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She groaned and tossed her head back, her hair tumbling around her shoulders and face, while I cupped a breast and sucked on her hard nipple, enjoying the taste of her warm skin.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I mumbled, gazing into her sweet, gray eyes once she pulled up on my cock and stared at me for a moment.

“You’re so thick,” she moaned.

“Not too thick, I hope.”

She smirked and tilted her head. “Just right, darlin’.”

“Good to know,” I said, as she moved up and down on my cock, causing me to lose my mind. “You’re so damn tight.”

Again, she smirked. “Not too tight, I hope.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Never.”

“Good to know.” And she let out a little giggle.

I had to kiss her, then, hard, pushing my tongue against hers. She felt so fucking good, I knew this wouldn’t take long if we kept teasing each other like this. Way too much fun. That was one of the things I loved about this woman… she was just plain fun. No matter what was going on around her, she always found a way to bring out the sunshine and make everything enjoyable. Apparently, fucking her was no exception.

I drove deeper and deeper inside her, pulling her down on me harder and faster as she kept leaning back into the water, which allowed me to love on her soft, full breasts as much as I wanted to. Claiming them as mine for this time we were here, in this hot tub, under the bluest sky I’d ever seen.

We began a faster pace, and I could tell she was close, and I pulled her back towards me. “I want to watch you come, baby. Watch your face while I send you over the edge, knowing it’s my cock that’s doing it for you.”

She grinned, running her hands over my shoulders and down the front of my chest, the warm water making it even sexier.

Fuck, but her pussy felt so good on my cock that I wanted to stay there for the rest of the day.

“I’m soo… damn… close,” she moaned, and I drilled her even harder and faster.

I saw it then. Saw her eyelids flutter, and her eyes stared right through me. I cupped the side of her face and tangled my fingers in her hair, forcing her to look at me.

“Now. It’s… now!” She groaned and grunted in a deep voice, while her face contorted for a moment. I couldn’t hold my own release back any longer, and we both finished together.

“Let it out, babe. Scream your head off. No one can hear you but me, and I’m loving it!”

We both gave the world our best howls as I shot everything I had deep inside her beautiful body. The combination of her obvious ecstasy and mine made for one of the more intense orgasms I’d had in I didn’t know how long. And as I pushed out every drop, while she came down from somewhere up in the sky, I knew this was only the beginning of what would prove to be the best time of our lives!

Connie 10

“As you can see…” Jimmy began, as he escorted us out on the main stage of Dirty Coyote. “This is by far the best venue of its kind for several hundred miles in any direction. Cricket’s Last Call is great for locals, but it doesn’t compare to what we’ve got going on here… No offense, Miss Connie.”

Rascal and Josh had been so excited about this adventure, that anything Jimmy showed us, they praised. It felt as if there was no going back for them, while I was still skeptical. Luke, however, donned his poker face once again. We’d had such a good time at the guest house and on the ride back, but as soon as he stepped anywhere near Rascal and Josh, he clammed up tighter than ever. Still, my feelings for Luke were now equal to my feelings for Josh, and I still didn’t know what to do about any of it. My date with Shea couldn’t come fast enough.

“None taken,” I told Jimmy after a moment, unable to fully absorb the enormity of this place and what Jimmy was asking us to do. Hot Sugar, a once-abandoned local country band would be Jimmy’s headliner. It made no sense whatsoever for him to take such a chance on us for his grand opening. “But can I ask you one question?”

“Sure,” he said. “Anything.”

“Why us? Other than a few hours of impromptu fun yesterday, we hadn’t sung together in years. Why do you want us to be your headliner grand opening band when so much of your success depends on those first few days?”

There, I said what I’d been thinking all along. It was out on the table. Jimmy had the freedom to withdraw his offer and book a real band, an established band that would draw in a crowd if he wanted to.

Luke stood next to me on the stage, while Josh and Rascal stood somewhere behind us. Jimmy had walked out on the stage first, so he was off to the side. Several men and women builders did their thing inside, finishing up railings on the balconies, pounding stuff, drilling, and finishing whatever needed work. The place was very close to being finished, but there were still some areas covered with drop cloths while lighting fixtures were installed overhead.

The place seemed like an enormous expanse of a wooden dance floor, cool lighting, and a bar that ran almost the entire length of the dance floor. It would require at least four bartenders and a couple of bar backs. Then there was the waitstaff that would serve the many tables that ran along the wall on the opposite side of the bar and up on the balcony surrounding the entire room. Apparently, according to Jimmy, there was another full bar located up on the balcony as well.

Jimmy chewed on what I said for a couple of minutes. I half-expected him to throw up his hands and agree that he’d made a stupid mistake, but he didn’t. Instead, he said, “Dusty Lasater was one of my best friends. He was the one person who believed in me when I was at my lowest point in my life.” One by one, the workers stopped what they were doing to listen and show Jimmy some respect. “I’d lost everything, and I was close to losing my own life because of my stupid choices. He helped me get on my feet again and helped me realize this vision. He contributed his own money to this venture, as well as helped me get financing from the entrepreneurial group in Cricket. So, when he suggested I contact Rascal about the opening act, I didn’t even hesitate. Not long after that, Dusty lost his battle with cancer and took his last breath. I was blessed to be at his bedside when that happened. After everything he’d done for me during my lifetime, it was my true honor to help my best friend leave this here earth. There’s nothing more humbling than to be at someone’s bedside during those final moments. And when I finally got to hear you sing at Dusty’s funeral, Miss Connie, I knew right off that he had once again been right about what I should do. No matter what you say, no matter all your reasons, I know that if you’re willing to work hard and come on down here on this stage, with these nice, young fellas, and everybody gives it their best for the grand opening, we all win… including Dusty.”

I couldn’t help the raw emotion that welled up inside me and spilled out from my eyes. I gave Jimmy a hug. The man was a hero. “Let’s do this! Let’s have the best dang grand opening this town has ever seen!”

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