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“I can’t believe you guys are actually having fun without me. The curtain is there, and I can’t see it, but I can fucking hear the two of you.”

We both froze, Emma staring at me with her eyes wide and dark. Then I rolled my eyes, but I didn’t pull away.

We were quiet too long. “I know you can both hear me. Come on, just let me join you guys.”

I rolled my eyes again. “Then why don’t you come over here and join us?”

He growled. “You know I can’t. They aren’t holding my leg up anymore, but I still can’t move with it and you know that.”

I did know that. My earlier annoyance with him gone, I just wanted to laugh at him now. It was probably mean of me, but he put the both of us in this situation with his stupidity. Yeah, it gave us a chance with Emma that we might not have had before, but that didn’t mean I had to praise him for it.

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I’m too bored to sleep.”

He sounded whiny, and I snorted a laugh.

Emma’s face was a little less flushed. She pulled away from me, and for a second, I refused to let go, wrapping my arm around her waist so she wouldn’t go far. I was worried she was going to try to run, but like she knew what I was thinking, she met my eyes and smiled. It was just a tiny curl of her lips, but when she went to pull back again, I let her.

She didn’t immediately try to fix her clothes, and I supposed it was a good thing. She went to the curtain, even though it was only a few steps away, she wobbled a little on her low heels. She grabbed it and pulled it back so Carl and I had a good view of each other. Not that my brother was interested in looking at me.

He couldn’t move at all, because of his bum leg. He’d have to walk out this place with a crutch, and he was going to hate that. Fuck, neither of us had even thought what this would do to us with a race scheduled, even though it was still some time away. We were going to be in a bit of trouble once certain parties became aware of our current condition.

But even that couldn’t divert my attention.

Carl’s face was turned to us, and he was scowling a little. It changed to a look of interest as he took in Emma’s disheveled appearance, her skirt pushed up her hips, exposing her thighs.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” But Emma didn’t sound mad, just moved closer to his bed.

He pulled himself out of his distraction long enough to answer her. “Because the last time you were here, you were trying to deny what was between us. I figured if one of us had a chance of changing your mind, it would be that smooth talker over there.”

“Smooth talker?” she said, surprised. “Abe?”

“Hell, yeah. You’d be surprised, I sure as hell was.”

I rolled my eyes. “You guys are hurting my feelings. Don’t talk about me like I’m not still here.”

I got up off my bed, and Carl’s eyes moved to me. They dropped down to my crotch, and he was grinning. I looked down to see my dick making a tent. Well, it was just a flimsy hospital gown, so I couldn’t exactly hide it. I ignored him, moving behind Emma, wrapping my free arm around her waist and kissing her neck.

“Don’t get fooled by the idiot. I know how to respect women and the ones I go for like that.”

“I…” her voice trailed off as I distracted her, and she made a sound, tilting her head so I had more of her neck to play with. “I can believe it, actually. Your voice is amazing. All you have to do is say my name and I’m ready for you.”

I paused, surprised. I met Carl’s eyes, and they were wide. But then I grinned at the fascinating piece of information. I took her earlobe between my lips, gave a sharp nip that made her jump a little, licked away the sting and pulled back to blow air on it. Then I put my lips to her ear.


All I did was say her name. I was surprised when she moaned, low and long, her body shivering as she leaned a little into me. When her ass met my erection, she circled an arm back, around my thigh, holding me in place and grinding her hips back. I hissed at the friction on my dick, but I wanted it to be skin to skin, not through our clothes.

“Yeah, just like that,” she sighed.

Carl’s eyes were wide, his face a little flushed as he breathed a bit heavier through his mouth. There was a noticeable bulge at his crotch.

“That is just cruel, Emma. You can’t do that in front of me when I can’t move to do anything about it.”

I didn’t see whatever look she gave him, but he suddenly swallowed what sounded suspiciously like a whimper. Emma pulled away from me, walking closer to him, but I wouldn’t let go of her, following. She reached for his sheet and pulled it slowly down to the tops of his thighs.

