Page 16 of A Little Spooky

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“You two won’t believe what we just found,” Bram said as he and Vince hustled into the room, out of breath, looking somewhat startled. “This explains everything!”

Vince held up a book. It looked ancient, like he’d pulled it up from the depths of the earth, still dirty and covered with dust.

“What’s that?” I asked, standing. Luna stood next to me. Their timing was perfect. A few minutes earlier, and I wouldn’t have experienced the absolute best sex I’d ever had. I couldn’t believe it still lingered with me, even now when the guys had found something important. Nothing seemed to matter to me. Not compared to sex with Luna.

“It’s a diary or journal or whatever you want to call it. It belonged to Carrie Ann,” Vince said, his voice high with excitement. Whenever he got excited, his voice went up a couple octaves. “She wrote her name on the first page. This is huge.”

As he flipped open the book, I caught the fancy writing. No one wrote like that now. Most people our age and younger printed. We were never taught cursive. A lost art.

“We didn’t find it, exactly,” Bram said, sounding just as excited. “When the playroom door slammed shut and locked us in… didn’t you two hear the door slam? Didn’t you hear us calling for you? We were very loud. Pretty much screaming and banging on the door.”

Luna and I glanced at each other. I said, “We didn’t hear anything but Carrie Ann’s voice or a voice we think belonged to Carrie Ann.”

“What?” Vince asked. “You heard Carrie Ann speak?”

“I have to pee,” Luna said, interrupting what had to be an incredible moment for Bram and Vince. “Freddie will fill you in with the details. Oh, and there may be more than one ghost haunting Stoker House.”

Then she ran off to the bathroom.

“What the fuck did she mean by that?” Vince asked. “I have enough problems with one ghost. I don’t need or want another one.”

“Okay, wait,” I told them. “We’re getting ahead of ourselves. Don’t panic… yet. We don’t know what we saw or heard, but something strange happened. That’s all I can say about it rightnow. We all have news, but I want to know where you found that journal first. My crew ripped that room apart. We even tore down parts of the walls and replastered them. No one found anything, yet you say you found her journal? Where?”

Vince went over and plopped down on the end of the sofa, grabbed a beer from the sixpack, popped it open, took a long pull, then began his story, while Bram and I took a seat: me on the floor sitting cross-legged and Bram on the opposite end of the sofa.

“So, we get upstairs and walk into the playroom, hoping for a visit by our local ghost, when all of a sudden… should I wait for Luna?” Vince asked. “I don’t want to tell this story twice.”

“Aww, man, I’m dying over here,” I told them. We all knew that waiting for Luna when she was in the bathroom was like waiting for an old man when he had to pee. It took forever! “Can you just give me the shortened version, until she gets here.”

Just when Vince opened his mouth, in walked Luna. “Did I miss anything? If I did, start over. I want to hear every word.”

“How did you pee so fast?” I asked.

“What? I’m always fast.”

“No, you’re not. You take forever,” Bram teased.

“Maybe I do, but this was too important. Now tell me! Tell me! Where did you find that book? What’s in it? I’m so excited. And Bram, were you able to catch any pictures of her?” Luna grabbed a pillow and stretched out in front of the fire, so that her entire body had a glow with every curve. Her breasts, full and round under her shirt. She hadn’t slipped on her sports bra this time, so we saw the full outline of each breast, her hard nipples poking into the fabric, begging for one of us to suck on each of them. Her hips round and soft and those incredibly long legs of hers. They led to what was nestled between them, a pussy so warm and tight, the mere thought of how that had felt set my thoughts spiraling into the depths of wicked lust. I knew Bramand Vince felt the same way. I could only imagine their questions once they learned that I’d had sex with her.

Fuck but her sweet mouth had felt good on my shaft.

More wicked images raced through my mind.

My cock was getting hard again, and if I wasn’t careful, someone would notice real soon. I grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap.

The three of us stared at her for an awkward moment, like we were waiting for her to call each of us over… as if that could ever happen. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was naked. I’d seen her in a bathing suit countless times, but to see her naked… That was an entirely different experience. I imagined fucking her all over again. Only this time, I’d eat that sweet pussy first until she begged me to stop.

Yep, I was rock hard again, thankful for the pillow.

When Vince cleared his throat, it was our signal to return to earth and listen to what he had to say about the book and any photos or video Bram may have caught.

I moved around a bit to make myself more comfortable, but until I calmed down, comfort wasn’t an option.

“Okay,” Bram started. “I picked up some wispy stuff in several of the pictures that I’ll show you on my laptop once we finish telling you about the journal we found. We haven’t read everything yet, but we skimmed a lot of it. You’re not going to believe this, but It seems Carrie Ann’s so-called parents, weren’t her parents at all. Get this, she believed she was kidnapped. And from what we read, and the descriptions she gave, we believe her.”

“What? No,” I said, hardly able to grasp what he was saying. “Do you have any proof?”

“Just what she wrote in her journal,” Vince said. “She remembers a blond-haired woman who loved her, laughed with her, and they played together. She also remembers another girl,several years older, who would play with her. And a baby boy in a buggy. She couldn’t remember much about him. The weird thing is, with the only picture we have of Carrie Ann, she had light-colored hair, and everyone in my family has black hair like me, even Carmen Stoker, Carrie’s so-called mom had black hair.”

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