Page 168 of Seductive Temptation

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“Escape? What are you talking about, get on that stage and do your thing!” Gina yelled at me.

“No, no, no, listen! You have to help me get out of here. Let’s see…” I started to plan my own escape to freedom.

“Will you calm down for a second and listen to me? Didn’t you see how that man looked at you?”

“That’s exactly why I’m panicking. He’s my boss. Don’t you get how embarrassed I am?” I went on. Regina was trying to explain the reality to me with admirable patience.

“Don’t you get that your boss apparently has his sights set on you?” she started. It seems like he knew who you were from the beginning. That man must have taken one look at you and had it for you bad to do something like that.”

“And you don’t think that’s bad in my current situation?”

“I think that’s exactly what you need,” Gina replied knowledgably. “A hot boss and a fantastic job you are going to blow if you don’t get it together and get on the stage.”

I knew she was right – about the job part. It was time to go. But I was still determined to stay away from handsome men, be it my boss or anyone else. We shared a moment of silence and my mind took me back to that morning on the beach.

“I was crying when he approached me,” I said finishing my drink and standing.

“Aww, are you going to be okay Khadejah? I'm so sorry that this happened to you,” Gina said in a consoling tone of voice.

“I am too. Wish me luck,” I said as I set off towards the stage to do my set. I hoped I would have a job to come back to after tonight.


I became fixated. The sensation of my stomach tightening when my gaze take in Khadejah walking up to the stage.

“Good evening everyone. The first song I will sing tonight is an oldie, but it’s by one of the greatest female singers of all times. She’s no longer with us to share her great talent, but her words and music will live in my heart for a lifetime. Miss Aretha Franklin this one is for you,” Khadejah’s sensual voice washed over me and began to cause all kinds of havoc in my heart.

The lyrics from “Love Is The Only Thing” spills from her lips to touch deep within my soul.

“I love and you love

We love

Sweet love

I look and you look

And we found sweet love

And now we know

Love is the only thing

That matters at all...”

Khadejah's passion for the music is evident in the way she gives intensity to the song. There is a small crease between her arched brows. Khadejah's warm brown eyes show the depth of her soul. I look into her eyes and I instantly realize; all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this unpretentious thing: passion. Passion turns her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, as she sings a song about love, but I can feel a hint of sadness lurking beneath the lyrics, the passion I feel, adds to Khadejah's beauty.

Khadejah's eyes scan the room my breath become lodged in my chest when her eyes meet mine. Damn it she is beautiful; it was like the stars themselves, decided to rest behind the bright depth of her orbs. She tears her glance from mine. I suddenly feel the loss, it’s almost like she’s taken my sunshine away.

My fingers grip my glass and itches to examine the contours of her face with my fingertips. I became fascinated with Khadejah’s lips as they moved. They were plump and made for kissing. My gaze drifts down to her legs, and a rush of emotions rush through me that I can’t define. Of their own accord, my eyes trail upward and land on her breasts. I inwardly grunt. Khadejah is well endowed. My cock hardens. It seems my smaller head is on one accord with my thoughts. I want to slide my shaft between her breast and release my seed against her brown flesh.

I toss back the rest of my drink. My eyes never lose sight of the beautiful vision on the stage. Nothing else existed but Khadejah’s presence and the sound of her sultry voice. Shit! I’m fucked.

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