Page 46 of Scripts of Desire

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Sammy's voice cut through the chatter as he rose from his seat in the front row. "Well, well," he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he gave a solo, standing ovation. "That's more like it. Excellent work today, everyone. If we can maintain this level of performance, we're in for a treat on opening night."

Eden beamed, basking in the praise. She searched for Genevieve, finding her deep in conversation with the lighting designer. As if sensing Eden's gaze, Genevieve looked up, flashing a quick, private smile that sent Eden's heart soaring.

As the cast and crew began to disperse, chattering excitedly about the day's success, Eden made her way to Genevieve's side. They stood close. Not quite touching, but sharing the same, comfortable space.

"You were magnificent," Genevieve murmured, her voice low enough that only Eden could hear.

Eden felt a blush creep up her neck. "We were magnificent," she corrected. "All of us. It feels like we’ve got it nailed, doesn't it?"

Genevieve nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride, perhaps even a little relief. "It does. We're going to blow them away on opening night."

For a moment, they simply stood there, savouring the shared triumph of the day. Eden could hardly believe how much had changed in just twenty-four hours. Yesterday, she'd been curled up on her couch, convinced she'd ruined everything. Now, she stood beside the woman she loved, on the cusp of something truly extraordinary.

"Dinner tonight?" Genevieve asked, breaking the easy silence. "We should celebrate today's success."

Eden grinned. "Absolutely. Your place or mine?"

Genevieve pretended to consider for a moment before breaking out a mischievous smile of her own. "Mine. I have a bottle of champagne chilling that I think we've earned. And a bedroom that doesn’t share a wall with any roommates."

The backstage area hummed with nervous energy as opening night loomed. Eden stood before her dressing room mirror, adjusting her costume one last time. Her fingers trembled slightly as she smoothed the fabric, scrutinising every detail of her reflection.

A soft knock at the door drew her attention. "Come in," she called, already knowing who it would be.

Genevieve slipped inside, closing the door behind her. For a moment, they simply gazed at each other, drinking in the sight. Genevieve looked resplendent in a tailored suit, her hair styled in an elegant updo.

"You look incredible," Eden sighed, her eyes roaming appreciatively over her lover's formal getup.

Genevieve smiled, crossing the room to stand behind Eden. Their eyes met in the mirror. "And you," Genevieve murmured, her hands coming to rest on Eden's shoulders, "are absolutely breathtaking."

Eden leaned back into Genevieve's touch, drawing strength from her presence. "I can't believe we're here at last," she whispered. "It feels like a dream."

Genevieve pressed a gentle kiss to Eden's temple. "It's very real, my love. And you're going to be magnificent out there."

Eden turned, facing Genevieve directly. "What if I forget my lines? What if I trip and fall flat on my face?"

Genevieve cupped Eden's face in her hands and pressed her lips together in obvious amusement. "You won't. You know this role inside and out. You are the Beatrice I envisioned, Eden. Just trust yourself; trust the work we've done. I believe in you completely."

Eden nodded, feeling some of her nervousness dissipate under Genevieve's steady gaze. "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you too," Genevieve answered, leaning in for a quick, tender kiss. "Now go out there and show them what you're made of."

With one last warm smile, Genevieve slipped out of the dressing room, leaving Eden to take a few final, centering breaths before making her way to the wings.

The stage lights blazed, momentarily blinding Eden as she stepped into view. As her eyes adjusted, she felt herself transform. The nervousness faded, replaced by a surge of confidence and determination. For the next couple of hours, she wasn’t Eden. She was Genevieve’s Beatrice. Formidable. Vivacious. Sharp-tongued and merciless.

Eden delivered her lines with passion and precision, each word ringing true in the hushed theatre. She could feel the audience's rapt attention. The thousands of eyes that tracked her every movement, as though hypnotised.

In the final scene, as Beatrice delivered her impassioned speech about love and self-discovery, Eden felt as if she were pouring her own heart out on stage. The words resonated deeply, mirroring her own journey toward finally feeling self-assured, after so many years of doubt.

As the parting lines were spoken and the lights dimmed, there was a moment of breathless silence. Then, like a dam breaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Eden's heart soared as she took her bow, the deafening sounds of clapping and cheering washing over her from every direction. She felt lightheaded with joy and relief, barely able to believe the overwhelming response.

As the rest of the cast joined her for the curtain call, Eden searched the wings for Genevieve. Their eyes met and Eden saw her own elation mirrored in her lover's face.

Genevieve stepped out onto the stage, joining Eden for the final bows. They shared a triumphant look, their fingers intertwined tightly. In that moment, Eden knew with absolute certainty that this was where she belonged - on stage, bringing stories to life, with Genevieve by her side.

As the curtain finally fell, concealing them from the enamoured audience, Eden immediately found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of congratulations. Cast members hugged her, crew members patted her on the back, all showering her with praise for her performance.

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