Page 45 of Scripts of Desire

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"Today was a disaster," Genevieve admitted. "But it only proved how essential you are to this production. Without you there, everything fell apart. You bring Beatrice to life in a way Mara just can’t. We need you, Eden. I need you."

Eden's expression relaxed instantly, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You really mean that?"

"With all my heart," Genevieve assured her. "This show is yours, Eden. If you want it."

Eden was quiet for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. Then, slowly, she nodded. "I do want it," she said, her voice growing stronger with each word. "We both deserve our moment in the spotlight. After everything we've worked for . . . we owe it to ourselves to see this through."

Genevieve felt a surge of pride wash over her. This was the Eden she knew – passionate, determined, and unstoppable. "I couldn’t have said it better myself," she agreed, squeezing Eden's hands.

Eden's smile broadened, but there was still a hint of hesitation in her eyes. "Will you stay with me tonight?" she asked tentatively. "I think . . . I think I'd like to face the company together tomorrow. If that's okay with you?"

Genevieve's heart swelled at the endearing request. "Of course," she said without missing a beat. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."



Eden's heart raced as she and Genevieve approached the theatre entrance, their hands intertwined. She glanced to her side, finding reassurance in the determination etched across her director-turned-lover's face.

"Ready?" Genevieve asked. She’d moved all morning with a relaxed kind of confidence that had Eden’s throat thickening with emotion. This woman was proud to be by her side.

Eden nodded. "As I'll ever be." She squeezed Genevieve's hand before releasing it. Though she was equally thrilled to know that their relationship was something real, Eden wanted to walk into that room on her own two feet. Not for the news on the day of the show’s launch to be about who she was sleeping with. She and Genevieve had agreed to keep things somewhat discreet until after opening night.

With a steadying breath, they pushed through the doors and into the familiar buzz of pre-rehearsal activity. The usual chatter died down as they entered, replaced by a palpable tension. Eden felt the weight of dozens of eyes upon her.

Genevieve cleared her throat, drawing the attention to herself. "Good morning, everyone. As you can see, Edenhas returned. We appreciate your patience and understanding during yesterday's . . . difficulties. Today, we move forward. Let's make this second attempt at a decent tech rehearsal count."

Eden stepped forward, her cheeks flushed with slight embarrassment. "I want to apologize to all of you. My absence yesterday was unprofessional, and I'm sorry for any stress or inconvenience it caused. I promise to give my all as your lead today, and every dayafter this."

A murmur of acceptance rippled through the assembled cast and crew. Eden caught sight of Mara offering a small smile and nod of encouragement. The gesture warmed her, easing some of the uneasiness in her stomach.

The group sprang into action and prepared to begin. Sammy approached the couple, his expression a carefully neutral mask. "Glad to see you back, Eden," he said, his tone measured. "I trust we won't have any more . . . surprises?"

Eden shook her head firmly. "No, sir. I'm here, one-hundred percent."

Sammy nodded, then turned to the director. "A lot is riding on today, Gen. Make it count." With that, he strode away, leaving a wake of tension behind him.

Genevieve placed her hand warmly on Eden’s back. "Let's get to work," she said, her professional voice sliding seamlessly into place.

As Eden took her position in the wings, she felt a surge of faith in what they were doing, and in herself. This was where she belonged. The familiar weight of Beatrice's character settled over her like a second skin, the words she knew so well dancing through her brain.

Genevieve's voice rang out, clear and commanding. "Watch for your cues, everyone."

The rehearsal began, and Eden threw herself into the role with an easy grace. Each line, each movement felt more alivethan ever before. She could sense the energy of the cast around her, rising to meet her own.

As they worked through the scenes, Eden caught glimpses of Genevieve directing from the sidelines. Her lover's face was a study in concentration, but Eden could see the pride shining in her eyes. It fuelled her performance, pushing her to live up to the vision her director had nurtured with such care.

They ran through key scenes multiple times, refining the timing of light cues and set changes. Eden marvelled at how smoothly everything was coming together. It seemed that the disaster of the previous day was now a distant memory for those around her. Calm smiles showed on their faces as they watched each scene unfold from the wings.

During a scene she wasn’t part of, Eden overheard two crew members whispering from her obscured position backstage.

"It's like night and day compared to yesterday," one said.

The other nodded. "Howard seems to be back on her A-game too. Whatever happened between them, I'm glad they sorted it out. I was just about ready to quit rather than be part of such an embarrassment."

Eden felt a sudden burst of shock that quickly gave way to a warm glow of satisfaction. They were getting back on track and people were had noticed the improvement.

As the run-through drew to a close, the atmosphere in the theatre shifted. Gone was the nervous tension from the morning, replaced by a buzz of excitement and camaraderie. Eden could feel it in the air. They had something special here.

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