Page 11 of Wickedly Innocent

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Chapter Five

“What the fuck are you doinghere?” The words spilled out of my lips before I could call themback.

“Oh my God, Lindsey. Don’t be sorude, this is his cabin, after all.” Anna laughed off my slip asshe walked up to the man I couldn’t stop thinking about. “Hey,Dad,” she said as she hugged him.

“Dad?” Melonie and I said at thesame time. We looked at each other. I knew my face held all theconfusion I felt while hers held disdain for me and me alone.

I shook my head. “I thought yourlast name was Drewer?” I said as my stare bounced between Ian andAnna.

“It is,” she said as she threw herbags onto the overstuffed couch.

“You look nothing alike,” Meloniesaid as she raked her gaze up and down Ian like he was some sort ofsnack. I tried to ignore the surge of rage I felt as I watchedher.

“Then how is he your dad? His lastname is Young,” I murmured ignoring Melonie altogether.

Anna frowned my way. “Do you twoknow each other?”

“No,” I nearly screeched as Iansaid, “Yes,” at the same time.

Everything fell silent then.Anna’s eyes bounced back and forth between us. Ben stood by thedoorway, eyeing Ian with the caution of a rabbit looking at a wolf.Even Melonie said nothing as she stared at me.

“I treated Lindsey’s mom onceafter an accident,” Ian said as he smiled at his daughter and thenreturned those bright eyes to me.

I was struck dumb by thesituation. He was here. How was he here? If I had known he wasAnna’s dad I would have never … would have never what? Thoughtabout him inappropriately? Lusted after him like some sex-crazedmaniac? Come on this trip?

It took me a while to figure outthat everyone in the room was staring at me. As if they were allwaiting for me to confirm that I did indeed know who he was.

“Ya-yeah,” I stuttered. “That’show we know each other. He’s my mom’s doctor.” When nobody spoke Ifelt the irresistible urge to fill the silence. “I mean, when youasked if I knew him, I thought you meant did I reallyknowhim. Which I don’t … know him, I mean. We only met one time at thehospital. And even then we didn’t really talk. So, no, I don’treally know him at all. Just that he’s a doctor and his name is Dr.Young … I mean Ian, Dr. Ian Young,” I rambled on.

Melonie screwed up her face as shestudied me. “Spazz,” she mumbled under her breath so only I couldhear. I kept ignoring her as I tried to calm my racing heart.

Everything got quiet then as Ianand I stared at one another. I could see a glint of humor in hisgaze.Did he find my awkwardness funny?My face flamed atthe thought.

“Right,” Anna broke the silence.She walked up to her dad and looked at him before addressing theroom. “Not that I thought I would need to explain this, but Dadhere helped raise me. I was like, two, when he married my mom. Mybio dad is a shit and didn’t want anything to do with me so hestepped up.” She grinned up at Ian who smiled back down at herlovingly. I felt embarrassment flood my body yet again. “That’s whywe have different last names.” She laughed as she glanced at me.“Sorry for the confusion.” She shrugged before looking back at herdad and smiling. “Just because it didn’t work out between him andmy mom, doesn’t mean he stops being my dad,” she said before shehugged his side.

I felt lower than dirt at thatmoment. What had come over me that I felt the need to question Annaabout who her dad was? Even if I had the hots for him, I had beencompletely inappropriate.

I eyed Ian and said the firstthing that popped into my head as an apology. “I’m sorry, sir.” Iwinced at my own awkwardness.Sir?Who says shit likethat!

Something flickered in Ian’s eyesat my words. Something dark and untamed that called to me in avisceral way. I stumbled over my words as I turned away from theimposing male in question and faced his daughter. “Anna, I’m sosorry, I shouldn’t have s—”

She waved her hand at me,effectively cutting me off. “It’s no big deal, you didn’t know.Honestly, if I went on vacation and ran into my mom’s doctor Iwould probably wig out too.” She grinned at me before clapping herhands together. “All right, let’s figure out the room situation.”She practically skipped down one of the halls that led to thebedrooms.

I stood still as Ian and Icontinued to stare at each other. Melonie seemed to take thatmoment to embarrass me further by bumping into me as she walked by,causing me to stumble over one of the bags I dropped. “Oops,sorry,” she fake-apologized as I regained my footing.Bitch.

I watched as she swayed her hipsas she walked up to Ian. Even though she had her back to me, Icould tell she was giving him a sultry look. To his credit, henever took his gaze off me until she stopped in front of him. Inearly gagged as she tossed her arms around him and gave him a hug.He lightly patted her back in a way that you could see the hug wasnot warranted on his side.

“Thank you so much for letting usstay at your cabin, Dr. Young,” she said as she pulled away fromhim. I saw a tinge of red as she pushed her tits out for him, heldher hands behind her back, and swayed back and forth. “I sure wishI had adaddylike you.” She pouted and I wanted nothingmore than to rip her hair out at that moment. I knew exactly whatshe was trying to do.

She sauntered off after Anna asBen walked past me to join them. He eyed Ian warily as he passedhim on his way. He halted by the hallway that would lead to thebedrooms as his gaze trailed back to me. “You coming, Lindsey Bug?”he asked.

I could have sworn I saw Ian’s jawclench at the nickname but it was gone before the blink of an eye.I nodded and stepped over the luggage at my feet. Ben turned towardthe girls again and stepped out of view.

I tried not to look at him as Ipassed but it was an impossible task as he stepped in front of me.My breath caught as he gripped my upper arm and pulled me closer tohim. I closed my eyes to ward off that ache I now associated withhim.

“Hello, Bambi,” he growled.

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