Page 108 of Cursed Confessions

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“Now, Jimbo! Now, Marco!” I shout.

The door bursts open, and Jimbo and Marco storm in, guns blazing. Blood sprays as their bullets find their marks, Gino's men falling in gruesome displays.

I see a henchman aiming at Fee and Lou. Without hesitation, I put a bullet between his eyes, his head snapping back in a mist of red.

Marco’s engaged in brutal hand-to-hand, his fist crushing a henchman’s windpipe. Jimbo takes a shot to the shoulder but keeps firing, his bullets tearing through flesh and bone.

Romero’s voice cuts through the chaos. “Boss, on your left!”

I spin, firing instinctively. The henchman’s chest explodes, blood and viscera splattering the walls.

The room is a war zone.Bullets fly, shattering crates and ricocheting off walls. I see Marco duck and roll, taking out ahenchman with a well-placed shot. Jimbo provides covering fire, allowing Romero to advance.

I spot Fee and Lou huddled behind a fallen table. “Stay down!” I yell, taking out another henchman who was getting too close to them.

Romero’s voice cuts through the chaos. “Boss, on your right!”

Another of Gino’s men falls.

The air is thick with gun smoke and the acrid smell of cordite. I hear Lou’s terrified screams, Fee’s muffled shouts. I need to get to them, but the firefight is too intense.

Jimbo takes a hit to the shoulder but keeps firing. Marco’s running low on ammo, forced to engage in hand-to-hand with a henchman.

Bullets ricochet, shattering bones and ripping through bodies. The floor becomes slick with blood, the air filled with screams and gurgling last breaths.

Romero takes down two more men with precise shots, but then I see him stumble, blood blooming on his shirt. But he grits his teeth, continuing to fire with deadly accuracy.

Jimbo’s down to his last clip, each shot counting. Marco’s face is a mask of blood, none of it his own, as he snaps another neck.

Through the chaos, I spot Gino trying to sneak away.You fucking coward. Not this time, you bastard. I launch myself at him, tackling him to the ground. His gun skitters across the floor.

Gino and I grapple on the floor, trading vicious blows. I feel my lip split under his fist, taste the coppery tang of blood. But I give as good as I get, landing a solid hit to his jaw that sends his head snapping back.

We roll across the floor, smashing into debris from the gunfight. Glass cuts into my back, but I barely feel it through theadrenaline. Gino tries to gouge my eyes, and I barely twist away in time, his nails raking down my cheek instead.

I manage to get on top, raining down punches. I feel Gino’s nose break under my fist, blood spraying. But he’s not done. He bucks his hips, throwing me off balance, and suddenly, he’s on top again.

His hands find my throat, squeezing. Black spots dance in my vision as I struggle for air. In desperation, I slam my forehead into his face. There’s a sickening crunch, Gino cries out, and his grip loosens.

I gasp for air, rolling us over again. We’re both bloody messes now, barely recognizable. I land a solid hit to his ribs, feeling something crack. Gino howls in pain but manages to knee me in the groin.

The pain is blinding. I double over, and Gino seizes the opportunity. He grabs a piece of broken wood, swinging it at my head. I barely dodge, the jagged edge opening a gash on my temple instead of caving in my skull.

Blood pours down my face, half-blinding me. Gino presses his advantage, landing blow after blow. I feel ribs crack, taste more blood.

Somehow, I find the strength to fight back. I catch his arm mid-swing, twisting until I hear a pop. Gino screams, the makeshift weapon falling from his useless hand.

We’re both running on fumes now, more animal than man. We trade sloppy, desperate punches, each hoping the other will fall first.

But Gino’s fresher. He hasn’t been fighting off henchmen. With a final surge of energy, he manages to flip me onto my back, straddling me.

“I’ve won, Pirelli!” he snarls, his face a mask of blood and fury. One eye is swollen shut, his nose a crushed mess. “I’ve taken everything from you, and now I’ll take your life!”

His hands find my throat again. I try to fight back, but my arms feel like lead. My vision starts to darken.

This is it,I think.This is how it ends.

And I never got to tell Fee that I love her. That I know about the baby.

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