Page 10 of Wickedly Innocent

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I was still having a hard timewrapping my head around the dream anyway. It all seemed so realwhenever I knew without a doubt that it never would be. The lasttime I’d seen him I thought I saw vague attraction for me lurkingin those sea-colored eyes. But as the days went on I told myself Iwas just imagining it. I had hit my head hard that night.

“It’s fucking freezing,” Melonie’sshrill voice broke through my thoughts as she rounded the vehicle.Speak of the Devil and she arrives.I clicked my tonguewhile trying to ignore her complaints.

“Whose stupid idea was it to notgo to a nice warm beach?” she asked already knowing the answer.

Maybe it was because I’d beeninterrupted in my earlier orgasm and was sexually frustrated, ormaybe it was because I was just tired of Melonie’s constantcomplaining. Whatever it was that urged me to speak my mind, Ididn’t stop as it came out.

“You know, you didn’t have tocome. Nobody forced you, in fact, you invited yourself,” I snappedbefore turning toward her.

The look that crossed her perfectfeatures was priceless. She looked as though I had slapped her. Ofcourse, she wasn’t exactly used to me sticking up for myself. Forthe first time since I’d met her, she stumbled over her words.

“Wh–hat?” she stuttered.

When I said nothing and turnedback toward the SUV, I could have sworn I saw smoke come out of herears. I glanced at Anna who was still grabbing ski gear with aslight grin on her lips. Pride surged through me as I grippedMelonie’s bag.

“Here…” I held out the bag forher. “Take your bag and go inside if you’re too cold to help unloadthe rest of the car.”

Melonie scoffed as she lookedbetween Anna and me. “You’re just gonna let her talk to me likethat?” she asked Anna, as though she could save her from thisaltercation. Anna shrugged and tossed some of the ski gear downbefore turning to grab more.

“Talk to you like what?” Benrounded the SUV with his hands in his pockets. Everyone ignored himas Melonie and I continued our staring contest.

Although it was unspoken, both ofus knew that the first one of us to move was going to be the loserof this battle. I held her heavy bag out and refused to budge. Shescowled from me to the bag and back to me again. Also refusing tomove.

Ben, oblivious to this, steppedforward and grabbed the bag from my hand. He smiled at me with thatgolden retriever personality and then toward Melonie. “Here yougo,” he said happily as he handed it to her.

A beat longer than necessarypassed before she finally ripped her heated gaze away from me andtoward Ben. As if she flipped a switch, her face went from pissedoff to puppy love. “Thank you so much, Benjamin.” She beamed at himwith that sugary smile that made me feel like I had a cavity. “Somepeople can just be so rude,” she snarked before flipping her hairaround her shoulder and stalking off toward the cabin.

I shook my head as I turned backaround toward Anna who was barely containing her laughter. “Whoknew all it would take to light a fire under you was to interceptyour orgasm?” she teased and I snorted. I bumped her shoulder withmine as we both chuckled.

Maybe this trip would be good forme after all.

Ben stooped down to grab the skigear and headed after Melonie as Anna and I grabbed the rest of thebags. There wasn’t that much, as we were only staying here a week,but since it was cold everything we packed had been heavyweight.Meaning there were enough bags for both of our arms to be full.

As we trudged along thesnow-covered path, I couldn’t help the sigh of contentment thatwashed over me. All around me was a sheet of fresh white powder.Everything from the trees to the ground was covered in the thickglittery substance. Being from Georgia, I never really got toexperience this type of weather. It was refreshing.

I let my gaze wander to everythingaround me. The cabin we were staying in was more like a largevacation home than anything else. Whatever Anna’s dad did for aliving must’ve been lucrative. It had to be at least afour-to-five-bedroom house. It was absolutely stunning. The frontof the house was facing the beautiful snow-covered mountains withits floor-to-ceiling windows. The house itself was immaculatelystyled. The pristine log siding was something you would find in adesigner magazine.

I noticed as we walked closer thatone of the massive chimneys next to the windows was piping smokeout of it.Was someone else here?I looked back toward thedriveway and inspected it. If there was someone here, they hadn’tleft their vehicle outside. That’s when I spotted a set of tiretracks leading to one of the garage doors. Whoever was here musthave parked inside.

“Anna,” I breathed. We reached thefront door where Ben and Barbie were waiting for us. The scowl onMelonie’s face hadn’t slipped as she assessed me from head totoe.

“Yeah?” Anna said as she slid thekey into the lock and pushed the door open. She gestured for ourtraveling companions to head in first. If I thought the exteriorhad been breathtaking, their faces told me the inside was just asnice.

“Is there someone else here?” Iasked as I pointed to the smoking chimney.

Confusion creased her brow beforerealization dawned on her. “Oh yeah, that’s just my dad. When Iasked if we could use the cabin he insisted that he be here too.Don’t worry, he’s totally cool. He will stay out of our way but hecan be a worrier sometimes,” she assured me. She stepped throughthe front door Ben was holding open for her.

I nodded as I followed. I’d nevermet Anna’s dad before and I was kind of anxious to. I’d met hermom, Hillary, a couple of times and loved her to pieces. She was alot like Anna, in looks and attitude, so it was hard not toinstantly like her. Anna never had anything bad to say about herdad as I did mine, so it kind of left me wondering what type ofperson he was. All I knew was that he and her mom were happilydivorced but everyone still got along well. Maybe it would be niceto see how a father/daughter relationship was supposed to be.

The heat from the inside of thecabin warmed my cheeks as I stepped through the doorway and turnedto thank Ben for holding it. He grinned almost bashfully at me as Idid.

“Oh good, you’re here. Your flightwas all right, then,” a deep voice rang out and seemed to echo inmy ears. I stood stalk still as I listened closely. The voice thathaunted my dreams just this morning had spoken.

I slowly turned around andpromptly dropped all the bags I was holding. Causing Melonie tocurse and jump back so I wouldn’t break her toes.

I couldn’t be bothered by it as Istared at the figure in front of me. He was just as imposing as Iimagined him early this morning. His hair was perfectly coiffedinstead of beautifully tangled in my fingers. Those strong handswere shoved into his pockets instead of gripping my breasts as I’dbegged for more. Those blue-green eyes were drilling into my soulas if it were his right to be there. His long powerful legs andtall figure clouded out everything else around me. Those lips, I’dfelt as if they were real, smiled as he looked me up and down likeI was his next meal.

I swallowed, trying to bringmoisture back to my suddenly dry mouth as one word bounced aroundin my head like a ping-pong ball.

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