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“Take your time,” he urged and I took a deep breath.

“We were young when our mother died. She had a reputation, I guess you could say, as the other woman to many men. I didn’t know that when I was small, but as soon as she wasdropped in the ground, the rumors spread like wildfire about how she died in a married man’s bed, shot dead by his wife. Even though we were just teens her reputation preceded us. We were treated so bad everywhere. I just wanted to be accepted by someone. Anyone. I was still with Devin, my high school sweetheart.”

He grimaced at Devin’s name, but he didn’t interrupt me. I just wanted to get it out once and for all so we didn’t have to revisit it again.

“I know I’ve talked about this before, but once and for all, I just want to get it all out.”

“I get it. Take your time.”

“As I told you, once I caught Devin cheating, I met Maceo, and no one could tell me anything about him. He started financing me. Think about going from not knowing where our next meal will come from to being on top of the world in a mansion with all this money at your disposal. He took care of us both. I remember the first day he hit me. I couldn’t believe what happened. I never thought I would be like the dumb females who thought he would never do it again.”

“You aren’t dumb. The nigga knew what he was doing. He manipulated you.”

“I know that now. That day I shot him I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do.”

“What happened next,” he spoke calmly.

“We panicked. Two scared kids. We took all the money we could and ran. We went from city to city. It was so damn stressful for a point. I didn’t even realize I was pregnant at the time until I had a miscarriage while we were on the run.”

I burst into tears. I never talked about my miscarriage. I hated to even think about it; I was so young. But it was like lately, I couldn’t shake it. That one day took so much away from me. It altered my life before I even knew what life was. He came to me and pulled me out of my seat. I threw my arms around his shoulders when I realized he was moving, and he wrapped my legs around his waist. I tried to pull myself together, but his embrace, coupled with the feelings, seemed like it took forever. He sat us down on the couch and rubbed my back, not saying a thing, allowing me to get it all out.

“I’m sorry. I haven’t talked about that to anyone.”

“Don’t be.” I tried to pull away but he kept me straddled across his lap. He brought a tissue to my face with his right hand and wiped my tears. I grabbed it from him and finished the job.

“It was the stress of the situation and running away from everything that made it happen. I’ve been pregnant two other times, and I keep losing babies. I don’t think I can carry children, and I think it’s from all the damn trauma I experienced. That time, I lied to Nesha about where I was with you; I was at the hospital losing another child. I never should’ve involved you in that. I panicked and I didn’t want to tell anyone. You see now why I say the things I say. You can’t possibly want this with me.”

“You don’t get to tell me what I want, Le. You can have children.”

“I just told you I tried over and over again. It’s me.” Once again, I tried to get up, but he held me in place.

“I promise you, you can.”

“Prince, you don’t know that. You can’t tell me when I know what I have experienced. This is the whole issue. You act like things will work out because you say they will and that’s not life. It’s certainly never been mine.”

“I know what God promised me and I stand on that. You call me crazy, but I just have unshakable belief in the beauty we can have together. That bullshit was all in the past, Le. What we have is different.”

“I know what you are saying, and I know you probably really believe it, but,” I paused. “I can’t find the words Prince.”

“Then speak to me, baby.” His hand went to the base of my neck and brought me down for a kiss. Initially, I resisted, but the moment I felt his hand snake up my back, my mind cleared, and I felt myself freefalling. This time, I didn’t even attempt to catch myself. I wanted to believe him about what we could have but hope and devastation were such close friends all my life it was hard to imagine one without the other. It is a dangerous thing for me to indulge in and come out unscathed. Here I was, though, ready to give Prince my body again as if I had a choice in the matter. My body betrayed me often around him, but this time, I attempted to give in to him. Not even fully knowing how.

He rose with me still in his arms as if I weighed a feather.

“You may not get it, but I promise I do. We've been through so much shit, and we were made for each other. We are just two jagged pieces that fit together perfectly,” he whispered against my ear, and I ground my hips into him. He sat me on my feet, and when he did, I migrated to his signature. The wall vibrated but he placed his hand over mine and pushed it again to close it. He scooped me in his arms again, laid me back on the bed. Opening my robe, revealing my naked body, he licked his lips. My pussy clutched in anticipation knowing what was to come. He dropped to his knees and pulled me to the edge greeting my pussy with his tongue. First, he suckled lightly, getting my nerves used to him, and then he invited two fingers into the dance. He started plunging them inside, hooking his finger slightly, and my hips bucked, needing more.

“Aaah fuck, Prince.”

He replaced his fingers with his tongue and toyed with my opening while my hands tugged at the soft hair on top of his head. His fingers rubbed my clit while he plunged in and out. He paid so much attention to my body. He stopped my ascent right before I got to the mountain top. I gripped his arms with all my strength, and I know he helped, but I pulled him up to me.

“If you don’t make me cum I’m gone kill your ass, Prince! Don’t tease me. Not right now.” I gritted. My pussy needed his dick.

“Hmm.” He hummed against me as his dick rested against my opening.

“You are so fucking beautiful. You think I’m not gone put every fucking kid I can in that womb, you crazy. I’m gone love on yo’ ass ‘til the day I die. I mean that, Le. I promise I do. I know everything, Le, and I still want you. I love you and you are more than enough for me.”

“I, fuck!” I managed to get out before that lethal first stroke took my breath away. He was so huge, and my walls were sore from the pounding that I took all night. I wouldn’t complain an ounce. The pleasure and pain were the sweet kind of torture I longed for many nights. He placed his body on top of mine and lowered his head to my hard brown nipples. His tongue darted out to flick my right one before he covered it with his mouth completely. While he nipped and sucked away mercilessly at my right, his hand found my left and gave it a squeeze, not missing a beat rocking inside of me.

“Fuck I do not want this weekend to end! Please, let’s not go back.” I babbled as my head whipped from side to side. The covers were a damn mess. I had pulled up the fitted sheets, trying to contain myself.

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