Page 10 of The Life Wish

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“Oh! Are you sure we should—” As the dark liquid sloshed its way into my shot glass, I shrugged. “Okay, sure. Let’s take another.” Wasn’t like we were driving.

We’d each finished off four by the time our ride arrived, and a warm glow was radiating through my belly.

“I think—I think maybe I’m a littletooloose,” I heard myself slur, while Kinsey had to hold onto my arm to help me down the steps to the first floor.

“Damn, girl.” She shook her head in disappointment as she tightened her grip to keep me steady when I tripped…for the third time. “You are such a lightweight. What the hell have you been doing down here in college town all this time?”

“Studying,” I mumbled, frowning at a step when it blurred into two more.

“Pfft. You obviously need to learn how to party more.”

“I go to plenty of parties,” I argued, shoving my hair out of my face as we finally reached the ground level. “Maybe not as many asyouwould, but I’m also making better grades than you would too. I think I’m doing jus’ fine.”

“Mm-hmm.” Kinsey didn’t sound convinced. “And when was the last time you had sex?”

Completely flabbergasted by such a question, I shook my head. “I don’t know. Why does that matter?”

“Because itmatters,” she assured as she opened the back door of the Prius waiting for us at the curb. “I bet you haven’t had sex since Matty Rowland in the twelfth grade.”

My face went hot with embarrassment as I slid into the seat and the driver glanced back with curiously lifted eyebrows.

“Hey, y’all,” they greeted with a big smile. “Looks like you two are headed for a fun night out.”

“Oh, it better be,” Kinsey answered as she shut us in and began to buckle up. “Since my sister here hasn’t gotten laid in almost two years.”

“Kinsey,” I hissed in reprimand as our driver belly laughed and pulled away from the curb. Then, from between gritted teeth, I added, “I didn’t say it’d been two years.”

“Well?” She lifted her eyebrows. “Has it?”

After a quick tally in my head, I winced. Because ye-ouch, it’d actually been slightlyovertwo years since Matty had dumped me.

Not about to admit that to Kinsey—orour driver—I countered, “You know what? Excuse me for not appreciating casual, recreational sex as much as you do. I’m sorry, but I just need to be in a happy, committed relationship before?—”

“Oh,snooze,” Kinsey cut in as she tipped her head back on the seat and closed her eyes, pretending to snore.

“Wow. Mature,” I muttered dryly.

Lifting her head, she told me, “I mean, how do you even know you’renota recreational sex kind of girl if you never try it?”

“Therecanbe a certain thrill to banging the occasional rando,” the driver agreed with a nod. “Then again, I’ve been married for two years now and must attest that sex with feeling behind it is the absolute best.”

“Ha!” I crowed in Kinsey’s face. “Hear that? My way’s better.”

She only rolled her eyes. “Saysoneperson.”

“Ah, but haveyoutried doing it with someone you actually, truly care about?” I countered cattily, throwing her own words back in her face. “Hmm?”

“Bleh.” She shivered as if disgusted. “Even the mere idea gives me the creeps. Seriously. Having the same hands on me, day after day after day, just sounds…suffocating.”

I blinked at her, confused. “How are we even sisters? Because that sounds safe and familiar andbeautifulto me.”

She pressed her hands together. “This is why I say you need to get out there andlivea little more, Ray.”

I merely shrugged. “So I like romance and happily ever afters. I can’t help it.”

With a sigh, she finally gave up and tipped her head over to rest it against mine. “I guess that’s what makes youyou, and I love you exactly as you are, so…whatever. I’ll allow it.”

“Aww.” I snuggled closer, gripping her hand as I answered, “Thank you. I love you exactly the way you are too.”

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