Page 7 of Shameless Boss

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Chapter 4


“I’ll see you tomorrow, Patrick.” Amara gives me a little wave before she heads to the elevator. Just like every day, I watch her luscious form as she leaves. Today, she’s wearing a pleated, rose-colored skirt and a chocolate brown top that left me feeling hungry for her all day. Lately, I’ve begun finding excuses to touch her. Innocent brushes that I can see affect her as much as they entice me.

Closing up behind her, I follow the same route just five minutes later. As I leave the building, I notice she’s still here. As I approach her spot, she pops the hood of her car and seems to be searching for some kind of problem.

“What’s going on?” I join her in looking at the guts of her car.

“My car won’t start.” Amara sounds a bit more harried than normal. Which makes sense when she continues, “I need to pick up Josiah from his afterschool program. I’m already a few minutes late.”

Before I can respond, she’s back in the front seat of her car, trying to start it again. The engine makes a sad chugging sound before going completely silent.

“I think your battery is dead.”

“Shoot.” For just a second, she leans her head on the steering wheel. Being a silent observer to her moment of vulnerability makes me want her even more. Especially when moments later, she gets out of the car, locks it up, and closes the hood. “I don’t have time to wait for a battery service. I’ll just have to grab a taxi.”

“That’s not necessary. I can give you a ride.”

She glances at me, her skepticism obvious. “You’d give up part of your evening to help me pick up my kid?”

“If you don’t want to be late, I’m your best option.” Gently taking her elbow, I lead her to my BMW.

With a quiet huff, she matches her stride to mine. By the time we’re in the car, her temper seems to have settled. “Thank you for doing this, Patrick. I swear I’m not normally so unorganized. First the cake, now this. Pretty soon, you’ll be tired of rescuing me.”

Something about her comment triggers an emotional response. I’ve had dozens of women contrive to have me “rescue” them, usually with some kind of jewelry emergency. Those experiences always left a sour taste in my mouth, and the relationship usually ended shortly thereafter.

With Amara, the experience is completely different. She works hard. She does her best. And in those times when shit happens and she needs a little help, I’m happy to step to the rescue. Hell, I’d buy her a new car right now if I thought she’d accept it. I hate the idea of her and Josiah driving around in a vehicle that isn’t completely reliable.

Their safety and happiness is quickly becoming my top priority. It’s a new sensation, and I find that I like it.

With the new realization fresh in my mind, I respond to her comment. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being here for you, Amara.”

The grip on her purse tightens, but she doesn’t respond. Gradually, she breaks the silence by giving me directions to Josiah’s afterschool program.

After we pull up to the curb, Amara jumps out of the car. Two minutes later, she exits the building with her arm wrapped around her son’s shoulders.

She opens the backdoor for him and helps him put his seatbelt on.

“Hi, Mr. Pat.” I turn in my seat so I can see him. “Why are you picking me up today?”

Amara returns to her spot in the passenger seat. “My car wouldn’t start, and Mr. Cunningham was nice enough to offer us a ride until we can get it fixed.”

“Is it broken forever?”

“No, honey. It’ll be fixed by tomorrow. No need to worry.”

With that reassurance, Josiah turns back to me. “Did you bring your superhero toy?”

Amara gasps while I chuckle. “Not this time, little man. Maybe we can ask your mom to arrange a playdate.”

At my comment, Amara turns to me with narrowed eyes. I wink at her, chuckling again when she huffs and crosses her arms.

Josiah continues, undaunted. “Mom, can me and Mr. Pat have a superhero playdate?”

“Maybe,” she says with a sigh. “We’ll talk about it later.”

When I glance at Josiah in the rearview mirror, he’s giving me a thumbs up and a big grin. I guess he knows his mom, and this time “maybe” means yes.

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