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“Becca, wake up.” Theo’s deep voice penetrated the nightmare and brought my awareness fully back into the present.

“The cage,” I managed to choke out through a dry throat, “I don’t want to go back.” My words were slurred through the remnants of sleep and my disoriented mind.

“You won’t,” he whispered as a kiss pressed against my forehead, “I promise, baby. Come here.” Theo’s arms wrapped around me tightly as I practically crawled on top of him, shivering as tears escaped my eyes. In the dark I could pretend that he didn’t see how traumatizing the entire experience had been.

“Hold me, please.”

“I will. I am,” he promised.

“Tighter,” I begged as my shoulders began to shake from the sudden onslaught of pain, anger, and torment that zipped through my body faster than I could handle the rush of emotions.

“Becca, I’ve got you. I swear it. I won’t let go until you tell me.” His voice seemed so calm despite the way I was freaking out in his arms. “Do you remember the spot at the lake where we first shifted?”

Trembling, I had to focus on his words to comprehend. “Yes.”

“Do you remember what I said to you?”

Inhaling and then exhaling slowly, I forced my body to listen and obey my will. My wolf whined but lay down at the command. “You’d always be there for me. I was never alone.”

“That’s right,” he confirmed as his fingers began to slowly brush up and down my back. “Always is a pretty important word. It means forever, Bec. Always by your side. Never alone. We made that pact to one another.”

Relaxing for the first time I lay my head over his heart and listened to the steady thrum of the beats. “I remember.”

“Then you understand why I came for you. I won’t break that promise. It’s sacred.”

Sacred? “Theo, we’ve been through so much.”

“We have,” he agreed smoothly, “but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. Right now, this moment with you in my arms,” he gulped, “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

“Neither would I,” I whispered and actually meant what I said. How could I ignore the loving and fierce protector who wanted to shelter me from the world? How could I deny the way my heart raced, and my wolf longed for his presence whenever he was near?

Theo was my heart. He always would be, and the worst part of that knowledge was the fact that I couldn’t have him the way I wanted. Reality awaited us at home. My father’s wrath and my brother’s disapproval would quickly separate me from the man who held and cherished me in his arms. There was only one choice to make this night and I did so without another thought.

If we only had tonight, I wanted to make it count.

Lifting my head, I met his gaze and smiled. “Make love to me, Theo.”

The sharp intake of his breath was the only response before his lips met mine, crushing against my own in passionate fury. His tongue swept across my mouth and then thrust against the seam as I parted with a low moan. The kiss plundered the depths of my soul as Theo rolled us over and my back met the mattress. The familiar pressure of his lips skimmed across my bare shoulder as I fought to hold back a moan of pleasure.


He smothered my body with his own. I didn’t feel overwhelmed or caged in but protected and devoured, loved and desired. Every hard inch of him from his chiseled stomach muscles to the strong molded biceps of his arms held me in place. Our breaths raced with excitement and need as the primal instinct to mate swept over both of us.

One hand captured both of my wrists and held them suspended above my head as those sexy full lips licked and bit along the length of my neck, peppering kisses across my jaw. The sensitive skin came alive under his touch and I burned with a fire so fierce I was afraid I would scorch us both. His mouth drifted back and forth as if he couldn’t decide which was more delicious – my mouth, my neck, or all the exposed flesh in between.

Struggling against his hold, he nipped at my neck when I tried to place my hands on his body. “Touch me now and I’ll come too quickly,” he rasped. “I want this moment to last forever.”

I think he sensed this night would have to suffice for many moons in the future. Sighing with delight, I ceased all movement and let him explore the hidden curves and valleys of my body. Soft mews escaped from my lips as I let the pleasurable sensations crawl across every nerve and cell.

Theo growled against my mouth as he claimed another kiss. “Don’t move. I want to taste you everywhere.” His tongue brushed against mine as his hand snaked its way underneath my t-shirt and boldly explored the bare skin of my stomach. Trailing upward the warmth of his touch reached the globes of my breasts as he kneaded the hypersensitive areolas. His thumb and forefinger pinched lightly as I jolted in his arms and a grin spread across that handsome face I adored.

My thighs clenched together as Theo began to move, rolling his hips seductively against mine even as we were fully clothed. When our eyes met, he winked as a devilish gleam twinkled in the dark azure depths. Tugging on the material he lifted my shirt over my head and set it aside. My bra quickly followed. For several moments he feasted on my naked skin until a feral and guttural sound escaped from between his lips.


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