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I didn’t. And we wasted the whole day before she came back at night, much like she had the evening before. She was in another blouse-skirt combo, and it made everything a lot easier and a lot harder.

We had to tell her, there was no way we could keep it from her. Now that we knew, her mom would probably just give her the news, but we couldn’t keep the information from her. She deserved to know.

She seemed to realize something was up, acting more subdued than yesterday. She walked inside, closed the door behind her and dragged the chair under the door.

“Precaution,” she explained, turning back to us, even though neither one of us asked. “I told the nurses I’d be here for a while then go home. We have a couple of hours, maybe, before someone comes by.”

Well, that was convenient.

“I heard from the nurse you guys got a call sometime during the day. It’s what’s bothering you, right? Who was it?”

Her eyes slid from me to my brother, then back.

I sighed, getting up off the bed. “It was our dad, Emma. He had some news for us.”

I crossed the space between us, took her hand and tugged her closer to my bed. She moved, a little reluctantly, but she wasn’t pulling away. I reached for her stethoscope, holding her gaze so I’d know if she had some protest, but she let me pull it off and drop it on the bed. Emma shrugged off her coat by herself, draping it on the railing at the foot of my bed.

“What was it?”

“First, I want to ask you something. You came here, because you want us, right?” I held my breath, even though I knew. Still, I let my breath out in a gush when she nodded, relieved. “Good. Because we still want you, too.”


I took her hand again, tugging her closer. “But. This has to be our last night together because we’re going to be related soon.” She didn’t even look surprised. She obviously had some idea of what was going on by now.

“And we’re being discharged from the hospital tomorrow,” Carl added from his bed. “We have a bunch of stuff we need to do, so we won’t be sticking around. We want one night alone with you before we put a stop to it all.”

Emma was looking nervous again, and I held onto her hand so she wouldn’t try to run. Her eyes moved to Carl, then back to me.

“I’m not sure if even one more night is a good idea.”

“Why not. You want it, too. Right?”

She bit her lip, nodded, looking indecisive. “I kind of knew, about the wedding. I found out just this morning.” She took a shuddering breath, not meeting my eyes. “My mom called and told me. She said… that she wanted to make amends, wanted me to be her bridesmaid.”

I wanted to curse, but I kept my lips pressed firmly together. Her mother didn’t deserve that kind of privilege, not after how I’d seen what she did to Emma.

“And you agreed?”

Her eyes met mine, and I could see the sadness in them. “What else could I do? Abe, she’s my mother. I’m her only living relative, so, of course, I agreed to it. I never thought I’d see the day she actually moved on. She’s never been with anyone that I can think of since my dad died, and I was a baby then.”

I already knew all that. Still, I wasn’t in the mood to be generous to Sharon Davis. Instead, I squeezed the hand I held, focusing my attention on the woman in front of me.

“Emma, please. Just one last night. We’ll be gone tomorrow. We don’t want to be, neither of us wants this to stop, but can’t we at least have just one more time?”

I slid closer, holding her eyes, ducking my head down, going in for a kiss. When she didn’t pull away, even though there was still some reluctance in her eyes, I let my eyes close and I touched my mouth to hers.

She was hesitant, even kissing me. At first, she just stayed still, let me do what I wanted. But after a moment, she gave a shuddering breath, her hand wrapping around my neck, letting her tongue out and licking at the seam of my lips. I opened for her, relieved she was giving in, kissing me back with growing enthusiasm.

We didn’t stop until we both needed to breathe, and I kept my forehead pressed against hers. We stayed still, trying to catch our breaths. I almost forgot my brother was still there. When he spoke, I froze and felt Emma jump a little.

“You guys keep doing that, having your fun like you don’t remember I’m still here. I want a kiss, too.”

For once, he didn’t sound petulant despite the words coming out of his mouth, his voice serious. We were frozen for another second before Emma was pulling away from me. I would have held her there, but she was going to Carl. She leaned over his bed, giving him her mouth. I’d gotten pretty used to seeing them together, I didn’t mind it at all. Her relationship with Carl was just one more thing to tie her to me, and I liked it that way.

But it wouldn’t be for much longer. Even though I was happy for Dad, that he was finding something good for himself at his age, I wanted to curse him for picking Sharon Davis, of all women, and deciding she was the love of his life. I hadn’t even realized he was dating someone, and I wondered how I’d missed it. Usually, Carl was the oblivious one.

