Page 98 of Cursed Confessions

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“It’s not enough,” he cuts me off, his voice hard. “I think you and Lou need to get out of town for a while.”

I blink, taken aback. “What? We can’t just leave. What about Perfezione? Lou’s school?”

“Fee, please,” Angelo says, his voice softening. “This is serious. Gino’s not playing games anymore.”

I open my mouth to tell him about the baby, but he continues, “I’ve got a safe house upstate. You and Lou would be comfortable there until I can deal with Gino.”

“Angelo, I appreciate your concern, but?—”

“But nothing,” he interrupts. “This isn’t just about you anymore. Think about Lou.”

The irony of his words isn’t lost on me. If only he knew…

“Speaking of Lou,” I try again, “there’s something you should know?—”

But Angelo’s already shaking his head. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Your safety comes first. Promise me you’ll at least think about it?”

I sigh, recognizing the determination in his eyes. “Okay, I’ll think about it. But Angelo, there’s really something I need to tell you?—”

The timer goes off in the kitchen. “Mom! Dinner is ready!”

I visibly deflate.

Angelo squeezes my hand. “We’ll talk more after dinner, okay? Let’s not worry Lou.”

As we sit down to eat, the words I need to say stick in my throat. Angelo spends the meal outlining his plans for our safety, and I can’t find the right moment to interject with my news.

By the time Angelo leaves, promising to check in tomorrow, I still haven’t told him. As I close the door behind him, I lean against it, closing my eyes.

“Mom?” Lou’s voice breaks through my thoughts as she hovers by the table. “Did you tell him?”

I shake my head. “Not yet, love. The timing wasn’t right.”

Lou frowns. “But Mom, he needs to know. He’s going to be so excited!”

“I know, Lou. I’ll tell him soon. I promise.”

But I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve missed an important opportunity. But with Gino’s threats looming over us, maybe Angelo’s right. Maybe our safety needs to come first.

Still, as I lie in bed that night, my hand resting on my stomach, I can’t help but wonder, how long can I keep this secret? And what will happen when Angelo finally finds out?



It’s been a few days since I last saw Fee, and I can’t stop thinking about our last interaction. The idea of Fee and Lou leaving twists my gut, but I know it’s necessary.

Jimbo agrees with me.

“Angelo, you know it’s the right call. We can’t protect them here, not with Gino breathing down our necks.”

I nod, hating that he’s right. Gino has been amping up the violence against the Pirellis, and I’m so fucking sick of getting calls that my men are dying. “I know. Doesn’t make it any easier.”

“Nothing about this is easy,” Jimbo agrees. “But it’s temporary. Once we deal with Gino…”

“If we deal with Gino,” I mutter.

Jimbo’s eyebrows raise. “Since when are you the pessimist? We’ve got a solid plan. Fucina’s documents are legit.”

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