Page 11 of The Life Wish

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“Which means,” she carried on, not listening to me. “We’re going to have to snag this Foster Union guy that you’ve been pining after since you came to Westport, like,tonightbecause I am bound and determined to get my baby sister laid by morning.”

“Ooh! Foster Union?” the driver said with interest. “Mmm, honey, that boy is one fine piece of ass. I’d hold off on sex to wait for the likes of him, too.”

“Thank you,” I said, splaying out my hand gratefully.

The driver shook their head in delight. “Did you see the clip of him on the news giving that boy CPR last month?”

“Oh my goodness,yes,” I gushed, always excited to encounter another Foster fan to rave with. “He is, like, a real-deal hero, is he not?”

“You said it. I could just gobble that boy up whole.”

“Right?” I agreed.

The driver pulled up to the curb and then turned back to take me in from head to toe as if to determine whether I was good enough to rate time with Foster. Then they nodded in approval. “Bang him one time for me, honey. And good luck.”

“Oh geesh,” Kinsey muttered, rolling her eyes as she opened the door and climbed out.

But I smiled and promised, “I’ll see what I can do. Thank you.”

As my sister dragged me out into the cool darkness, I waved into the back seat. “Have a good night.”

“You too. Bye, sweetie.”

Kinsey shut the door, and the driver took off.

Shaking her head, she said, “You make friends with just everyone, don’t you?”

“What? They were super nice.”

She only sighed and hooked her arm through mine. “Come on. Let’s get you laid.”



As Kinsey and I started down the walkway to the front door of a split-level that screamed suburban, middle-class family home, Kinsey pulled us up short and cocked a suspicious glance my way.

“Are you sure this is the right place? Five people attendingcollegelive here?”

“Yep,” I answered perkily. “Andfourof them are part of the seven.”

Ironing down her skirt that had ridden up in the back, my sister squinted inquisitively. “Okay, remind me who the seven are again.”

“They’re just…seven friends, I guess,” I tried to explain, only to shrug. “They’re Foster’s closest friends. And he makes it pretty obvious they’re his core group, which is probably what gives them their notoriety. But all of them are, like, completely gorgeous.” Even though their faces always blurred into the background whenever Foster was around—I probably couldn’t actually describe a single one of his friends’ looks. “So it’s impossiblenotto notice them when they’re hanging out together.”

Kinsey pointed toward the front door. “And four of them livehere?”

I laughed. “Yes. Oaklynn calls it Archer House. Now, come on.” Hooking my arm through hers, I dragged her forward. “I’ve been here once before with Jaylani. That’s Oaklynn’s bestie that you met at lunch on Tuesday. Remember her?”

“The lesbian?”

“Right. Anyway, none of the guys were home when I visited, but you’ll see as soon as we’re inside that it’s definitely a bachelor pad.”

“But you said Fosterdoesn’tlive here, didn’t you?”

“Exactly. Just four of his best friends do.”

At the door, I could hear muted music seeping out to greet us, so I bypassed knocking and just reached for the handle.

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