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The cheers and whistles that went up from the guys and the workers threatened to shatter glass. Not only that, but Luke picked me up and twirled me around. “You’ve made us so damn happy.”

Then Josh took me in his arms and did the same, which for Josh, was so out of character, both Luke and Rascal just stood there for a moment, looking stunned. “Oh babe, you made the absolute right decision. Thank you… seriously… thank you!”

When my feet finally touched the floor again, Rascal came over. “I could kiss you.”

“Then why don’t you?” I told him, defiant.

He leaned over, cupped my face with one of his big hands, and laid one on me. Everyone, including Josh and Luke, whistled, yelled, and clapped.

“Go, Rascal,” I heard Josh say.

Oh, man… the kiss took my breath away, and when we pulled apart, I nearly fell over. He instantly grabbed me, pulling me back to him.

“You okay, lil’ bit?”

“Um, yeah. I’m fine,” I told him, clearing my throat and stepping away from him.

He’d been right about his kiss… I’d never forget it. There were some men who just knew how to sweep a girl off her feet, and Rascal was one of those guys.

Hot damn!

“You folks have made this old cowboy very happy, very happy indeed! Whoo-hoo!” Jimmy yelled, and his voice bounced off the walls reinforcing just how great the acoustics were in this dance hall.

“Now, let’s get to work,” Luke ordered, as if we could do anything about it right now. “We have a lot of songs to learn in a very short amount of time.”

WE TOURED DIRTY Coyote a bit more, then we checked out Sweet Whiskey, which surprised me. It looked very much like Cricket, without the fresh coat of paint. Most of the shops were about the same, except for a few more Western clothing stores and of course, a large Boot Barn, a tack store, and several local winery shops.

We grabbed lunch at Rosie’s Diner where we devoured possibly the best burgers any of us had ever had. Afterwards, Rascal drove us back to Cricket where I insisted that I needed some downtime to absorb everything… which I did… but I also didn’t want to miss my date with Shea. I’d agreed to meet the guys tomorrow morning at my place to give them my final answer on the band, the ranch, and… well, everything.

Now that I’d agreed to the grand opening of Dirty Coyote, that didn’t mean I’d agreed to making Hot Sugar a permanent band, nor did it mean I was taking the ranch. I didn’t know what it meant for the long-term… thus my talk with Shea.

“Okay, lay it all on me. I’m here to help… if I can,” she said as we sat on the sofa in my living room, sipping on red wine and listening to Blake Shelton’s greatest hits. I kept the music low, so it wouldn’t disturb our conversation. “You’re usually the one with all the advice, so whatever’s going on with you must be critical… especially if you wantmyadvice. I’m the last person you should come to. Seems like the Ladies Who Knit might be your better choice.”

Shea was right. I went to them for a lot of advice on different subjects. And except for Melinda DeLong, who couldn’t be over thirty, the other women in that knitting group were well over seventy. They knew a lot about how the world worked, but in this case, I wanted someone more my age to help. Someone like Shea who lived with three men. After all was said and done, my problem… my major problem… was Josh, Luke, and now Rascal. That kiss I’d shared with Rascal catapulted me over the top. Yes, I was falling in love with all three of them, and although they seemed to be good with the prospect of a crowded bed, it scared the shit out of me.

All those… well… dicks.


One dick was fine… great even… but three… at once?

How the hell did that even work? My mind raced with dicks of all sizes and shapes dancing around in my bedroom. The vision scared me silly.

“Holy Moly! I don’t know if an hour will be enough time for us to discuss all the twists and turns my life has taken in the last couple of weeks… mainly in the last few days.” I drank down a few more sips of wine, wine made from the grapes that grew on Dusty’s or rather my ranch, if I chose to take it. “Good wine. Smooth. Earthy finish.”

I focused on the delicious red wine instead of dancing dicks.

She grinned. “One day in Napa, and you can talk about an earthy finish? Makes me wonder what would happen if you lived there?”

“It’s not just the wine, but there’s horses, country music, dance halls, and sex with two different men in just as many days. Potentially, there’s three men, but the third one I haven’t had sex with yet. I can’t envision how that even works. All those… body parts… big body parts. I’m a small woman, five foot two on a good day. What the hell am I going to do with all those…”


“I didn’t want to be so blunt, but yes. How the hell does that even work?”

She chuckled, blushed a little, poured herself more wine, looked me in the eyes, and said, “One glorious inch at a time.”

I was just sipping my wine then and spat out whatever was in my mouth. Fortunately, it landed back in my glass.

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