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For a moment I was tempted to lean into his touch but then I remembered how dirty I was and decided it wasn’t wise. Under the warm water of the shower I was cleansed of the blood, sweat, and grime of my captivity. By the time I left the bathroom I felt completely rejuvenated except for the fatigue that pressed in from all sides.

“You need food but I’m afraid to leave you for any length of time,” he confessed with a tight smile. “Even if it’s just the vending machine I can see from our room.”

“Well, I could use some sugar to help bring up my levels. I think you can chance the short walk,” I smirked, pleased by his thoughtfulness.

“Scream if you need me,” he offered as his towering frame ducked under the top of the door and practically ran toward his destination. Several minutes later he returned with enough snacks to feed a small army.

“Do we really need all of that?” I asked, stifling a laugh at his expression.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I covered all the bases.” To demonstrate his point, he dropped everything onto the bed and began separating the items into piles. “Sugar – there’s cinnamon snack cakes, Twizzlers, and Skittles. For salt we have popcorn in both butter and cheddar, BBQ chips, Doritos, and baked SunChips. For healthy snacks I found a pathetic bag of trail mix, a granola bar, and Raisinets. I managed to snag the last beef jerky and peanut butter crackers for protein. And then there’s mint gum since we don’t have any toothbrushes.”

Giggling, I picked up the jerky and ripped open the top, plopping a big piece into my mouth. “Yum.” After chewing for several minutes, I shot him a small smile. “You did good.”

Theo grinned as he shoved a water bottle in my direction. “Hydration is key. There’s several water bottles, Gatorade, dark soda, lemon lime soda, and a chocolate drink that will probably taste awful.”

Both of us began eating and soon almost everything was consumed. Whatever I didn’t finish Theo was quick to snatch up. Clearing away the trash, he jumped up and checked on the outside of the room and his truck.

“I can’t believe I ate so much,” I admitted, patting my stomach with a groan.

“I assume you haven’t eaten much lately,” he observed with a somber expression. “You’re just refueling.”

That was a true statement.

Yawning, I lay back against the comforter of the queen size bed and let my gaze fall on Theo’s broad shoulders. His presence meant everything to me. Even with my father’s constant interference Theo refused to walk away. I wasn’t sure if he would find that note and my backpack, but I was glad I had left the letter. I was almost asleep when I heard his voice penetrate the silence.

“Did you mean what you said?” His soft tone was reserved but I detected the hidden emotion behind the words.

“About us having unfinished business?”


“I meant every word, Theo.”

His shoulders lost some of the tension as he turned, silhouetted by the faint streetlamps and their pale-yellow glow that filtered through the slit in the heavy drapes at the window. The faded floral print bunched in his fingers as he lifted a hand to close them completely. His heart was hammering in his chest, but Theo didn’t say another word except to tell me to rest. My wolf sensed his hesitation and unease, but my eyelids began to flutter as I finally fell asleep, no longer able to prevent the rest my body so desperately needed.

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