Page 48 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Avros's arms tighten around me, his lips brushing my forehead. "Soon,myshka. Very soon, you'll be Mrs. Petrov. And then nothing will ever tear us apart."

As we lay there, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking and the joy of our engagement, I can't help but feel a sense of perfect contentment. Whatever challenges lie ahead, whatever storms we may have to weather, I know we'll face them together.

Avros Petrov may be a dangerous man, a powerful bratva boss with countless enemies. But he's also my fiancé, the father of my child, and the love of my life. And together, we're unstoppable.



The gentle hum of the ultrasound machine fills the room as I lay on the examination table, my heart racing with anticipation. Avros stands beside me, his large hand engulfing mine, his thumb tracing soothing circles on my skin. The cool gel on my swollen belly makes me shiver, but Avros's warmth beside me is a comforting constant.

"Are you ready to see your baby?" Dr. Johnson asks, her kind eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiles at us.

I nod, not trusting my voice. Avros squeezes my hand gently. "We're ready," he says, his deep voice rumbling through me.

As the doctor presses the wand to my belly, the grainy image on the screen comes to life. The rapid whoosh-whoosh of our baby's heartbeat fills the room, strong and steady. Tears prick at my eyes as I watch our child move on the screen, tiny hands and feet becoming visible.

"Everything looks perfect," Dr. Johnson assures us, pointing out various features. "Strong heartbeat, good size for gestational age. Would you like to know if they’re a boy or a girl?"

I look up at Avros, seeing my own excitement mirrored in his eyes. We'd discussed this, deciding we wanted to know, but now that the moment is here, I find myself hesitating.

"It's up to you,myshka," Avros murmurs, bringing my hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. "Whatever you want."

His tenderness, so at odds with the dangerous man the world sees, makes my heart swell. I nod, turning back to the doctor. "Yes, please. We'd like to know."

Dr. Johnson smiles, adjusting the wand slightly. "Well, congratulations. You're having a little girl."

The world seems to stop for a moment as the words sink in. A girl. We're having a daughter.

"A girl," I whisper, fresh tears spilling down my cheeks. "Avros, we're having a little girl."

I look up at him, expecting to see joy, but what I see instead takes my breath away. Avros, the feared bratva boss, the man who can make hardened criminals tremble with a single look, has tears in his eyes. His expression is one of awe and vulnerability I've never seen before.

"A daughter," he says softly, his accent thicker with emotion. "Our little princess."

The love in his voice, the tenderness in his touch as he places his free hand on my belly, it's almost too much. This man, who has seen and done things I can barely imagine, is completely undone by the thought of our daughter.

As Dr. Johnson finishes the exam and leaves us alone to get dressed, Avros helps me sit up, his hands gentle yet possessive on my body. He kneels before me, his face level with my swollen belly.

"Hello, little one," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to my skin. "I'm your papa. I can't wait to meet you, to hold you in my arms. I promise you, my princess, I will move heaven and earth to keep you safe and happy."

His words, spoken with such fierce devotion, bring fresh tears to my eyes. I card my fingers through his hair, marveling at how this dangerous man can be so gentle, so loving.

"She's going to have you wrapped around her little finger," I tease gently, my voice thick with emotion.

Avros looks up at me, his eyes shining with a mixture of love and determination. "Just like her mother does," he says with a soft smile. Then his expression turns serious. "I swear to you both, I will be the father she deserves. The husband you deserve. I'll do whatever it takes to protect our family."

The intensity in his voice sends a shiver down my spine. I know Avros means every word, that he would burn the world to ash to keep us safe. It should frighten me, this glimpse of the ruthless man he can be. But instead, I feel safer than I ever have before.

"I know you will," I say softly, cupping his face in my hands. "And we'll be right here beside you, supporting you every step of the way. Our little family against the world."

Avros stands, pulling me into his arms. I melt against him, feeling the solid strength of his body, breathing in his familiar scent of expensive cologne and something uniquely him.

"My girls," he murmurs into my hair. "My everything."

As we leave the doctor's office, Avros's hand on the small of my back, guiding and protecting, I can't help but marvel at how much my life has changed. A year ago, I was a struggling grad student, barely making ends meet. Now, I'm engaged to one of the most powerful men in the city, carrying his child—his daughter.

The sunlight hits us as we step outside, warm and bright. Avros's security detail surrounds us immediately, a reminder of the world we live in. But for once, their presence doesn't make me nervous. Instead, I feel a surge of gratitude for the protection they provide, for the lengths Avros goes to just to keep us safe.

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