I pushed it all out of my mind. Tonight was going to be about us. We could deal with life later. I went over to Carl and Emma as they pulled away from each other. I grabbed her by the waist, turning her to me so I could kiss her again.

“So how do we do this?” she murmured moments later, still breathless.


“Same as yesterday, or?” She glanced around at Carl. “You didn’t get to fuck me yesterday. Do you want to?”

I couldn’t help but moan at that word coming out of her mouth. Fuck. I thought Carl moaned with me.

“I still can’t move.”

“That’s not a problem. I can ride you.”

Carl cursed, voice low. “Then, hell yes. Why aren’t you up here already.”

She turned back to me, biting her lip again. I growled, leaning down to take her mouth in a ravenous kiss.

“I’m okay with whatever you want to do, Emma.” I was grateful she still wanted to do anything at all. I didn’t want to give her the opportunity to run.

It was all probably a bad idea. Carl and I had both agreed we wanted this or I wouldn’t have broached the subject with her. But how were we going to feel after we got cut off? Forgetting her would be harder the more we were with her, but neither of us could help it.

I watched, hungry and envious of my brother, as she slid her panties down her legs, pushing her skirt up her thighs. She unbuttoned her blouse, just far enough to free her breasts, tugging down the cups of her bra and pushing her boobs up and out. She sure wasn’t acting shy anymore.

The rail on his bed was already down, so she pushed off the sheets, shoved Carl’s gown up to free his hardening cock, and got up on the bed. She straddled his hips, keeping her back to his. We were both surprised, before Carl’s hands moved to her hips, and I went to the foot of his bed, finding some space to sit on the edge, so I could face her. She had Carl in her hand, stroking him. She reached a hand to my shoulder and braced her weight against me, moving to position him, and then slowly slid down. I couldn’t see, didn’t look, but I heard Carl’s drawn out moan and his free leg shifted a little.

The hand on my shoulder went around my neck, Emma staying still as she pulled me into a kiss. When we pulled back, our eyes met and held. She rose up a little, then slid back down, her breath stuttering. I moved my mouth to her neck, kissing down her chest, playing with her breasts as she started up a good rhythm. Then her hands were pushing at my gown, getting it out of the way, and she was palming my cock and stroking.

I brought one hand up to play with her breast while I worked the other with my mouth. Her hand didn’t move fast on my cock, driving me insane, keeping me hard instead of trying to get me off. I was okay with

that. Because once Carl was done, I planned on getting my turn.

I moved my hand to her mouth, pressing two fingers inside. She sucked them in, moaning around them, getting them wet with her tongue. She whimpered her disappointment when I pulled them away, but Carl distracted her. By the sound of surprise she made, he must have been at least partially behind the change in her rhythm as her body moved a little faster, then slower, Carl actually taking his time instead of trying to take her harder, like his usual style.

Wanting to help, I slid my hand down her body, between her thighs, rubbing at her clit with my wet fingers. When she started getting a little too loud, I muffled her cries with my mouth. Then she was shuddering, body still moving, until I heard a muffled curse from Carl that told me he found his release.

I didn’t stop kissing her, letting her calm down. I stopped when her body slumped into mine, slipping off the bed.

“Come on, Emma. Up. I want to have you and I don’t want to get interrupted.”

Carl groaned as she rose up on her knees so he could slip out. Her movements were a little shaky as she got off the bed.

“Man, I wish I could move.”

“Whose fault is it you can’t,” I retorted.

I looked up long enough to see the eye roll I knew was coming.

“I know it’s mine, no need to remind me. Do I at least get to watch?”

I threw a frown at him, leading Emma to my bed, holding her up against me instead of letting her sit. She’d be wet, and the last thing we wanted was to get the sheets dirty and start up a bunch of rumors.

I wasn’t up to doing anything athletic. I could walk, but having one arm out of commission would play hell with my balance. We could try the same position as yesterday, but even that had still been a bit awkward.

“Get on the bed.”

The command came from Emma, and it brought me up short. I met her eyes, saw the determination in them, and did what she wanted. She ended up straddling me, like she had Carl, only she was facing me. She braced her hands on the bed to either side of my head. Even though she’d just come, I could tell her breathing was climbing, getting heavier.

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