Page 97 of Cursed Confessions

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There’s a moment of silence that feels like an eternity. I brace myself for anger, for disappointment. But then…

“Really?” Lou shrieks, her face breaking into a huge grin. “I’m going to be a big sister? This is the best news ever!”

She throws her arms around me, nearly knocking me over in her excitement. “I’ve always wanted a sibling! Oh, this is so cool! Angelo’s going to be such a great dad! And now he’ll bemydad, too!”

My heart clenches at her words. I don’t have the heart to confirm to her that Angelo and I aren’t exactly together right now. But at least he’s been there for Lou, showing up when she needs him.

“When can we tell Angelo?” Lou asks, bouncing with excitement, her eyes sparkling. “Can we call him now? Please?”

I exchange a glance with Shawn, who gives me an encouraging nod. “Actually, sweetie, I haven’t told Angelo yet. I wanted you to know first.”

Lou's eyes widen. “Really? I get to know before Angelo?” She puffs up with pride. “Don’t worry, Mom. I can keep a secret. But you should tell him soon. He’s going to be so happy!”

As I watch Lou’s excitement, I feel a mix of emotions. Joy at her happiness, fear about the future, and a deep longing for Angelo. Maybe Lou’s right. Maybe he will be happy about this.

It takesanother few days before I finally work up the courage to be at the door when I know Lou will be coming home.

I hear Lou’s excited chatter, and I open the door, surprising both Angelo and Lou. Angelo’s eyes meet mine, his smile warm but tinged with concern, and my heart jumps at the sight of him. God, he looksso good.

“Fee,” he says softly. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too,” I reply, my heart racing. “I was hoping… would you like to stay for dinner?”

Angelo’s dark eyebrows raise slightly in surprise. “Are you sure?”

Lou bounces on her toes. “Please, Angelo? Mom made lasagna. It’s the best!”

I can see the hesitation in Angelo’s eyes, but it quickly melts away at Lou’s enthusiasm. “Well, how can I say no to the best lasagna?” He chuckles, a smile curving his full lips.

As we move to the kitchen, I can feel the weight of unspoken words between us. I watch as Angelo helps Lou set the table, their easy rapport making my heart ache.

“So,” Angelo says, turning to me. “How have you been?”

I open my mouth, ready to finally tell him about the baby, but Lou interrupts.

“Mom’s been great! She’s been teaching me how to make cannoli. Right, Mom?”

I nod, forcing a smile. “That’s right, sweetie. Why don’t you go wash up before dinner?”

As Lou scampers off, Angelo steps closer. "Fee, is everything okay? You look… worried.”

This is it, I think.This is my chance. “Actually, Angelo, there’s something I need to tell you?—”

But before I can continue, Angelo’s phone buzzes. He glances at it, his face hardening. “Sorry, I need to take this. It’s about… business.”

I watch as he steps away to answer the call, my confession once again stuck in my throat. Will I ever find the right moment to tell him about our baby?

When Angelo returns, he helps Lou set the table and my hand unconsciously drifts to my stomach, the weight of my secret heavy between us. Lou scampers into the kitchen to grab some cutlery, and I finally find my moment.

“Angelo,” I start, my voice hesitant. “There’s something I need to tell you?—”

He looks up, his eyes intense. “Actually, Fee, there’s something I need to talk to you about too. It’s about Gino.”

My heart sinks. “What about him?”

Angelo’s jaw tightens. “He’s getting more aggressive. I’m worried about your safety… about Lou’s safety.”

“We’re fine, Angelo,” I insist, my heart thumping. “You’ve got security on us?—”

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