Page 38 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Relief floods through me, quickly followed by a wave of guilt. My brother will be free, but at what cost? I think of Sydney, of the baby growing inside her. What kind of father will I be if I'm behind bars?

"What are my options?" I ask, already dreading the answer.

Richard outlines a plan, each word making my jaw clench tighter. By the time he finishes, I'm gripping the phone so hard my knuckles are white.

"You're sure this is the only way?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"It's the best chance we have of keeping you out of prison long-term," Richard confirms. "It won't be easy, but if we play our cards right, we can spin this in your favor. Paint you as a frightened man protecting his family, acting in self-defense."

I snort. We both know it's bullshit covered with a thin veneer of truth, but if it keeps me out of a cell and with Sydney and our child, I'll play whatever role I need to.

"Alright," I say, my voice rough. "Set it up. I'll turn myself in first thing in the morning."

As I end the call, I hear soft footsteps approaching. Sydney appears in the doorway, her hair mussed from sleep, wearing nothing but one of my shirts. The sight of her in my clothes, carrying my child, stirs something primal in me. My body responds instantly, desire coiling hot and heavy in my gut despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Avros?" she says softly, concern etching her delicate features. "Is everything okay? I woke up and you were gone."

I cross the room in three long strides, pulling her into my arms. She comes willingly, melting against me with a contented sigh. I bury my face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent, trying to memorize every detail of this moment. The softness of her skin, the way her body fits perfectly against mine, the subtle scent that is uniquely Sydney—I want to burn it all into my memory.

“Sydney,” I say, my voice thick with emotion. "There's something I need to tell you."

I lead her to the leather sofa, sitting down and pulling her onto my lap. Her warmth against me is a comfort I don't deserve. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come.

"I have to turn myself in," I say, watching her face carefully. "For what happened with Schwartz. It's the only way to protect you, to protect our family."

Sydney's eyes widen, her hand flying to her stomach instinctively. "What? No, Avros, you can't. There has to be another way."

I shake my head, cupping her face in my hands. "There isn't, unfortunately. If I don't do this, they'll come for me. For us. I won't risk you or our child."

Tears well up in her eyes, spilling over onto her cheeks. I brush them away with my thumbs, hating myself for causing her pain. The urge to comfort her, to lose myself in her body and forget about the world outside, is almost overwhelming.

"How long?" she whispers, her voice breaking.

"I don't know," I admit. "But Richard thinks he can get me out on bail quickly. It won't be forever, Sydney. I promise you that."

She nods, trying to be brave even as her lower lip trembles. "What do you need me to do?"

My heart swells with love for this strong, incredible woman. "Stay here," I tell her, my voice firm. "Richard will be here with you, along with a full security detail. No one will touch you, I swear it."

Sydney's fingers trace the lines of my face, as if committing them to memory. "I love you," she says fiercely. "We love you. Don't forget that, not for a second."

I capture her lips in a searing kiss, pouring all my love, my fear, my determination into it. When we break apart, we're both breathless. The taste of her lingers on my tongue, sweet and intoxicating.

"I love you too," I growl, my hands roaming her body possessively. "Both of you. You're my world, Sydney. My reason for everything."

She shivers under my touch, her body responding to me as it always does. But this time, there's a spark of determination in her eyes. “I need you to come back. I won’t accept anything else.”

I tilt her chin up, meeting her gaze. "I swear it," I say solemnly. "Nothing in this world could keep me from you and our child. I'll move heaven and earth to come back to you,myshka. I promise you that together, we'll be a family."

Our bodies tangle together, trading soft kisses and gentle caresses, until the first light of dawn creeps through the windows and calls to me. Reluctantly, I disentangle myself from Sydney's warm embrace. I dress quickly, my movements precise as I prepare to face what's coming. For Sydney. For our family.

Sydney watches me from the bed, her eyes red-rimmed but determined. She wraps the sheet around herself, the fabric clinging to her curves in a way that makes me want to forget all about turning myself in and crawl back into bed with her.

"I'll be waiting," she says softly. "We'll be waiting."

I lean down to kiss her one last time, trying to memorize the taste of her, the feel of her lips against mine. My hand splays across her stomach, a silent promise to our unborn child. Then, with a final glance back, I walk out of the bedroom and towards an uncertain future.

The drive to the police station is surreal. The city passes by in a blur, the early morning light casting long shadows across the streets. I think of Miron, of the freedom my actions will bring him. I think of Sydney, of our unborn child. I think of the empire I've built, and how quickly it could all crumble.

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