Page 37 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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That's all the encouragement he needs. Avros starts to move, and coherent thought becomes impossible. The car's tinted windows shield us from prying eyes as we rock together, finding a rhythm that has us both climbing higher and higher. Avros's hands grip my hips, guiding my movements as I ride him. The leather seat creaks beneath us, the sound mixing with our panting breaths and muffled moans.

"That's it,myshka," Avros encourages, his voice strained with the effort of holding back. "Take what you need from me. Show me how much you want this—want us. Together. A family, forever."

Moaning, I grind down harder, chasing the pleasure building inside me. Every thrust sends sparks of sensation shootingthrough my body, heightened by the hormones of early pregnancy. I feel more sensitive, more responsive to his every touch. His cock feels amazing inside me, rubbing up against my most sensitive places, his moans and grunts of pleasure making me feel like the most powerful woman in the world. This man is mine, I realize, violence and all, so devoted to me that he would do anything to protect me. The thought sends a feminine thrill through me, and I keen as I rock on top of him, panting at the possessive fire in his eyes.

Avros's mouth latches onto my neck, sucking and biting, no doubt leaving marks that will be visible for days. The slight sting only adds to the pleasure coursing through me. Good, I think hazily. Let everyone see. Let them know I belong to him, that we belong to each other.

"You are mine," Avros growls, as if reading my thoughts. His hips snap up sharply, driving himself deeper. One hand splays across my lower back, the other cupping my breast through my thin blouse. "Say it, Sydney. Tell me you're mine. That this baby is mine. That we're a family."

The intensity in his voice, the raw need, pushes me closer to the edge. "I'm yours," I gasp, my nails raking down his back. I can feel the play of muscles beneath his shirt as he moves. "Yours and yours alone, Avros. Always. We're yours, me and the baby. Your family."

His thrusts become more forceful, hitting that spot deep inside me that makes me see stars. I'm close, so close, teetering on the edge of oblivion. The tension builds in my core, a coiling spring ready to snap.

"That's it,myshka," Avros encourages, his voice strained with the effort of holding back his own release. One hand snakesbetween us, his thumb finding my clit and circling it with practiced skill. "Come on my cock. Show me how good I make you feel. How good we are together."

The dual stimulation is too much. With a keening cry, I shatter, my inner walls clenching around him as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me. It's more intense than anything I've ever felt before, leaving me trembling and gasping in its wake. Colors burst behind my closed eyelids, and for a moment, I swear I can see our future—a little girl with Avros's dark hair and my green eyes, a home filled with love and laughter.

Avros follows moments later, burying himself deep with a final, powerful thrust. I feel the hot pulse of his release, filling me completely. He groans my name like a prayer, his face buried in the crook of my neck. His arms wrap around me tightly, as if he's afraid I might disappear if he lets go.

As we come down from our high, still half-dressed, his cock leaking inside me, I become aware of our surroundings once more. The car has stopped moving—we must be back at the mansion. But Sergei, bless him, hasn't made a move to open the door. Giving us time to collect ourselves, I realize. I blush at the realization that there's no denying what we just did together.

Avros presses a tender kiss to my forehead, then my lips. It's softer now, less urgent but no less passionate. "Are you okay?" he asks softly, his eyes searching mine. There's a vulnerability in his gaze that tugs at my heart. "I know that today, these last few days, have been tough for you. I can only imagine your fear,myshka."

I nod, a small smile curving my lips. My body feels deliciously sated, any lingering fear or tension from earlier completely erased. "I'm more than okay," I murmur, running my fingersthrough his disheveled hair. "I love you, Avros. Whatever comes next, whatever we have to face... we'll face it together. And I know that you'll be there to protect me no matter what."

He pulls me close, burying his face in my hair. "Ya lyublyu tebya, moyaSydney," he whispers, the Russian words flowing like silk. “I love you. Both of you. More than I ever thought possible."

As we disentangle our bodies and make ourselves presentable, smoothing rumpled clothes and attempting to tame mussed hair, I can't help but wonder what the future holds. There will be consequences for what happened at the hotel, I know. Trials, both literal and figurative, that we'll have to endure.

But looking at Avros, my lover, the father of my child, my protector, I know with bone-deep certainty that it will all be worth it. His eyes meet mine, dark and intense, filled with a mixture of love and fierce protectiveness that makes my breath catch.

"Ready to go inside?" he asks, his hand on the door handle.

I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "Ready," I confirm, lacing my fingers through his.

As we step out of the car and into the cool night air, I feel a sense of rightness settle over me. This is where I belong—by Avros's side, facing whatever challenges may come. We're in this together now. For better or worse.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.



The weight of recent events presses down on me as I pace the length of my study, the plush carpet muffling my agitated steps. My mind races, replaying the series of catastrophic decisions that have led me to this moment. Lance's death, Sydney's pregnancy, and now Michael Schwartz's brutal yet well-deserved beating at my hands—each action, each choice, a domino falling in a chain reaction that threatens to topple everything I've built.

I pause at the window, gazing out at the sprawling city below. My empire, my legacy, all of it hangs in the balance. But it's not the potential loss of power or wealth that gnaws at me. It's the thought of losing Sydney, of missing our child's birth, of becoming the very thing I swore I'd never be. An absent father.

The memory of Sydney's body, soft and yielding beneath mine just hours ago, flashes through my mind. The way she arched into my touch, her breathy moans as I explored every inch of her silken skin. The swell of her stomach, barely noticeable yet, butcarrying the promise of our future. I close my eyes, savoring the recollection, using it to center myself in the chaos.

"Blyat," I mutter, running a hand through my hair. The gravity of the situation is finally sinking in. I nearly killed a man. And it wasn’t just any man, but the father of the victim in Miron's case. The irony isn't lost on me. In trying to protect my brother, I may have sealed both our fates.

My phone vibrates on the desk, Richard's name flashing on the screen. I answer immediately, my voice tense. "What's the situation?"

Richard sighs heavily before responding. "It's bad, Avros. Schwartz's beating is all over the news. They're calling it a mob hit, connecting it to Miron's case. The police are out for blood."

I close my eyes, letting the information wash over me. It's worse than I thought. "And Miron's case?"

"That's the one silver lining," Richard says, a hint of dark humor in his voice. "With Schwartz in critical condition and unable to bankroll the prosecution, the case against Miron is falling apart. I'd say there's a good chance it'll be thrown out entirely."

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