Page 9 of Wickedly Innocent

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He licked and kissed his way downmy neck until he met the top of my barely there tank. He groaned ashis searing gaze took in my hardened peaks. Without a word, heripped the fabric down and away from my breasts. Exposing me to hisview.

I surprised myself by not pullingaway from him as he studied me. His hands kept their downwarddescent, pulling the fabric with them so my whole backside was alsoexposed. A shiver crawled up my spine as the cold of the roomseeped into my skin.

“These are the prettiest titsI’ve ever seen, Bambi,” he groaned before flicking his tongue outto taste me. Pride surged through me at his compliment. When hishot tongue lapped at me I threw my head back as a moan escaped mylips. His hands pushed my sweats and panties the rest of the waydown as he continued to lick me.

I nearly whimpered as he pulledaway from me but stopped myself when he knelt in front of me. Hishands came around the front of my hips and up as he started to cupmy breasts. He stared up at me as his mouth latched around one ofmy dusty-rose nipples as his fingers tweaked the other. I couldfeel my pussy getting wetter by the second.

Something was rising within methat I had never felt before. Something I had only ever heard aboutin movies or read about in those dirty books. The throbbing in mycore intensified with each pull of his mouth. I was going toexplode and he hadn’t even touched my most intimate part yet.

He replaced his mouth with hisfingers as he continued to fondle me. “Are you going to come fromme just playing with these pretty nipples, Bambi?” he asked with adevious smile. I couldn’t stop my nod and sharp intake of breath ashe pinched me. So close.

He chuckled as his hands left mybreasts and traveled south. “I haven’t even touched this juicylittle cunt yet. Are you wet for me?” he teased.

His left arm wrapped around my assagain and he held me tight as his right hand reached for my sex. Igasped as he delved in my folds, raking his finger against myengorged clit. His groan of approval nearly had me undone.

“Oh, Lindsey. You’re ready forme. This pussy is as wet as a ripe fruit. I think I’ll see if ittastes as good as one too.” He flashed me a wicked smile and dippedhis head to my pussy. I knew one swipe of his tongue would be allit took to send me flying.

I kept my fingers in his hair as Ifelt his breath fan over the wet flesh he was so close to.

“Lindsey,” a far-off voicecalled but I ignored it. I was about to experience the one thing Ihad missed out on my entire adult life.

“Lindsey,” the voice thatsounded vaguely like Anna said again.

Closer and closer his mouth cameto that part of me that craved him more than I craved my nextmeal.


“Lindsey!” Anna screamed at mefrom her bed across the room. I gasped as I started to push Ianaway from me only to realize he wasn’t actually there. Panic lacedevery one of my breaths as I tried to calm my racing heart. The fogof my first erotic dream finally started to lift from my mind.

“Were you having a wet dream?”Anna’s chipper voice sounded from across the room.

I started to sit up and nearlymoaned as my thighs moved against my sex. I was so sensitive fromthe dream that felt like a reality. I could feel how wet I hadbecome in my sleep and how easy it would be to finish what myunconscious psyche had started for me.

“What … no, why?” I lied as Ibrushed my hair off my sweat-soaked forehead.

“Because you kept moaning thename,Adrian.It was pretty hot to listen to, really.”

I cringed and sat up on the edgeof the bed, ignoring the pulse originating at my core. I watched inhorror as she rolled her eyes back and opened her mouth in a mockorgasm. She gripped the sides of her blue hair and really put on ashow for me. “Oh, Adrian!” she moaned between heaving breaths.

My face blazed fire red. I wantedthe floor to open up and swallow me whole. “Oh my God! Stop!” Iscreeched as I threw my pillow at her head. She was so busy makingfun of me she didn’t see it coming until it was too late. It beamedher on the side of the head and knocked her off her bed with asolid thud.

I almost felt bad until shestarted to laugh so loudly I was sure it would wake up others inthe hall. I was completely embarrassed but I couldn’t help it whenI started laughing with her.

“I can’t believe you had a sexdream in the same room as me!” she breathed between laughs.

“Anna!” I screeched. She onlycontinued to laugh as she stood and grabbed my pillow. Afterthrowing it back at me, she walked toward the bathroom.

“It’s time to get your horny assup. We have a flight to catch,” she tossed over her shoulder with amischievous grin.

I groaned and laid back down aftershe shut the door behind her.


“I can’t believe you invited JohnWayne Gacy,” Anna groaned as we grabbed the bags out of the rentalSUV. I smiled at my friend before grabbing another bag and placingit onto the snow-covered driveway at my feet. Anna had known sincethe day we made the plan to come to Colorado that I’d invited Ben,she just liked to complain about it.

The flight out here had beenuneventful, to say the least. Anna sat next to me while poor Benhad been forced to sit with Satan herself in the row next to us. Ihad tried to keep my annoyance to myself every time she made a showof touching him in different ways. It’s not like I was jealous, Imean, if she wanted him and he wanted her, then I say have at it.It only bothered me because she was using him to get me riledup.

I had taken a short nap before welanded and I was pleased to announce that I didn’t have any moresexy dreams about Ian. One was enough to mortify me for the rest ofmy life. I was just thankful that Anna was gracious enough not tosay anything in front of Melonie.

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