Page 169 of Seductive Temptation

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A Week Later

“Good evening Mr. Redding, do you want anything to drink?” A cocktail waitress asked as she stopped at my table.

“Thanks Serena, I’ll have a double shot of whiskey on the rocks.”

“I’ll be right back with your order, sir,” Serena gave me a flirtatious smile. She allowed her eyes to rake over my face before seductively walking away to fill my order. My eyes lingered on the swaying of her hips just as the emcee snagged my attention and announced Miss Khadejah Butler to the stage. My drink arrived, and I thanked the waitress but dismissed her with a nod to my head. I couldn’t take my eyes off the black beauty that had taken the stage and demanded my full attention.

My drink was midway to my lips but the first lyrics from Khadejah’s mouth gave me a reason to pause. Her beauty was captivating, her curvaceous frame was draped in a gold figure hugging dress that fell below her knees. Her shoulder length black hair hung in loose swirly curls around her bare shoulders. I settled back into my seat giving her my full attention.

I could feel the warmth of Khadejah's voice wash over my every emotion. The music being played by the band only registered as background noise. Damn, I wished I could walk up on that stage and fuck her senseless. It didn’t matter that we were in a room filled with customers. I craved Khadejah Butler endlessly without any provocation on her part.

The sweet heady sweetness of her perfume penetrated my dreams at night. There was something about the woman belting her heart out on the stage before me that paled to every other woman I'd ever been in contact with in comparison. I am nothing if not responsible but one taste from Khadejah's lips has sent me on a tailspin of craving for more. The dim lighting cloaking Khadejah in a halo made her appear as though she was an ethereal beautiful angel. The melody of her voice was smooth, crystal clear, soothing, yet powerful. Her beautiful voice was filled with hurt, betrayal, and pain. However, it was belied with an unspoken promise of better days ahead.

I lifted my tumbler to my lips and took a sip of whiskey. Closing my eyes momentarily I allowed Khadejah's melodic melodies to roll over me like riveting waves. Desire surged through every pore in my body as my cock rose with the knowledge that it would be buried in Khadejah's sweet core soon. I really needed to get some work done in my office. I had put it off long enough by taking in the lovely vision before me. But first things first. I would have time to make the sexy curvaceous Khadejah mine later, and when I did I would not be rushed. I would savor every delectable inch of her sweetness. My mouth watered at the thought.

Standing abruptly, I crossed the room and made my way to my office. I nodded and stopped to speak to a few of my loyal patrons along the way. Once in my office behind closed doors, I settled behind my desk, and powered on the computer. Logging in to my emails I reviewed them. I trashed unnecessary ones but sent the necessary replies to the important ones. A contract that needed my immediate attention sat on my desk, I took the time to examine the document before signing it and faxing it to the appropriate party.

A soft tapping sound got my attention. “Enter.”

A vision of beauty made her way into my office. My shaft grew and lengthened like a python against my thigh. I rose up slightly in my seat, straightened my pants leg to alleviate the discomfort from my growing erection.

“Good evening, Mr. Redding,” Khadejah strolled into the office with an unsure look on her face. I hope I’m not disturbing you. Your assistant said you were in here working but--,”

“Um, no, you’re not disturbing me in the least. I wanted to stand but I needed to get my erection under control. I didn’t want to scare the woman away like I did on the beach. “Come in and close the door behind you,” I told her.

Closing the door, Khadejah then walked over to stand before my desk. She nibbled on her bottom lip and crossed her arms across her bountiful chest. Her movements caused my eyes to stray to her delectable cleavage. The mound of her breasts looked soft. My hand itched to grab her breast. My tongue craved to lick her twin nipples and do much more pleasurable things to her entire body.

“I trust everything is okay,” I indicated for her to take a seat. I could tell she is nervous, so I will do all I can to make her comfortable.

“Yes sir, everything is great. Everyone is friendly. I wanted to thank you personally for this job. This job means a lot to me. It has given me purpose and a chance at a new start. I’m also sorry with the way I acted on the beach the other day. I’m only getting up enough nerves to apologize to you in the correct manner.”

“Please call me Seth. I hope it’s alright for me to call you Khadejah.”

“Yes, that’s fine,” Khadejah’s warm coffee colored eyes met mine.

“Great. I’m actually glad you’re here. I want to take you out to dinner. It’s something that I do to welcome all of my new hires,” I blatantly lied without an ounce of remorse.


“I see you’re not on schedule for Thursday night. Since it’s a week night will seven o’clock work for you?” I asked not giving her a chance to say no. Khadejah was surprised, but not as much as she would have been if I had asked her on an actual date. I imagined that would have warranted another slap.

“Okay,” she answered slowly with uncertainty written across her face. “Where do you want to meet, Mr.--, I mean Seth?”

“I’ll have my driver pick you up. I already have your address on file. You just be ready and bring your appetite. One thing I can’t stand is a woman who is too afraid to eat.”

“Well, I don’t happen to be one of those women. You can tell by looking at me,” Khadejah responded.

“Indeed,” I glanced over her thick womanly curves and my erection sprung back to life with alacrity.

“I better get back. I have one more set to finish before my shift ends. Good night, Seth,” Khadejah replied and stood.

“Good night, Khadejah. I would see you to the door but--,”

“No need. I can see you’re a busy man. I’ll see myself out,” she stated and walked over to open the door. She looked back over her shoulder to catch my eyes planted on her rounded ass. Our eyes clashed, a simmering fire seeps into the depths of her eyes before she darts out the door and closes it behind her.

Now that the prospect of me being with Khadejah was more real than ever, I found it hard to focus on the work before me. The tightness in my crotch area reminded me of everything I wanted to do to this amazing woman. I wanted to get from her as much pleasure as she could give, but I also wanted to make her scream beneath me, to take her to heaven and back with my lips, tongue, hands and cock. I knew that there would be a time when I’d be able to do just that.

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