“Would you like me to do something for you?”

That voice didn’t sound like Emma. Or rather, not the usual, nervous Emma, but it was definitely her voice when she was getting ready for some serious action. I turned my attention back to her neck, wrapping my arm tighter around her, lazily moving my hips, rubbing my erection against her ass.

But then she was wiggling, wanting to be let go. I did it reluctantly, taking a step back, wondering what she was up to. She had Carl’s gown up to his stomach, taking his erection in her hand and giving a stroke. Then she was leaning over the bed to take him into her mouth.

I should have found it weird. I was watching my brother get head. But all I could think about were how I wanted those lips wrapped around my cock. I just realized I never got to have that.

But I wasn’t going to argue it now. Carl couldn’t move, after all. But I could.

Before I could think of any creative ways to join in, Emma pulled away from Carl. He made a sound of protest, but she ignored him. She went for the door, and I would have worried, but she still wasn’t fixing her clothes. With her skirt up, most of her thighs and ass were on display.

She wasn’t leaving. There was a chair against the wall, a few steps away from the door. I hadn’t really noticed it before, but Emma dragged it to the door, pushing the back of it against the handle.

I hadn’t thought of that. It was late, but I didn’t know if someone wouldn’t want to come in and check on us. I was pretty sure hospitals had night staff. She turned back to us, her face flushed, though part of it was probably in embarrassment. But she was coming back, her eyes meeting mine before she went over to Carl.

She turned down the railing on his bed, her hands moving methodically. Then she leaned an elbow against his bed, using her free hand to pull her skirt up higher. She surprised me, putting a knee up on the bed and leaning forward, sliding her panties off the one leg, keeping her knee up on the bed. Then she was leaning over Carl, her hand going between her legs, touching herself.

I could feel my body burn, begging to be in her, but I was frozen just watching her. Fuck, but she was perfect. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to fuck her or watch her get herself off more.

But then she looked over her shoulder, meeting my eyes, her own burning with lust, and the decision didn’t seem so difficult.

I stepped closer, moving her hand aside, replacing it with my own. She moaned, and then she was facing

Carl again, leaning down, taking him back into her mouth. She was wet and ready, and I didn’t waste time. I cursed again, working on just the one arm, pushing my hospital gown up, bunching it under my arm, then holding her hip and positioning my cock.

I wanted to, so badly I could taste it, but I didn’t push in her immediately. I leaned down so I could bite at her neck, lightly so I wouldn’t mark her so obviously. I moved my hips, rubbing my cock all over her sex, nudging the head against her clit. Her whimpers were muffled a little but I heard them.

The teasing didn’t last long, I was really just torturing us both. I reached around her, sliding my hand between her thighs, feeling with my fingers, sinking two of them in then replacing them with my cock, sliding inside until she took all of me. I wrapped my arm around her waist, under her blouse, and started to move.

It was more than a little awkward because my other arm was still in a sling against my chest. I had to brace my feet a little far apart, be careful not to put too much on my weight on her or I could lose my balance and the fun would turn even more awkward and maybe even painful for all three of us.

But I didn’t care, because it was similar to our first time together. Me fucking her, her mouth wrapped around my brother’s cock. It felt just as good, if not better. I was moving slow, but by the pleased noises she kept making, I didn’t think she minded.

I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that. I wanted it to last, but I wanted to come. I also wanted to be sure Emma came before I did. Moving slow was another kind of torture, but I could feel the pleasure build up, little electric sparks running under my skin.

Then someone tried to come in, but the chair at the door blocked their way in.

Emma’s body shuddered underneath mine, and she pulled her mouth away from Carl.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice came from the other side. “I’m the nurse, can someone please let me in? These doors shouldn’t have locks.”

I think that last bit might have been aimed at herself. We didn’t really stop, Emma stroking Carl with her hand, me still moving inside her, though I did slow down even more. She made a strangled sound and then cleared her throat.

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