Page 6 of Shameless Boss

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“I spent more time with you Friday than I did with many of my top executives before they got their positions. I liked what I saw. Your organization of the event was exceptional. It more than achieved the set objective for your son and guests. When an unexpected emergency came up, you handled it with grace and competence.

“Those are the kind of qualities I want running this nonprofit. That’s why I’m asking you.”

Wow. Sitting there stunned, I realize I had no idea what kind of impression I made last week. Gradually, my stupor turns into a smile as the full depth of his compliment sinks in.

“I don’t see how I can say no.”

A slow smile stretches across his face. He looks completely satisfied with himself when he replies, “You can’t.”


I finish out the week in my current position, but by Monday, I’ve moved into my new office. It’s in a building a few blocks away, but still an incredibly convenient commute.

A nameplate hangs next to my doorway, “Amara Sage, Associate Executive of Tech for Teens.” A warm sense of pride fills my chest. These last few years have been rough. Justin ditched me as soon as I announced I was pregnant. I got myself through grad school with help from some help from my folks. It's still hard to believe they passed away in a car crash just over a year ago.

All the work, effort, and sacrifice was worth it. My son is happy and I’m able to provide for him. That’s the most important thing. Though it’s a major bonus to be doing something I love—using my business degree to help kids realize more opportunities with technology and education.

I’m still standing in the doorway of my office when Patrick steps out of the office next to mine.

“Hello, Amara.”

“Oh, hi, Patrick.” Narrowing my eyes in confusion, I say, “I thought you worked in the other building.”

“I did say we’d be working together. This is a project I have a personal interest in, so I’ll be here regularly until we work out all the kinks.” Surely, I’m reading more into his words, because for a second it sounds like he’s flirting with me.

That’s how my new job starts, with Patrick and me spending the rest of the week going over finances, reviewing proposals, and considering which plans are most effective and cost efficient. It’s incredible how well we work together. Our skills are so complementary, his decisiveness and my careful consideration.

We’re at lunch together, at a soup and sandwich shop around the corner. It’s a nice day, so we’re sitting on the outdoor patio relaxing while we wait for our order.

“Why an MBA?” He asks, then takes a sip of sparkling water. His Adam’s apple moves enticingly with each swallow. I find myself fascinated by the amber highlights the sun brings out of his smooth, dark skin.

“Amara?” he prompts.

My cheeks warm as I realize I just zoned out while staring at my boss.

“Um, yes,” I stutter. “I got an MBA because I thought it would be the best option for Josiah. I could get a decent job. Maybe even get Josiah and me into our own little house. Give Josiah the tools, education, and experiences he needs to be successful and happy.”

“You put yourself through school?” he asks.

“Not exactly,” I explain. “My parents basically insisted that I let them take care of Josiah while I finished school. They passed away a year ago.” My eyes well up with tears. Something about sharing with this man brings all my emotions to the surface.

“I’m sorry. It sounds like they were special people.”

“They were.” I take a sip of my ginger ale, giving myself time to compose my thoughts. “What about you? How did you become the CEO of a multi-million-dollar franchise?”

“Actually, my parents started the first restaurant. I worked for them growing up. As I got older, I started seeing ways we could improve efficiency and grow the business. When my suggestions worked, they let me start taking on more responsibilities.

“A few years ago, they retired and let me take over completely. Since then, we’ve expanded five hundred percent. They still call me now and then to check in on the company, but mostly they’re happy on their beachfront property in Haven Falls.”

“That sounds like the life.” I feel a bittersweet sense of regret, imagining my own parents in rocking chairs on a porch looking out over the ocean.

“They certainly enjoy it.” Patrick smiles with understanding.

The server brings our plates, and we enjoy light topics for the rest of lunch. I like getting to know Patrick. I like spending time with him, not just at work, but in a social setting. We’re so comfortable together, and yet I still feel a zing when I look into his deep brown eyes.

I have to remind myself that he’s my boss. Not only that, I’m certain he’s at least a few years younger than me. A man like him would certainly never be interested in a woman like me—older, curvy, with a kid at home.

Though when he pays for lunch, pulls my chair out, and rests his hand on my lower back, it’s hard to remember why I shouldn’t be shamelessly flirting with my boss.

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