Page 103 of Write or Wrong

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Slow, slow, so fucking slow, he moved his mouth against hers. Paying attention to every pressure, every tremble, every breath.

It was just a kiss. Kisses happened every day. But not like this. And not to him. Electricity and warmth spread through his body, setting his fingertips on fire. He used those fingertips to delve deeper into her thick hair.

Her tongue slipped past his lips and he groaned. Fuck.

Her hands slid from his face to his neck, the back of his head, nails lightly scratching his scalp. Her touch filled him with heart-pounding awareness. He was flying, he was falling, he was so fuckingalivein that moment he knew he’d never be the same. Her kiss had changed him. Was still changing him. It burned through every doubt and hesitation in his mind and all he wanted was to be lost in her forever.

Since he’d met her, he’d done his best to keep himself carefully distanced. As if something in him knew that the second he found out how her lips felt on his, how her hair felt in his fingers, he’d never want to go back. Life before was nothing compared to the violent awakening of his soul in her arms.

The house alarm started going off and both of their phones started ringing simultaneously.

They broke apart wearing matching frowns and breathing heavily. She blinked, disoriented, and realized what was happening a second before he did.

“The alarm,” she said, scrambling to her feet and out of his arms.

“Wait,” he said as she started for the nearest alarm panel on the wall. Asa pulled his phone out of his pocket, his heart still hammering, his body still on fire. She glanced at him over her shoulder.

“Cas,” Asa answered, his eyes on Zara.

“Are you both there?” Cas asked earnestly.

“Yeah, she’s checking the cameras.” Asa got to his feet, willing his body to calm down. His heart began to pound for a different reason as his mind sluggishly processed the change of focus.

Why was the house alarm going off?

Zara barely glanced at the camera view before she snorted and waved a hand at him. “Oh. It’s fine.” She went to the front door they never used and Asa had basically forgotten was there.

“Wait,” Asa said, worry rippling through him. He started in that direction, intent on stopping her, but she opened the door.

“What?” Cas asked in his ear. “What’s going on?”

Asa backed up, chuckled, and scrubbed a hand over his face. “It’s her family.”

Cas said something that Asa wouldn’t repeat and then, “Be there in five.”

Asa hung up and forced a smile as Zara introduced him to her family.

And any hope he had of finishing that kiss died a sad quiet death.




The first thing he noticed about Zara’s family was how excited they were to see her.

He may as well have not even been there.

Her dad, a happy man with thick black hair, brown eyes, and a bright smile, hugged his daughter and then held her face in both his hands. He said something to her that Asa couldn’t hear and then hugged her again.

A woman who had to be her stepmom did exactly the same. And then a younger version of Zara except with brown eyes shoved her way to the front and threw her arms around Zara. Zara stepped back at the force and belted out a laugh he wasn’t sure he’d ever heard from her before. The brother rolled his eyes and when it was his turn for a hug, Zara grabbed his cheeks and squished them before hugging him tight to her.

Then Cas came barreling through the door and Asa wished he had it on video.

The family turned as a unit towards Cas and all of them reached their arms his direction calling, “Cas!”

The bodyguard’s face flushed a deep red as he was hugged and patted with affection.

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