Page 47 of Scripts of Desire

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Through it all, Genevieve remained close by, her presence a steady anchor amid the chaos. Eden could see the pride radiating from her lover's face, and it filled her with warmth.

"Come, darling," Genevieve eventually said, gently guiding her through the crowd. "There are some people I'd like you to meet."

They approached a small group of well-dressed individuals who had made their way backstage. Eden recognized a few faces from theatre magazines and review columns.

"Everyone," Genevieve announced, her voice ringing with the confidence of someone who’d tasted this success many times over, "I'd like you to meet Eden Rowley, our incredible lead actress and my girlfriend."

Eden felt a jolt of surprise at Genevieve's open declaration of their relationship, quickly followed by a wave of joy. She squeezed Genevieve's hand, shooting her a quick, radiant smile before turning to greet the group.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Eden said, extending her hand to shake with each person in turn.

"Eden, your performance was absolutely riveting," one woman gushed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I've never seen such a fresh take on Beatrice. You brought her to life in ways I never imagined possible."

Another nodded in agreement. "Genevieve, you've outdone yourself with this production. And Eden, my dear, you are a revelation. I foresee great things in your future."

As the conversation flowed, Eden found herself fielding questions about her interpretation of the role, her background in theatre, and her experience working with Genevieve. Through it all, Genevieve remained by her side, occasionally adding her own insights or praising Eden's work.

Eden marvelled at the ease with which Genevieve navigated these interactions, introducing her not just as a talented actress, but as an equal partner both on and off stage. It filled her with a sense of belonging and validation that she'd never experienced before.

As they moved from one group to another, Eden caught snippets of excited chatter about the production. Words like "groundbreaking," "revolutionary," and "masterpiece" floated through the air, each one sending a thrill through her.

In a quiet moment between introductions, Eden leaned close to Genevieve. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Genevieve looked at her quizzically. "For what, darling?"

"For believing in me. For giving me this chance. For . . . for being proud to call me yours."

Genevieve's eyes softened and she brushed Eden's cheek with a tender kiss. "Always," she murmured. "You've earned every bit of this success, Eden. I'm just honoured to be by your side as you shine."

As Eden and Genevieve continued to mingle, a familiar voice cut through the chatter. "There's my dynamic duo!" Sammy exclaimed, approaching with a wide grin and open arms.

Eden felt a momentary flutter of nervousness, remembering the tension from just a few days ago. But Sammy's enthusiasm seemed genuine as he enveloped them both in a bear hug.

"Ladies, you've outdone yourselves," he said, stepping back to beam at them. "I haven't seen a debut performance like that in years. The critics are already buzzing!"

Genevieve smiled, her arm slipping comfortably around Eden's waist. "We had an exceptional team," she replied modestly.

Sammy nodded, then turned his attention fully to Genevieve. "I've just been speaking with a few board members. After tonight's success, I think we can safely say your student program is a go."

Eden felt Genevieve stiffen beside her in surprise. "Really?" Genevieve asked, her voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "You mean it?"

"Absolutely," Sammy affirmed. "Your vision for this production proved that taking risks and nurturing new talent can pay off big time. The board is impressed, Gen. They're ready to back your next big idea."

As Sammy continued to outline the possibilities, Eden watched Genevieve's face, seeing a mix of joy, pride, and something that looked suspiciously like tears shimmering in her eyes. Eden suddenly realized there was so much about Genevieve she still didn't know. So many layers yet to uncover.

After Sammy moved on to congratulate other members of the cast and crew, Eden tugged Genevieve toward a quiet corner. "A student program?" she asked softly. "You never mentioned that before."

Genevieve smiled, a hint of shyness in her expression that Eden found utterly endearing. "It's been a dream of mine for years," she admitted. "To create opportunities for talented actors who might not otherwise have access to formal training or connections in the industry."

Eden felt her heart swell with admiration. "That's incredible, Gen," she said, squeezing her hand. "Just when I think I couldn'tpossibly fall any deeper in love with you, you reveal another facet that leaves me in awe."

Genevieve chuckled, pulling Eden closer. "Careful, darling. You'll inflate my ego even further."

"I mean it," Eden insisted. "You're amazing, Genevieve Howard. Your talent, your vision, your heart . . . I fall in love with you all over again each day."

"Well," the blushing director answered, her tone playful, "if we're being honest, I knew I'd end up madly in love with you from the first moment I saw you."

Eden raised an eyebrow, amused. "Oh really? That sure of yourself, were you?"

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