Page 8 of Shameless Boss

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Amara lives in a nice apartment complex in the Village. She directs me to a parking area around the back and points to a ground-level balcony with two chairs, a kid’s easel, and a couple of hanging ferns. “This is me.”

As I park, I notice some guy lingering beside her door. “Amara, do you know that—”

My question is interrupted by what I swear is Amara growling. With her jaw clenched, she asks, “Josiah, can you please stay in the car with Patrick for a few minutes? I need to go talk to your father.”

With another glance in the rearview mirror, I see the happy kid from moments before curl into himself. That, more than anything, tells me everything I need to know about his dad.

Well, maybe not everything. If Amara’s posture is anything to go by, this guy is a class-A douche. It’s clear she wants to protect Josiah, but when her ex starts approaching her with a threatening posture, my patience disappears.

“Josiah, stay here for a minute, okay, little man? I’m going to help your mom.” He nods a quick confirmation, and I’m out of the car and standing by her side three seconds later.

“Hey, babe.” I wrap one arm possessively around her waist. “Are you going to introduce me?”

“Sure, sweetie. This is my ex, Justin.” She joins the act. Only, she doesn’t know this is anything but an act for me. I may be a softie for Amara and Josiah, but there’s a reason I’m the youngest CEO in my industry. In my circles, I’m known as an arrogant, shameless, SOB who will do anything to get what he wants. Right now, that means protecting what’s mine.

“And who are you?” Justin is a couple inches shorter than me with a small gut that hangs over his belt. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and a relatively symmetrical face mean he could be attractive. But I’d wager a guess that Amara doesn’t see it anymore based on her curled lip. It seems his ugly attitude overwhelms everything else.

“My name is Patrick, but you can call me Amara’s man.”

“Who the hell do you think you are?” His face flushes as he glances around. “Where is Josiah? Where is my son?”

It's the fear in Amara's eyes that directs my next actions. Making sure to put my body in Josiah's line-of-sight, I grab Justin by his shirt and pull him to me.

“You son of a bitch,” I growl. “I don't know what you're doing here, but you are leaving my woman and her boy alone right now.”

I let Justin wiggle out of my hold, giving him just enough space to shrug with forced nonchalance. “Whatever, man.”

“Leave. Now.”

“I was leaving anyway. Just wanted to check in with Amara and the boy since I couldn’t make it to his birthday.” He attempts a swagger as he walks away, tipping an imaginary cap at Josiah as he passes him.

“I’m so sorry about that.” My attention returns to Amara. “I’m so embarrassed. I swear he wasn’t like that when we dated.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I pull her into a hug. “We all have pasts. Just some are douchier than others.”

I hear a soft laugh before she pulls away. “I’d better go get Josiah.”

Watching the grace with which Amara moves through the world in spite of all the shit it throws at her makes me want to do something to make her life easier. While she gets Josiah, I call a local pizza place and order two pepperoni specials. Given everything she’s dealing with, I’m not sure how to help, but pizza delivery can’t hurt.

When she returns with Josiah a moment later, I lean down to meet him at eye level. “Hey, little man. How does pizza sound?”

“It sounds great, Mr. Pat!” With his eyes lit up, I’m reminded of how simple things can bring lots of joy.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Amara murmurs.

“I don’t have to, but I want to. It should be here in thirty minutes.” I stand back up, this time looking Josiah’s gorgeous mother in the eyes. “It’s taken care of, including the tip. Can you take a taxi tomorrow?”

“Yes,” she says.

“Good. Bill it to the company. We’ll call a battery service tomorrow and get you ready to go by the time work ends.”

Josiah’s gaze bounces between us with barely concealed curiosity.

“And remember,” I emphasize. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Thanks, boss.” She winks at me. Her smile is playful, sensual. She isn’t a shy, tiny girl. She’s a thick, gorgeous woman—a green-eyed goddess.

And I’m the man who’s going to make her mine.

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