Page 106 of Cursed Confessions

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Angelo continues, his voice deceptively light. “We had a nice chat with the chef there. Interesting guy. Had some very interesting things to say.”

The color drains from Gino’s face, fear flickering in his eyes for the first time since this confrontation began.

Angelo’s laugh is cold, humorless. “That’s right. We know all about how you poisoned your father.”

“Be a shame if La Familia found out,” Romero adds, adjusting his stance, his gun never wavering from Gino’s chest.

The silence that follows is deafening. I watch Gino, wondering if he’s finally realized he’s been outmaneuvered. As angry as I am with Angelo for using me as bait, I can’t help but admire his strategy.

But then Gino starts to laugh, a cold, hard sound that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“I should’ve killed that chef a while ago,” he muses, his eyes glinting dangerously. “No matter. I’ll take care of him after I deal with you all. But first, I have a little surprise.”

Angelo pauses, glancing at Romero. I can see the uncertainty in his eyes. It’s clear he wasn’t expecting this. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Gino’s laugh grows louder as he snaps his fingers. His henchman, the one who taped my mouth, disappears for a moment. When he returns, my world shatters.

Lou. My baby girl. Bound and gagged, her eyes wide with terror as she fights against her captor.

I scream against the tape, thrashing in my chair. This can’t be happening. Not Lou. Please, not Lou. Tears stream down my face as I struggle uselessly against my bonds.

Angelo’s face goes pale, his composure cracking for the first time. “You son of a bitch,” he snarls at Gino, taking a step forward.

Romero’s hand on his arm stops him. “Boss,” he warns, his eyes never leaving Gino.

Gino’s smile is triumphant. “Now,” he says, “let’s talk about who’sreallyin control here.”

I watch as Angelo’s mind races, his eyes darting between Lou, me, and Gino. I can see the moment he realizes just how precarious our situation has become.

Lou’s muffled cries pierce my heart as she struggles against her captor. Her blonde hair is disheveled, her blue eyes wide with fear and confusion. She looks so small, so vulnerable. I want nothing more than to hold her, to tell her everything will be okay.

But I can’t. I’m powerless, helpless to do anything but watch as my worst nightmare unfolds before my eyes.



Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.

I feel the rage explode inside me, a white-hot fury that threatens to consume everything. The sight of Lou, bound and terrified, makes my blood boil. How the fuck did this happen? I walked her to school myself this morning.

My mind races, already planning the hell I’m going to rain down on that school. They’ll be lucky if all I do is sic my lawyers on them. Private school, armed guards, whatever it takes to keep Lou safe after this.

But first, we need to get out of this alive.

“Let them go, Gino,” I growl, fighting to keep my voice steady. “They’re innocent in all this. This is between you and me.”

Gino’s laugh is cold, cruel. “Absolutely not. They’re my insurance policy. Especially little Lucille here.”

He runs a finger down Lou’s cheek, and I see Fee thrash against her bonds, her muffled screams of rage and fear tearing at my heart. Lou whimpers, trying to pull away from Gino’s touch.

I’m ready to burn this whole place to the ground, to tear Gino apart with my bare hands. But Romero subtly shakes his head, reminding me to keep my cool. We can't afford to make a wrong move, not with Lou and Fee's lives on the line.

I take a deep breath, forcing the rage down. “You win, Gino,” I say, the words tasting like ash in my mouth. “Let them go, and it’s all yours.”

Gino's eyes light up with triumph. “Nowwe’re talking. But I’m afraid the price has gone up, Pirelli. You took too long to see reason.”

My stomach drops. “What do you want?”

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