Page 50 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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" Natalia," I say, trying to sound stern but failing miserably. "Papa is working. Can you play quietly for a little while?"

She pouts, her lower lip trembling in a way that makes my heart clench. "But Papa, you promised to be my horsie!"

I glance at the computer screen, at the half-finished report that needs to be sent out by end of day. Then I look back at my daughter, at the hope shining in her eyes. The choice, as always when it comes to her, is simple.

With an exaggerated groan that makes Natalia giggle, I push away from the desk and lower myself to the floor. "Alright, my little princess. One ride, and then Papa really needs to work."

Natalia squeals in delight, clambering onto my back with all the grace of an enthusiastic puppy. Her tiny hands fist in my shirt as I start to crawl around the study, making exaggerated neighing sounds that send her into fits of laughter.

"Faster, Papa, faster!" she urges, her little heels digging into my sides.

I pick up the pace, weaving between furniture and stacks of books. Natalia's laughter fills the air, a sound more precious to me than all the wealth and power I've accumulated over the years.

As we round the corner of the desk for the third time, I catch sight of Sydney leaning against the doorframe. Her arms are crossed over her chest, an amused smile playing on her lips as she watches us.

"I see someone managed to lure the big bad bratva boss away from his work," she teases, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

I come to a stop, Natalia still giggling on my back. "What can I say?" I reply, slightly out of breath. "I'm weak against the charms of Petrov women."

Sydney's smile softens, love shining in her eyes. Even after all this time, that look still takes my breath away. How did I get so lucky?

"Come on, sweet girl," Sydney says, holding out her arms to Natalia. "It's time for lunch. Let's give Papa a break so he can finish his work."

Natalia pouts again but slides off my back obediently. "Can we have lunch in the garden, Mama? Please?"

Sydney nods, scooping our daughter up into her arms. "Of course, sweetheart. It's a beautiful day."

As they turn to leave, Natalia waves over Sydney's shoulder. "Bye-bye, Papa! Don't work too hard!"

I wave back, my heart full to bursting with love for my girls. "Enjoy your lunch, my loves. I'll try to join you soon."

Once they're gone, I heave myself off the floor with a groan. I'm not as young as I used to be, and playing horsie with an enthusiastic toddler is more of a workout than most of my old... business activities.

I settle back at my desk, determined to focus on work. But the sound of laughter drifting in through the open window keeps pulling my attention away. I can picture them so clearly, Sydney and Natalia spread out on a blanket in the garden, sharing sandwiches and giggles in the warm sunshine.

With a sigh, I save my work and shut down the computer. The report can wait. My family can't.

As I make my way outside, I pause in the doorway leading to the garden. The sight before me makes my breath catch in my throat.

Sydney is sprawled on a checkered blanket, her fiery hair spread out like a halo. Natalia is curled up against her side, both of them laughing at something. The sunlight catches Sydney's engagement and wedding rings, sending sparkles dancing across the grass.

For a moment, I'm transported back to that night at the gala, when I first laid eyes on Sydney. She had taken my breath away then, all fire and innocence. But now, with our daughter in her arms and years of love between us, she's even more beautiful.

"Are you going to stand there staring all day, or are you going to join us?" Sydney calls out, her eyes meeting mine with a knowing smirk.

I chuckle, making my way over to them. "Can you blame a man for wanting to admire his beautiful family?"

Natalia spots me and lets out an excited squeal. "Papa! You came!"

"Of course I did, princess," I say, lowering myself onto the blanket. "I couldn't miss lunch with my two favorite girls, could I?"

The air is rich with the mingling scents of freshly cut grass and blooming jasmine that surrounds the garden, their fragrance carried on a gentle breeze. The warmth of the late afternoon sun wraps around us like a comforting blanket.

As I settle in, Natalia immediately climbs into my lap, chattering away about the butterfly she saw earlier. Sydney hands me asandwich, her fingers brushing mine in a touch that still sends sparks through me after all this time.

"Everything okay?" she asks softly, concern in her eyes. She knows how hard I've been working to keep the business on the straight and narrow.

I nod, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Everything's perfect,myshka. This is exactly where I need to be."

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