Page 36 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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I should be terrified. I should be running as far away from this man as I can get. But all I can think about is how desperately I want him to hold me, to make me forget everything I've just seen. My body thrums with a confusing mix of fear, adrenaline, and an overwhelming desire that makes me ache deep inside.

Avros's sleek black car idles at the curb, its polished surface reflecting the neon lights of the hotel sign. His driver, a broad-shouldered man with a face like carved stone, stands at attention beside it. As we approach, I catch the slight widening of the driver's eyes, the way his gaze flicks between us and back tothe hotel. He knows something's happened, but he doesn't ask. He simply opens the rear door, his face a mask of professional indifference.

"Take us home, Sergei," Avros commands as we slide into the plush leather interior. The rich scent of leather and Avros's cologne envelops me, familiar and comforting. "And raise the partition."

"Yes, sir," Sergei responds, closing the door behind us with a soft thud that seems to seal us off from the rest of the world.

As soon as we're alone, separated from the driver by the tinted glass, Avros pulls me into his arms. I go willingly, burying my face in the crook of his neck and inhaling his familiar scent—expensive cologne, a hint of whiskey, and something uniquely him. It grounds me, calms the trembling I hadn't even realized had overtaken my body. His strong arms wrap around me, one hand stroking my hair in a soothing rhythm.

"Are you alright,myshka?" Avros murmurs, his lips brushing against my temple. The low rumble of his voice sends shivers down my spine. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I never wanted you to?—"

I cut him off with a desperate kiss, pouring all my conflicted emotions into it. Fear, gratitude, confusion, and an overwhelming, all-consuming desire. My lips move against his urgently, my tongue seeking entrance. Avros responds immediately, one hand tangling in my hair as the other grips my hip, pulling me closer. The heat of his body against mine is intoxicating, making my head spin.

When we break apart, both panting, I see the surprise in his eyes. His pupils are dilated, turning his eyes nearly black withdesire. "Sydney," he breathes, searching my face. His thumb traces my lower lip, still tingling from our kiss.

"I need you," I whisper, my voice raw with aching lust. I press myself closer, feeling the hard planes of his chest against my softness. "Please, Avros. Make me forget what just happened. Make me feel something other than fear."

For a moment, he hesitates. I see the conflict in his eyes—the desire warring with concern, with the need to protect me, even from himself. But then I roll my hips against his, feeling his body's instinctive response, and his control snaps.

With a low growl that sends heat pooling low in my belly, Avros captures my lips again, his kiss hungry and demanding. His hands roam my body, leaving trails of fire in their wake. They skim up my sides, brushing the sides of my breasts before tangling in my hair again, gently tugging. I moan into his mouth, arching into his touch, silently begging for more.

"Are you sure?" Avros asks, his voice rough with barely restrained passion. He pulls back slightly, his forehead resting against mine. His breath is hot on my face, smelling faintly of mint and whiskey. "Here? Now? After I just..."

In response, I reach for his belt, fumbling with the buckle. The metal is cool against my overheated skin. "Yes," I breathe, my fingers trembling with urgency. "I need to feel you. All of you. I need to know that you're real, that you're alive—that we're both alive. Please, Avros."

That's all the encouragement Avros needs. In one fluid motion, he lifts me onto his lap, my knees on either side of his thick and muscular thighs. The new position presses me intimately against his hardening erection, drawing a gasp from my lips. His handsslide up my legs, callouses catching on my smooth skin as he pushes my skirt higher and higher, until it's bunched around my waist. That's where he stops, jerking at what he discovers.

"No panties?" he groans, his fingers finding me bare and already slick with arousal. The pad of his thumb brushes against my sensitive bud, and I moan, rolling my hips towards him. "Fuck, Sydney. You're going to be the death of me."

I gasp as he slides two thick fingers inside me, my head falling back in pleasure. The stretch is delicious, but not enough. Not nearly enough.

"Avros," I moan, rocking against his hand. My nails dig into his shoulders, no doubt leaving marks even through his shirt. "Please. I need more. I need to feel you, all of you. Please, give me your cock."

He curses in Russian, the harsh syllables somehow incredibly erotic. He withdraws his fingers, leaving me feeling empty and aching. I whimper at the loss, but then I feel him fumbling with his zipper. I lift up slightly, helping him free his impressive length. His cock is hard and leaking precum, rising from between thick and muscular thighs, its girth making me throb with desire.

For a moment, we both pause, eyes locked as the intensity of the situation washes over us. What he just did, what I just witnessed, the babe in my belly—if we do this now, after everything, it means accepting him for who hetrulyis.

This isn't just sex. This is a choice. A commitment. By doing this, here and now, I'm tying myself to Avros in a way that can never be undone. I'm choosing his world, with all its darkness and danger, over the safety of my old life.

"Are you sure?" Avros asks again, his voice soft and vulnerable in a way I've never heard before. His hands rest on my hips, thumbs tracing soothing circles on my skin. One hand drifts to my still-flat stomach, a reminder of the life growing inside me—our child. "There's no going back from this,krasotka. Not just us, but our baby... we're creating a family here. And you know what I'll do for my family."

The weight of his words settles over me. A family. Something I never thought I'd have, especially not with a man like Avros. But the idea fills me with a warmth I can't explain, a sense of rightness that drowns out any lingering doubts.

And I know now that I can handle his world—that I can see his darkness and accept it. Because I'm realizing that for Avros, violence isn't something meted out arbitrarily. It's a tool he uses to protect and defend. To keep his family together.

I cup his face in my hands, forcing him to meet my gaze. His stubble is rough against my palms, a reminder of his rugged masculinity. In his eyes, I see a mix of desire, love, and a hint of fear—fear that I might reject him, reject this life he's offering, after seeing all of him.

"I'm sure," I say firmly, pouring every ounce of certainty I feel into my voice. "I love you, Avros. All of you. The good and the bad. I choose you. I choose us." I take one of his hands and press it more firmly against my stomach. "I choose our family."

Avros's eyes darken with emotion. "Sydney," he breathes, his voice thick. "You have no idea what you do to me. What you mean to me."

With a groan that sounds almost pained, Avros pulls me down onto him, sheathing his cock inside me in one smooth thrust.We both cry out at the sensation, my body stretching to accommodate his size. The feeling of fullness is overwhelming, bordering on too much but in the most delicious way.

For a moment, we're still, foreheads pressed together as we adjust to the overwhelming feeling of completeness. I can feel Avros's heartbeat pounding against my chest, matching the frantic rhythm of my own. His hands roam my body reverently, as if memorizing every curve, every dip. I whine at the brush of his calloused fingers brushing against my nipples, loving the way he throbs inside me at the sound.

"So beautiful," he murmurs, his accent thick with emotion. "My woman. Mother of my child."

The possessiveness in his tone sends a thrill through me. I roll my hips experimentally, drawing a hiss of pleasure from Avros. "Show me," I whisper against his lips. "Show me how devoted you are to me. Show me how much you've missed me, Avros."

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