Page 70 of Broken By Love

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After he leaves, I think about what we had. Why do I keep bringing this up in my head? Is it because I have doubts about Noah? I didn’t until recently. His behavior has been different from any other time I can remember. I hope that once he tells me what he has to tell me, he’ll go back to the old Noah.

I get busy with work and spend a good two hours going over some things with Nikki. It’s time I give her more responsibility since she is my assistant. I’m finding that I have my hand in too many things, and I need to farm some out. I give her the task of speaking with the graphic artists for one of the projects we’re working. She can handle it.

By the time I’m finished going over everything with her, it’s close to lunchtime. I know I have something to do, but I can’t remember what it is until I get a text from Noah.

Was there something you forgot to tell me?

FUCK! I once again forgot to let him know Megan was coming. She must be there early.

Do you mean Megan?

Yes, I mean, Megan. She just showed up and is asking me where she’s going to sleep. You should have told me because I need to clean my files out of the guest room.

Just push them aside. She’s not going to look at them.

Please don’t tell me what to do. Those files are confidential. I can’t leave them there for her to look at.

I don’t like the tone of his text, and I decide to ignore him and go back to work. Probably not the best idea because five minutes later he’s calling me.

“What the fuck, Lexi. You ignore me?”

“Don’t speak to me like that. I don’t appreciate it.”

“You don’t, huh? I don’t appreciate when you don’t tell me things.”

“Really? Look who’s talking. How dare you, Noah.”

He starts ranting, and I put the receiver down and lean back in my chair, rubbing my temples. This is a Noah that I haven’t had to deal with in a very long time. Not since he was under a lot of stress when he was expanding his business about a year ago.

I pick the phone up after I hear silence. “Are you done?”

“Yeah, I’m done. We’ll discuss this later.”

He hangs up, and I’m left staring at the phone. I sincerely hope that what he has to tell me is not catastrophic. He said it wasn’t, but with his behavior, drinking and lack of consideration, I’m beginning to wonder.

I skip lunch because I begin to feel nauseous from our conversation. JC passes by and asks me if I want to go across the street to the deli, but I tell him no. I don’t think I can keep anything down. A half-hour later he’s back and brings me something in a large plastic cup.

“I told you I wasn’t hungry.”

“Lexi, you have to eat something. You’ll like this.”

I pop the cover, and inside’s a raspberry vanilla shake, one of my all-time favorite flavors. But the place I usually get them from is way uptown. How did he get this?

“Where did you get this?”

“I bribed the kid behind the counter at the deli. They have vanilla shakes, so I just asked him to add a dash of vanilla and some fresh raspberries.”

I’m overwhelmed that he would do this for me. I’m nothing to him but an ex, and he’s giving me more consideration that my freaking fiancé. I’m emotional and I blink my eyes quickly to push back the tears I feel ready to fall.

“Thank you, JC. That was very thoughtful of you.”

“Lex, what’s wrong? You seem out of sorts.”

“It’s nothing; I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not okay. You seem upset. Is it what I said this morning? I’m trying to make it up to you with the shake. I didn’t mean to say anything bad about Noah. I want to make sure he’s treating you well. I care about you.”

“Thank you, but I’m fine. We just had a little bit of a spat. I forgot to remind him about Megan coming tonight. He’s upset because he has some confidential files in the guest room that he has to move out. Plus, she just got there and well, they don’t get along. She gets along okay with him, but he tolerates her.”

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