Page 100 of Ignite

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“Then tomorrow we will study together during lunch if I take one.”

She talked to Jacob for a little while longer and then left to get her coat and purse. When she entered the lobby, she felt like she was being watched and she looked around to see Xander sitting at one of the café tables drinking coffee. His eyes were fixed on her, and she looked away before he took it as a cue to approach her.

She was exhausted, and her emotions were on edge. She didn’t know how she was going to do this day after day. As she waited for a cab, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned to see Xander standing behind her.

“I want to talk to you.”

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you. I think you said all there was to say in that disgusting email you wrote me.”

“I don’t know why you keep saying that I wrote you a nasty email. I told you that before, but you won’t listen to me. And I told you that I would never cheat on you.”

“Please stop doing this to me. I can’t do this day after day. Leave me alone. Why did you come back to New York?”

“Because of you,” he said quietly.

“I’m sorry you did.” She got into the cab that had just pulled up to the curb and left him there. The tortured look on his face as it pulled away tore at her heart. Why did he keep denying that he sent the email?

She took out her phone and scrolled to her email saved folder. She pulled up the email and looked at it and the address it came from. It was his personal email address so why would he think that she was going to accept that he didn’t send it?

She called David when she got home because he was one of the few people that wouldn’t judge her. She explained that Xander had come back to work at the firm and he kept denying that he sent the email.

“David, is there a way for someone to send an email that wasn’t really from that person.”

“You mean a spoof address sent it, but it looks like someone else did?”

“I guess. I’m not very up on technology.”

“There are several applications that you can use to do that. You can send an email spoofing someone else. That is fucked up. And you think that someone did that?”

She felt her stomach tighten. Suppose he never sent the email, and someone else did?

“Ava? Are you still there?”

“Suppose it’s the same person that put the tracking applications on my phone sent that email. But why would they do that and what’s more who could have done it?”

“Do you know how to check to see if his email was blocked? I don’t know how to do it on the iPhone.”

“I don’t, but I bet Roger does and can talk me through it.”

“Call him and then call me back.”

She hung up the phone and dialed Dani. She explained what she needed and fortunately Dani was with Roger, who gave her instructions. She wrote them down and followed the navigation through her menus just as he said, finding that not only had Xander’s phone number been blocked but also his email.

She felt sickened that someone would go through so much trouble to break her apart from him. But who? She could only think of one name, and it was one she suspected but hadn’t had time to figure out how to get him to admit it - Tim.

She called David to let him know what she had found. He was flabbergasted that Tim would do that to her.

“I can’t believe that nerdy asshole would do something like that. I knew I didn’t like him. I should come up there and kick his ass. What do you plan on doing to get him to admit it?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet. I am going to have to trap him into admitting it.”

“Please be careful. There is something about him that scares me.”

You and me both.

She hung up the phone with David, livid at the thought that Tim would go to such lengths to keep her apart from Xander. She wondered if he had used her email to send Xander something spoofing her. That night at the engagement party Xander had mentioned that she had wounded him. She had made a horrible mistake. Why did this keep happening to them?

She paced her apartment not sure what she should do. It would be embarrassing if she went to the Wilder’s to confess her love for him. She would have to do it tomorrow.

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