Page 49 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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"What are you thinking,myshka?" Avros asks as he helps me into the car, his hand lingering on mine.

I smile up at him, feeling a rush of love so strong it almost takes my breath away. "I'm thinking about how lucky our daughter is to have you as her father. How lucky I am to have you as my partner."

Avros's eyes darken with emotion. He leans in, his lips brushing my ear as he whispers, "I'm the lucky one, Sydney. You've given me everything I never knew I wanted. A family. A future. An entire world to protect, outside my empire. A reason to be a better man."

As we drive home, Avros's hand resting possessively on my thigh, I let my mind wander to the future. I picture a little girl with Avros's dark hair and my green eyes, running through the mansion's gardens. I imagine Avros teaching her to ride a bike, his strong hands keeping her steady. I see us as a family, gathered around the dinner table, laughing and sharing stories.

But even as these warm images fill my mind, I can't completely silence the whisper of anxiety. Our world isn't safe. Avros has enemies, people who would use me and our daughter to get to him. How will we protect her? How will we explain Avros's business when she's old enough to understand?

Avros seems to sense my unease. His hand tightens slightly on my thigh. "What's wrong,lyubov moya?" he asks, concern evident in his voice.

I hesitate, not wanting to dampen the joy of the moment. But Avros and I have promised to always be honest with each other. "I was just thinking about the future," I admit softly. "About how we'll keep her safe."

Avros is quiet for a moment, his jaw clenching in that way it does when he's deep in thought. When he speaks, his voice is low and fierce. "I swear to you, Sydney, no harm will ever come to our daughter. I'll dismantle my entire empire if that's what it takes to protect her. I'll burn my whole world to the ground—because soon,she'llbe my whole world."

The vehemence in his voice both comforts and worries me. "I don't want you to give up everything you've built," I say, placing my hand over his. "I just want us to be a family. A normal, happy family."

Avros brings my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. "We will be,myshka. I promise you. I'm already working on legitimizing more of the business. By the time our princess is born, things will be different. Safer. More... above board."

I nod, wanting to believe him. Wanting to believe that we can have it all—the love, the family, the safety. But a small part of mewonders if it's truly possible. Can a man like Avros, with his past and his power, ever truly leave that world behind?

As we pull up to the mansion, Avros helps me out of the car, his hand protective on my lower back. The front door opens before we reach it, revealing Miron's grinning face.

"Well?" he demands eagerly. "Do I have a niece or a nephew?"

Avros's face breaks into a rare, full smile. "A niece," he says, his voice filled with pride. "You're going to have a little princess to spoil rotten."

Miron whoops with joy, pulling me into a gentle hug before clapping his brother on the back. "A girl! Oh, this is perfect. I can already picture her wrapping you around her little finger, big brother."

As we enter the house, the air filled with laughter and excited chatter about nursery colors and tiny dresses, I feel a sense of rightness settle over me. This is my family now. Unconventional, sometimes dangerous, but filled with more love than I ever thought possible.

Later that night, as Avros and I lay in bed, his hand resting protectively on my swollen belly, I can't help but voice the question that's been nagging at me.

"Are you disappointed?" I ask softly. "That it's not a boy?"

Avros props himself up on one elbow, looking down at me with an intensity that makes my breath catch. "Disappointed?" he repeats, his voice rough with emotion. "Sydney, I have never been happier in my life. A daughter... a little girl who will have your strength, your kindness, your beauty. How could I be anything but overjoyed?"

His words wash over me, soothing away my insecurities. I reach up, tracing the strong line of his jaw. "She'll have your strength too," I murmur. "Your protectiveness, your loyalty."

Avros turns his head, pressing a kiss to my palm. "She'll have the best of both of us," he agrees. "And we'll give her the world,myshka. Everything she could ever want or need."

As Avros leans down to capture my lips in a tender kiss, I let myself believe in the future he's painting. A future where our daughter is safe and happy, where our family thrives despite the dangers that may lurk in the shadows.

It won't be easy. There will be a delicate balance to maintain between Avros's world and the innocence of our child. But as I feel our daughter kick, as if agreeing with her father's words, I know one thing for certain:

Whatever comes, we'll face it together. As a family.



The soft glow of the computer screen illuminates the study as I pore over financial reports, my fingers flying across the keyboard. The business has changed significantly in the past few years, with more legitimate ventures and fewer... questionable activities. It's been a challenge, but for Sydney and our daughter, I'd move mountains.

A high-pitched giggle breaks my concentration, followed by the pitter-patter of tiny feet. I glance up, a smile already tugging at my lips despite my best efforts to maintain my serious demeanor.

"Papa! Papa, play!"

Natalia, our three-year-old whirlwind, bursts into the study. Her dark curls bounce with each step, her green eyes—so like her mother's—sparkling with mischief. She's wearing the little red dress Sydney bought her last week, though it's now adorned with what looks suspiciously like chocolate stains.

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