Page 105 of Write or Wrong

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“Thanks,” she muttered, eyeing him suspiciously. She spooned several scoops of sugar into the cup. “So,Asa,” she said his name like she didn’t believe it was his real name. “Are you mad that we’re here?”

He grabbed the half and half with a frown. “No. Why would I be mad?” He flicked his gaze to Cas who lifted an eyebrow and almost shrugged one shoulder.

Bianca took her time answering as she watched him stir the half and half into his coffee.

“Because we weren’t allowed to stay with Zara when Logan was around,” Oscar said, entering the kitchen.

Asa turned his body to the side. “Seriously?” he asked. He knew Logan was a dick, but come on.

Oscar slid onto the stool on the other side of Bianca. Asa hesitated for exactly one second before making another cup of coffee for the fifteen-year-old.

Oscar’s hair was jet black and sort of long on top, a rooster tail of some significance stood straight up on the left side of his head. Already tall, he was close to if not six feet. But he still had that gangly, loose-limbed body that young men had.

Asa put the full cup down before Oscar, and Bianca pushed the sugar his direction.

“Logan didn’t like us,” Oscar said. “He always stayed up in his room when we came over. He never wanted anything to do with us.”

“That’s because we could see through his bullshit,” Bianca said, aiming a pointed look at Asa.

Asa curled a lip before taking a sip of his coffee. He probably shouldn’t voice his opinionbuuuuut… “That’s so stupid.” He shook his head and sniffed. “Every time I hear something about that guy I’m surprised no one has kicked his ass yet.”

“Oh, he better hope he never runs into me,” Bianca said, lifting her cup. “Because it’s on sight.”

Asa chuckled. Despite Bianca’s obvious distrust of him, he really liked her. “Hey, you guys want breakfast?” he asked, getting back in the fridge for eggs.

“I could eat.” Oscar shrugged.

Bianca rolled her eyes.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Asa said.

Thirty minutes later he placed a huge bowl of scrambled eggs on the island, along with a stack of plates, sliced peppers, shredded cheese, blueberries, and some chicken sausage he’d found in the freezer. He stuck a spoon in the eggs.

“Serve yourself,” he said, backing away.

Oscar dug in immediately. Bianca took a small amount of everything. Asa took what he needed and ate quietly, standing in the corner, facing the island. Cas even took a few blueberries and sausage.

Zara stepped into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. “What’s going on?” she asked around a yawn.

He took in her pink pajamas and huge hair and smiled. It didn’t matter which version he got of her—pajamas and bedhead, full glam red carpet, jeans and tee—he was into it in a big way.

“Just having breakfast,” he said. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “I have to go to work soon. You want a cup of coffee?” He reached into the cupboard for another cup.

“You have to work today?” Zara asked. The disappointed lilt in her voice hit a spot in between his ribs.

He started the coffee. She came to stand right by him, resting her lower back against the counter. Her hip bumped against his thigh and stayed. He didn’t move away.

“I will be home later. What are you guys doing today?” he asked, trying to keep his eyes on hers and not let them drift to her mouth.

Zara shrugged. “We can’t really go anywhere so we’ll probably just hang out here.”

“Not a bad day,” he replied.

She nodded in agreement, her expression still sleepy and unfocused. He poured half and half into her coffee, stirred it, and handed it over.

“There’s food. I’m not sure it’s enough for everyone.” He shot a look at Oscar who was going back for seconds. “But I can bring home more groceries tonight if you just text me what you need.”

“Thanks,” she said. Their eye contact held for longer than a few seconds and he licked his lips. Her gaze dropped to his mouthaaaaaandit was time for him to go.

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