related to Emma, even if it was just by marriage. I didn’t know how I felt about it. I was, sort of, glad for my dad. He’d been alone for as long as I could remember. He’d gone on a few dates, I didn’t think he’d been celibate up until we finished high school, but he’d been very alone because he spent most of his time looking after us when he wasn’t working.

But why did it have to be Emma’s mom, of all people? It felt, ridiculously, like he was doing it just to spite us for all he’d missed out on because of us. I knew it wasn’t true, he had no idea just how well we knew Emma. But we’d have to stop whatever it was we had now.

I met Abe’s gaze, his eyes as grim as mine.

“We need to tell Emma. We can’t go on like this.” He ran his hand through his hair, and he sounded dazed when he added, as an afterthought; “We are going to be step siblings.”

Chapter Seventeen


Emma came in to see us twice. We couldn't talk the first time because she had a nurse with her and left before her. She had other obligations besides us, but I was still tempted to shove the nurse out and drag the chair under the door again.

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