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With questing fingertips Theo explored the skin from my temples all the way to my waist. Each caress was done slowly and purposely to maximize the expectation that was already rising to dizzying heights. His tongue curled and moved from one nipple to the other as he lowered his head. A series of lazy licks left my bones melting into the fabric of the linens. There was no place he didn’t press those talented lips, no patch of skin that he didn’t taste. His rough tongue followed the movement of his fingers as he left his mark on my body inch by tantalizing inch.

My shorts and underwear had left my body sometime during the process. Digging my hands into the thick comforter, I gripped the material tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

“Relax,” Theo admonished, pushing my thighs gently apart. “You smell like heaven. My own personal concoction of the best flavors ever created.”

His nose pressed to the seam of my lower lips as he parted them with his fingers and inhaled. A low growl vibrated his chest as he flattened against the mattress on his stomach.

“Hold on tight, my love. This is going to be a wild ride.”

Wolf shifters had a nose for scents, but heightened arousal really brought out or beast and primal nature. Theo didn’t have to ask, and I didn’t have to say I’d never experienced this before today. My only sexual encounter was over a year prior when we were nervous and both of us hadn’t been with another. It might have been a little clumsy, but it was perfect.

Tonight was a completely different level of lust and wild need.

His tongue flicked out and licked the entire length of my sex, sinking his tongue deep as he lapped at my core like I was his last meal. Moaning, I tried to close my thighs reflexively, but Theo kept them propped open and my hips in place. Sucking on the little nub that he focused his attention, he sent waves of pleasure crashing over the surface of my skin. Moving against his face in a delicate rhythm was my only thought. I needed to keep up the delicious friction.

The storm inside my core began to build until I couldn’t contain it any longer. Crying out Theo’s name I fisted my hands in his hair and swiveled my hips as he lapped up every drop of my release until I shuddered.

“Theo,” I groaned, panting as my chest rose and fell quickly.

“That was nothing, Bec. We’re just getting started.”

“I don’t know. That was pretty amazing.”

He snorted in mild amusement. “I’m already addicted. You’ve ensnared me like a habit-forming drug. I want more until I’ve had my fill and I can hardly move from being so spent.”

“Why don’t you fill me instead?” I had no idea where my boldness came from, but Theo’s eyes widened for a second before he growled so sexy and deep that I could have come again just from the sound.

“Are you sure about this?”

The question was asked only once. He was giving me the opportunity to back out if this wasn’t what I wanted but I’d never been surer of anything or anyone in my entire life. Raw intensity shone in his blue eyes and dissolved any words that might have formed on my tongue.

“Completely. Take me, Theo. Make me yours.”

He was naked so fast that a small giggle erupted from between my lips. “You are mine, Becca. Let’s get that straight. Mine and no other.” The seriousness of his tone wasn’t lost on me.

“Yes, all yours, Theo. Just as you’re mine.”

To make such a promise to each other was mating according to the traditions and sanctions of our pack. We didn’t have to bear witness of our intent in front of the elders and the clan, but it would be expected eventually. Claiming one another and swearing our undying allegiance was declaring our union. As far as the pack was concerned, this was marriage.

It dawned on me that this was our essentially our wedding night.

Tears filled my eyes as Theo rose higher and pressed a gentle but firm kiss against my lips. “This is our mating, Becca. We’re consummating our vows.”

“Yes, Theo,” I choked, blinking as a single tear slipped down my cheek.

“Don’t cry, my mate. I love you, Becca. I always have, for as long as I can remember.” My eyes closed briefly and reopened as he cupped my cheek and leaned in for another kiss. “Remember this moment. It’s the happiest of my life.”

Theo took me then, filling me with every inch in one long but determined thrust. It was almost like our first time all over again except I didn’t have any pain. This was pure ecstasy. Big, hard, and rigid he completely consumed my body. Heat intensified along with the pulsing pleasure in my core. I began to sweat with his body pressed so closely to mine.

“This is better than any dream I’ve had of us since,” he confessed, and I couldn’t help my smile.

“Much better,” I agreed as he growled and nipped at my neck, pumping his hips faster. Long steady strokes forced my thighs open wider to accommodate the width of his hips. Theo was such a large man that he dwarfed me in comparison. Interestingly enough, we seemed to fit together like perfect puzzle pieces.

His hands grasped my hips as he increased his thrusts and pushed my body closer to another orgasm. White hot sparks of fire danced along my skin as the pleasure built in my core. An electric current seemed to burst from deep within and I screamed Theo’s name as I climaxed so hard, I bit into his shoulder. He never lessened his pace but kept up the delicious friction that caused his own cry of release to shatter the remaining walls between us and echo in the silent room.

Theo’s body stiffened as I felt his seed rush into me, and I held onto him tightly until he groaned out sweet words of love and devotion in my ear. In the aftermath of our lovemaking, our limbs entwined, and Theo held me tight against his chest as his heartbeat slowed and began to match my own.

Locked in my mate’s embrace, I gave into the fatigue but not before I heard the last words he whispered as his arms tightened their hold.

“I’m going to keep you close, my Becca. Right next to my heart. Where you’ve been and always will be until the day I no longer have life in my body.”

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