Page 12 of The Life Wish

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From there, we entered what looked to be Bachelor Central. In a room lit with nothing but black lights, a huge television took up one entire wall and two leather couches faced it in a V-shape, while the walls were covered in sports and movie posters. One poster featured Foster in his jersey and helmet, holding a football and rearing back his arm as if preparing to throw it.

Easily a dozen people were already crowded into the room, separated into three or four different groups, some of them sitting on the couches talking while the rest were standing in clusters.

“Raina!” I heard my name called in excitement before Oaklynn peeled away from one herd and hurried over with her arms spread wide in excitement. “You made it.Welcome.”

“Hey, hey,” I greeted, hugging her back. “Looks like you’re having a good turnout.”

“Yeah. And there’s more in the kitchen and garage, too, where I’ve heard a heated beer pong match is taking place.”


“And Kinsey,” Oaklynn greeted, hugging her next in warm welcome since the two of them had bonded big time when they’d met on Tuesday. “I’m so glad you could make it, too. When do you have to go back to Galveston?”

“Sunday,” Kinsey answered as she glanced around the room as soon as the hug was over. “I gotta work on Monday. So where’s this Foster Union guy that Raina can’t stop raving about?”

“Oh my God,Kins!” I gritted out from between clenched teeth, sending her a murderous glare when a handful of people in the room glanced over directly at me.

But my totally uninhibited sister only shrugged. “What?”

Oaklynn laughed. “He’s not actually here yet, sorry.” With a roll of her eyes, she explained, “Someone on the football team was throwing a big party tonight, too, and they insisted he go there, but he swore he was going to land here before the night was over.” Glancing at Kinsey, she explained, “He’s in high demand since everyone seems to be celebrating the team’s big win.”

Kinsey smiled at her vaguely only to roll her eyes the moment someone hollered for Oaklynn, and she turned away to see what they needed.

“Well, you called that,” my sister grumbled as she pulled her phone from her purse. “He’s not even here.” Glancing up, she asked, “Where’s this other party happening? I’ll get us another ride.”

“What?No!” I pulled her arm down when she started to tap on the screen. “I want to stay here. I actually know people here.” Spotting a girl from my Exploration of Education class, I smiled and waved at her. Then I hissed at Kinsey from the side of my mouth, “We are not leaving.”

No way could I insult Oaklynn like that. Besides, Foster’struefriends were here. He’d make it here eventually.

“Ugh. Okay, fine,” she grumbled, slumping her shoulders. “But there better be some free alcohol in this place because you and I haven’t hadnearlyenough to drink yet.”

Groaning in mortification, I pressed a hand to my forehead because Oaklynn had just returned to us and heard Kinsey’s complaint.

But she didn’t seem to mind. Chuckling good-naturedly, she pointed. “Oh, we definitely have a full bar going. Head on through there to find the kitchen. We have a variety to choose from. And if you want a super awesome mixed drink, just see Hudson. He’s the one with crutches and a leg cast, playing bartender.”

“Sweet. Thank you.” Kinsey grabbed my arm and dragged me off.

I waved apologetically at Oaklynn as we left her behind, but she only flashed her deep dimples at me, seeminglycharmedby my obnoxious sister.

“Hudson’s the one our driver was talking about, I think,” I turned back to whisper to my sister. “The one that Foster gave CPR and probably saved from dying after he was hit by a car.”

“Damn.” Kinsey whistled and shook her head. “Your boy’s just starting to sound like a mythical legend now. No way is one guy that amazing.” Leaning close, she snickered. “I bet he’s a perverted freak who’s secretly a serial killer or something.”

I rolled my eyes. “He isnot.”

“Well, then he’s got to be a conceited asshole who thinks his shit don’t stink. Because I’m sorry, but ain’t no one’sthatperfect. And—holy mother of God!” Shaking my arm as soon as we entered the kitchen, she pulled me to a stop beside her and gaped openly across the room. “I know whoI’mgoing home with tonight.”

Hoping Foster hadn’t shown up after all and she was staking her claim, I swallowed thickly before following her gaze and glancing across the room past half a dozen more people to spot the two guys she’d locked onto. They were leaning against the kitchen counters, deep in conversation with each other.

“Which one?” I asked.

“Either. Both,” she answered immediately. “Preferably both.”

I laughed. “Well, sorry to burst your bubble, sweets, but the bulky, muscled one isOaklynn’sboyfriend, Damien.”

“Damn,” Kinsey hissed in disappointment.

“And the one on crutches must be Hudson,” I added. “Oaklynn mentions him quite a bit, and I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend as well.”

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