Page 15 of A Little Spooky

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He was so big, I couldn’t let him in all at once. I had to ease onto him a little at a time. While I did, he rubbed and flicked my clit with his long fingers.

“You’re so beautiful, Luna. I can’t believe this is finally happening. I’ve thought about this moment for so fucking long. I love how your cunt feels against my cock. So hot. So tight.”

“If you keep talking like that and rubbing me, I’m going to come before this thing even gets started. Then there’s the whole ghost thing. Is it Carrie Ann? And is she still there?”

He peeked around me. “Ah-huh, just as clear as ever. She’s even glowing a little now. But she looks a little old to be Carrie Ann. Maybe we have yet another ghost haunting this place.”

“Poor Vince. The place is infested with ghosts. But can you smell the roses?”

“I can.”

“What the fuck?”

And right there and then, with those words and with his cock almost entirely inside me, while he flicked my clit even harder and faster, I came like some feral wild woman, yelling out my pure pleasure. In that moment when my body completely shattered, I knew I hadn’t felt an orgasm that powerful, well, ever. And when Freddie pulled up my bra and suckled on my breast, my body soared up to the stars and back.

“Freddie… oh fuck, Freddie!” I yelled his name so loud, I knew everyone in the house must have heard me.

He gave me about a minute to come down from the stars before he drilled me on his own quest. My entire body slapped against his, over and over as he held my hips and guided me up and down on his solid cock. It was as if I’d been transported off to sex heaven, and when the entire room lit up with a golden glow, I felt as though we’d been transported somewhere ethereal. Nothing in the room looked the same, nothing seemed the same.

When he exploded inside me, I felt so much love, my body shook with my own release.

It was magical.

It was surreal.

It was Carrie Ann’s voice that I heard. “I have waited too long for love.”

Freddie 5

“Did you hear that? Or am I imagining things?” I asked Luna once I could breathe normally again. “Did you hear a voice say something?”

“Ah-huh.” She nodded. “I heardI have waited a long time for love.Is that what you heard?” She was breathing just as fast and hard as I was. I’d moved down onto the blankets, and Luna came down with me, resting her head on my shoulder. The visiting sex ghost had disappeared, and the room had lost its golden glow.

Fuck, I’d missed sex… great sex that claimed your soul. There was nothing else like it. I didn’t know if the rush I felt was a result of my long abstinence, sharing sex with someone I truly cared about, or this damn house had some kind of magical effect. Whatever the explanation, I felt better than I had in way too many years.

“Was that real?” I was talking about the voice, not the way I felt, which I couldn’t put into words now, at least not with Luna. Now that we’d moved our relationship into another level, I didn’t want to take any chances. She could easily tell me this was a one off and utterly gut me.

“If we both heard it, it had to be real,” she said, confirming my doubts. “What else could it have been?”

“Here’s the thing… It wasn’t so much that I heard it, but I somehow knew it. Hard to explain. Like a thought or an inner voice kind of thing. What the fuck? She’s talking to us now?”

She ran her fingers lightly over my chest and sent little shivers down to my groin. She didn’t know the kind of effect she had on me, and now, I wasn’t about to tell her.

“I guess so. And I think I know what you mean. It’s like her words flew into my head. I don’t know whether I heard her speak, or I just knew what she said. Weird shit.”

I had my arm wrapped around her, while I slid my fingers up and down her smooth skin. Part of me couldn’t believe that we’d had such amazing sex, while another part of me knew this had always been our destiny.

Then there was the whole Carrie Ann thing, this house, and this endless night.

“It’s all too crazy,” I told her, trying to sort it all out in my head. “And what about the room? Did you see anything weird?”

“Like a golden glow?”

“Yeah,” I whispered, astounded that she saw it as well. “Could it have been the fireplace?”

“Maybe that’s where it was coming from… the fireplace. I’ll take that explanation instead of some weird apparition. I like that much better.”

We heard Bram and Vince thumping down the stairs, sounding like they were in a hurry. We sat up and got dressed as quickly as we could. Not that either one of us cared whether they knew we’d had sex or not, but I figured she didn’t want to be naked around the other guys.

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