Page 104 of Write or Wrong

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A whisper at his side had him glancing over. Devan stood at his shoulder with a smirk on her face, enjoying Cas’s discomfort as well. No one tried to hug Devan Asa noticed.

“Who are you?” Zara’s sister asked, stopping in front of Asa with narrowed eyes.

He opened his mouth to answer but Zara beat him to it.

“This is Asa. He’s my friend who’s staying here for a little while,” she introduced quickly. “Asa, this is Bianca, Oscar, my dad, and my stepmom Renata.”

Her dad stepped forward to shake his hand.

“Nice to meet you Zara’s dad,” Asa greeted. What? He couldn’t call him Mr. Lorna. There was no way that was her last name let alone his.

“Call me Tony,” her dad replied with a smile. The handshake lasted all of two seconds before her dad was ooing and ahhing over the house.

Devan tugged on Asa’s sleeve and they backed toward the stairs. “This will be awhile,” she said.

Ah. That made sense. He nodded and glanced back at the crowd of people in their once quiet home. Everyone was speaking all at once and Zara’s overjoyed expression let him know she was more than happy with the surprise. He headed for the stairs and turned around for one more look.

Zara’s eyes met his through the bodies and she lifted her eyebrows like she just remembered he was there. He smiled and flicked two fingers at her. He didn’t want to interfere with the reunion.

They’d be able to talk about what had just happened later. Not in front of her entire family and Cas and Devan.

He made it to his room and closed the door.

What a day.

From beginning to end, none of it had gone like he’d expected. It was a break in the routine. And he wasn’t freaking out.

And for a moment there, Zara’s lips had been connected to his and it felt so damnright.

Sleep that night had not been restful. His dreams were filled with honeyed kisses and soft skin. His alarm went off and he practically skipped to the shower.

Once again, unconcerned that he’d lost sleep over Zara.

He showered, shaved, and put on his Illuminati Hotties t-shirt with jeans.

Climbing the steps to the kitchen, he listened for any sounds that might indicate anyone else was awake.

Cas came into view as he entered the kitchen. The big bodyguard sat at the island with his prop coffee in front of him. He tipped his chin up at Asa and Asa considered that an absolute win.

He wondered if Cas and Devan had stayed the night after Zara’s family had arrived but didn’t ask. He wouldn’t get an answer anyway.

Asa went about making his own coffee.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” came a disgruntled teenage voice behind him.

He turned around. He tried, he really did, but he couldn’t stop the automatic smile at seeing that Bianca’s hair did the same thing that Zara’s did in the morning.

She was in an oversized black t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Her eye makeup was smeared across one side of her face.

“Coffee?” he asked, taking another cup out of the cupboard.

“Yes,” she said, but she made it sound like he’d just asked her the stupidest question in existence. She slid onto a stool next to Cas and eyed the big man. “Did he make you coffee too?”

Cas patted the top of her head, eyeing the epic hairstyle. “No.”

She huffed.

Asa hid his smile as he started another cup. He retrieved the half and half from the fridge, grabbed the sugar bowl and a spoon, and placed them in front of Bianca along with the steaming cup.

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