Page 107 of Cursed Confessions

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“Perfezione, of course. Your cars. Fucina.” Gino's smile widens. “Andyour territory. All of it.”

The room goes silent. I can feel Romero’s eyes on me, waiting to see how I’ll respond. Fee’s muffled sobs are the only sound.

I expected Perfezione, the cars, and Fucina. We have paperwork drawn up for it. But my territory?

Everything I’ve built, everything I’ve fought for, my father’s legacy… gone. But as I look at Lou’s terrified face, at Fee’s desperate eyes, I know there’s no choice to make.

“Done,” I say, my voice hollow. “Now let them go.”

Gino claps his hands together. “Excellent! But first, let’s make this official, shall we?”

He nods to his henchman, who produces a document from his jacket. “Sign this. It transfers everything to me. Legally and irrevocably.”

I keep my face impassive, but inside, my heart is racing. This is it. The moment of truth.

I give a subtle nod to Romero, who reaches into his jacket and pulls out the documents Genesis prepared. I silently thank her for her meticulous work as I hand them to Gino.

Gino takes the papers, his face twisting with disgust as if he’s being handed garbage. “What the fuck are these, Pirelli?”

I force my voice to remain calm, bored even. “They’re legal documents consenting to the swap and transferring over the 4.9 million. Just like you asked.”

Gino's eyes narrow suspiciously. “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know these are real?”

I shrug, fighting to keep my nonchalant façade. “You don’t. But they’re all you’re getting. Take it or leave it.”

The tension in the room is palpable. I can feel Fee’s eyes on me, can hear Lou’s muffled whimpers. Everything hinges on this moment. On Gino’s greed outweighing his suspicion.

Gino studies the documents, his brow furrowed. I hold my breath, praying that Genesis’ work is as good as it always is. One mistake, one flaw, and this whole plan falls apart.

“These look… official,” Gino mutters, flipping through the pages.

“They are,” I say, injecting a note of impatience into my voice. “Now, are we doing this or not? I thought you wanted to wrap this up quickly.”

Gino’s eyes flick between the documents and me. I can almost see the gears turning in his head, greed warring with caution.

“Fine,” he says finally. “But if these turn out to be fake…”

“They’re not,” I interrupt. “Now, let Fee and Lou go.”

Gino hesitates, and for a moment, I think he’s going to refuse. But then he nods to his henchman. “Untie the kid after Pirelli and Saldano sign the documents.”

I sign the documents, watching as Fee is released from her restraints and does the same. Gino’s triumphant smile makes my stomach turn, but I keep my face impassive.

“And Fucina?” Gino demands.

I give him an address. “Meet the guy there. He’ll handle the transfer.”

Gino studies the documents, his smile growing wider. “Perfect. You know, Pirelli, Ialmostfeel bad for you. Almost.”

The henchman unties Lou, and for a moment, I allow myself to hope. But then Gino speaks again, his voice casual but deadly.

“Oh, did I forget to mention? I lied. Oops. You’re all going to die here today. Can’t leave any loose ends. I imagine you’ll understand.”

Time slows down. I see the henchman reach for his gun. In one fluid motion, I dive behind a crate, bullets splintering the wood around me. Across the room, Romero’s engaged in a fierce firefight, his precision shots dropping Gino’s men one by one.

“Fee, Lou, get down!” I yell, firing at a henchman who's trying to flank Romero.

More of Gino’s men pour into the room, and I realize we’re outnumbered. But I planned for this.

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