Page 170 of Seductive Temptation

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I survived the first week on the job, and I had that to count on. After the first couple of days, I had new problems to think about – dinner with my boss. Okay, now it wasn’t really a problem, I guess I was worried that it wouldn’t end well for me. Now if Regina was right, and Seth really was attracted to me like she thinks would I allow myself to succumb to his charm, which could be another potential disaster in my love life and I’m really not ready for another disappointment. I’m not going to set up for more heartbreak when I still wasn’t over my sorrowful past.

But then again, didn’t he say he took all new employees to dinner? I wondered if that meant all new employees or just the ones he normally kisses at the beach out of the blue. It was so obvious there was something more to the story. And maybe I really was overthinking all that. I wasn’t entirely sure of anything. My brain seemed to be my worst enemy at the time.

I finally decided that I was overthinking and that dinner would be just dinner. If I wanted to avoid heartache, I would have to avoid men, and I would start with my boss.

However, that morning, I had to think about the upcoming dinner even if I didn’t want to. I sat there half eating and playing with my food when Regina noticed my pensiveness.

“Hey, what’s up with you?” Regina asked eating the pancakes and bacon that I’d gotten up to prepare before she had to leave for work.

“Nothing. I’m just thinking about my date tomorrow night and wondering if it’s such a good idea.”

“Wait, back up a minute. What date and who with?” Regina asked.

“My boss, Seth Redding wants to take me out to dinner. He takes all the new employees out to celebrate their employment.”

“Wow! That’s the kind of perks I could get used to. Girl, you are so very lucky. You got to wear something sexy because that man is damn gorgeous. I saw the first night the way that man was looking at you. He could eat you alive.”

“Shut up! No, he didn’t.”

“I swear to you, yes he did. He couldn’t take his piercing green eyes off you.”

“I don’t agree, I’m through with men. They are all low down dirty dogs.”

“Oh honey! Darren is the dirty dog. You can’t put all the men in the same category as the dog cage.”

“Humph, if you say so girl, I see how his women employees be eating Seth up with their eyes. He’s probably messing around with some of them too.”

“How can you be sure? Did anyone say anything to that effect?”

“No, I mostly keep to myself. I talked to Randy, but that’s about it.”

“Oh well, then don’t worry about whose he’s fucked in the past. My advice to you is to forget Darren and move on to new pastures. Don’t let yourself see Darren in every man you meet. Go on your date with Seth. Flirt and live a little.

“No way. I’m not going to jeopardize my job with my boss. You know I have only been with but one man. I wouldn’t know what to do or how to act with another man. I think I’ll just stick to abstinence.”

“Dejah, there is no way in hell that you will be able to resist that man. You are not Mother Teresa.”

I chuckled. “Girl you are crazy. Finish up your breakfast before you’re late for work.”

“Okay but remember what I said. You better get you a piece of that man and be sure to tell me about it when you do, because I got to get out of here and go to work,” she teased and finished her breakfast.

Gina was always making jokes and goofing around, but her words still rang in my head, but what if I couldn’t stay off men? But what if I couldn’t stay off Seth?

Later that morning I was putting in a load of laundry when my cell phone rang. “Hey mama,” I spoke into the receiver after I noticed the caller I.D.

“Dejah! Why in the world haven’t you been answering your phone? I’ve been calling and calling you child. Your daddy is worried sick. You know I raised you better than that to be traipsing all over the place and not letting us know how you faired.”

“Mama, I’m sorry,” I sighed. “I didn’t mean to worry you and daddy. I called and left a message the night I arrived on your voicemail. I thought that would suffice until I got settled.”

“Humph! You thought wrong. You haven’t even called your little sister. Kee-Kee is upset that you left the way you did, and lord don’t let me get started on Darren. He is walking around here like he’s lost his best friend, poor thang.”

Hearing my mama talk pitiful about Kee-Kee and Darren made my blood boil, but I bit back the words I longed to say. “I love you and daddy.”

“Will you be back home in time for Christmas, baby?”

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