Page 9 of Miss Matched

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“Not that we’ll probably ever see each other socially again after tonight, but still, I couldn’t take another liar in my life.”

I felt as though she’d just stuck a pin in my dick, and it deflated in an instant.

She knew how to crush a guy’s hopes.

Still, I wasn’t about to give up with one pin prick. Not when we’d had this magical encounter. After all, what were the odds we’d be in the same place at the same time on Christmas Eve?

There had to be something more to this chance meetup, and I wasn’t about to let it go so easily.

I was taking bold steps tonight. Enough of feeling inadequate. This was an incredible opportunity, and I had no intention of squandering it with self-doubt.

“And what makes you think we won’t see each other socially again? I’m having a nice time, aren’t you?” I asked, wishing this would be the beginning… our beginning. I didn’t want to go back to having that counter at the restaurant to come between us again.

She nodded. “I am, but my date should be here any moment.”

“Can you cancel?” I asked, hoping she would but knowing damn well she wouldn’t.

I had no idea if this was a first date or if she was waiting for the guy she’d broken up with last week. Either way, I decided to be bold and ask.

You can’t get what you want if you don’t take that first step.

I’d been listening to the entrepreneurs on Clubhouse, and that was their generalized mantra.

“I can’t do that… way too rude. And what about your date?”

“Who said it was a date? Maybe it’s simply a friend or another guy.” I was getting close to breaking my lie promise, and it hadn’t even been fifteen minutes. “Two guys catching up for a few hours.”

She smirked. “On Christmas Eve? Not likely. Okay… is it a date? And remember, you promised not to lie to me.”

Once again, I found myself lost in the moment. That pinprick to my dick hadn’t lasted very long. Her voice was enough to get my blood rushing once again. “Um… yes. It’s a date. A first date but for drinks, only. Which shouldn’t last that long.”

“How do you know? Maybe she’ll sweep you off your feet.”

I liked how her face lit up when she teased me… when she flirted.

“Impossible. You’ve already done that.”

I didn’t know where those words came from. They just tumbled out of my mouth without my brain giving them much thought. This woman was getting under my skin, in a good way… a very good way.

A wide smile stretched her full red lips, and I realized it was the first time I’d been this close to her when she genuinely and truly seemed happy. There’d been plenty of times she’d smiled at me from the other side of the counter, but they’d always been tainted by the pain of her latest breakup. This was different. This was pure joy, or was it mixed with a little self-flattery. After all, I’d admitted that she was having a major effect on me.

“Why Gianni Capra, are you flirting with me?”

I leaned in closer, and her perfume encircled me once again, stronger this time. It didn’t take long before my deflated dick was back up and running on all cylinders; only this time, I was able to control my emotions… or at least I thought I could.

“Absolutely,” I whispered. “No lies, remember?”

She straightened up, drank more of her wine, then caught the bartender’s eye, and ordered another round. “This one’s on me.”

“What about our dates?” I asked, remembering my obligation to Shannon. I wished she would contact me and call off the date. I didn’t care what excuse she gave as long as she cancelled.

“They can buy their own drinks,” she teased, a sly little grin lingering on her delicious mouth.

“No, I mean what do we tell them?” I asked with sincerity. I didn’t want to cause Shannon any rejection heartache. She seemed nice enough, and I didn’t want to be a shit. In truth, I wasn’t rejecting her. I was merely embracing the situation I found myself in and didn’t want it to end. Surely, she would understand.

“The truth,” she offered. “We should tell them the truth.”

“And exactly what is that truth?”

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