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“Yes and no.” She lifts a shoulder. “I took on a bigger role than I probably should have, but I grew up around it. You didn’t. You grew up around football, and now that’s where your life is leading you.”

“I know Dad is solidly against me ending up with a football player, but what do you think?”

She narrows her eyes at me. “Why? Do you have one in mind?”

I clear my throat as I do everything in my power not to give myself away. Thank goodness the lighting in here is dim because I can’t control the heat rushing to my cheeks. “No,” I lie.

“I think you have to be willing to brace yourself for certain things. Like with Clayton,” she says softly. “It’s hard. If you go into it expecting his full attention, you’ll end up sorely disappointed. But if you go in managing your expectations knowing youcan’tbe his top priority because he has an entire locker room depending on him, you’ll be okay.”

“Is that what you did?” I ask.

She nods. “We talked at length about what he wanted out of his future before we ever talked about a future together. I knew he wanted to play until his body couldn’t take it anymore, and then he wanted to coach. And I was fine with him being a position coach, but I knew he dreamed bigger.”

“Do you think he wants to be a head coach someday?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “He always wanted to be an offensive coordinator. I think he’ll stay here as long as he’s welcome, and then he’ll retire.” She takes another sip of wine. “You’re awfully inquisitive tonight.”

“Just curious since I’m going to be working with the same team,” I say, forcing nonchalance into my tone.

She nods as she presses her lips together, and I’m pretty sure she buys my answer. “Have you spoken with Angelica?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. I need to do it in person, so probably Monday.”

“Always a tough balance,” she laments, and I nod. “When are you moving here?”

“My official start date with the Aces is November first, so I only have two weeks. I won’t have an office there, so I’ll be working from home.”

“Home with Dad and me?” she asks with hope. “Or are you getting your own place?”

“You know how much I love staying with you, but I think I’d like a place of my own. Since it’s remote, I can take my time.”

She nods. “Of course. I’ll have Joyce get in touch. She’s the realtor we used when we moved.”

We chat about the best areas to live in and around Vegas, and then our food arrives.

“So how’s Dad adjusting to his new role?” I ask.

“He’s totally in his element and loving every second. He decided that every year, he quietly wants to take a player sort of under his wing and help that player be the best version of himself.”

“Oh?” I ask. “Who did he pick this year?”

“Asher Nash.”

I nearly choke on my salmon, but I manage to pull it together. “What’s he doing with Asher?”

“He saw a hole in the mentorship program, so he’s having Asher devise a whole program and implement it with one of the struggling rookies. I think it’s an incredible idea.”

Aha! Sothatwas the project they were talking about. “Totally incredible,” I agree.

And it makes so much sense that he’d be cautious about being with me if he’s getting closer with my dad.

Still, despite both knowing and understanding all that, the call that comes Saturday night when players are staying at a hotel ahead of game day catches me completely off guard.

I spot his name on my screen, and a smile lights up my entire face as I answer. “Hey, stranger.”

“Hey,” he says softly. I haven’t heard his voice since Wednesday night when we had our Lake Mead date.

“It’s good to hear your voice.”

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