Page 99 of Ignite

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“Yeah, why?”

“Your face is flushed,” Jacob said.

“I’m okay.”

She went to his office and he briefed her on the case they would be working on for the next several weeks. He mentioned that another attorney might be brought into assist and Ava hoped that wouldn’t be Xander. The last thing she needed was to be subjected to being near him all day. One whiff of his cologne and she would feel weak in her knees.

She was thrilled when the day ended for her. Jacob was too busy to drill her for the bar. She was able to go home and take a much-needed nap. Sam had texted her asking if she wanted to hang out that night but she said she needed to study. Ava had a feeling that her explanation to Sam on Thursday about Xander did not sit well. She didn’t want to be interrogated all night.

She spent the weekend studying, cleaning and having lunch with Tim on Sunday. She finally told him that she only wanted to be friends. His behavior simply scared her. She could only imagine how he would be if they were alone together. He seemed to take the news well and remained cheerful agreeing that they weren’t all that compatible.

Tim left their lunch meeting seemingly happy to Ava. But when he started his short walk to his apartment, he certainly wasn’t. She had dumped him as a suitor, and he was enraged. He had done everything up until now for her, risking his career and life to make a better one for their future. Changing his appearance and clothing choices. He had spent quite a bit of money on her, and she didn’t even blink an eye as if she deserved it. He wouldn’t give up trying to win her back. She was going to be his even if she didn’t know it yet. He just needed to figure out a way to track her again.

She had mentioned to him what Roger had found on her phone and removed. She couldn’t understand who would do such a thing. His reaction was supportive, and he even told her he would do some research on how to find out who installed the applications. He knew there was little that could be done to locate that person, but she didn’t know that. He would continue to play the rational and calm friend helping her through a tough time.

* * *

It was Monday. She opened her eyes. In two short hours, she would be facing Xander Wilder at the office. Last night, she took pains to find the perfect dress that hugged her body in all the right places. She got up and showered quickly then took her time pinning her hair up. After she was dressed and just like at the engagement party, she applied a heavier than usual amount of makeup. She was naturally beautiful and didn’t need it, but it acted like a shield for her. Lastly, she picked out the highest (but professional) heels she had as they accentuated her legs the best.

At her desk that morning, she looked in her compact mirror before making her way down to Jacob’s office. He was sitting among several piles of folders and paging through a law book from the shelf. Jacob looked up when she entered his office.

“Are you ready for a long day?”

“Yes, it’s not the first time that I’ve worked full-time.”

He motioned to a stack of folders on his desk. “I need you to research these. I’m sorry if it seems like a lot, but our firm took this case over from another firm, and we need to make sure that everything is correct.”

They heard the door to the office next door open, and seconds later Xander poked his head in the door. Ava did not turn her head when he said hello, only waved over her shoulder at his greeting. She couldn’t bear to see his gorgeous face. After he had left, Jacob spoke up.

“That was kind of rude, you know.”

“Jacob, what do you want me to say to him?”

“You could just have turned and said hello. Don’t create tension.”

“I’m not creating tension; it’s already there.”

Jacob sighed loudly as Ava picked up the folders and went down the hall to her desk. As she passed, she saw Xander getting a cup of coffee in the break room. Ava could smell his cologne, and it gave her the jitters. She stumbled, and the folders spilled out of her hand. As she kneeled to pick them up, and she could feel the heat from his body next to her.

A wisp of hair had fallen into her face, and he used his thumb to brush it out ever so slightly touching her forehead. She felt electricity as his finger brushed against her. He handed her the folders as she rose from the floor.

“Thank you,” she said as she took them without looking at his face.

“You’re welcome, Ava.”

She shivered as her name rolled off his tongue. She knew she was blushing, and she hurried to her desk before he noticed. Fuck, how am I going to work around him?

* * *

Xander satin his office listening to her soft voice filter through the wall. He had wanted to see her and had anticipated this moment since he saw her at the engagement party. What luck that his father gave him the corner office again. Double luck that Ava was working for Jacob and he was just next door to him.

That contact with her skin created a spark between them and he knew she felt it, was sure that was why she hurried away. He watched her as she walked away in the curve-hugging dress and he felt his cock twitch. Working so close to her was not going to be easy, but at least he would see her almost every day.

At the end of the day, Ava packed up her work materials and dropped them off in Jacob’s office. He was taking notes.

“Do you want to stay later so I can help you study? I’m just finishing up. I’m sure Sandra won’t mind if I’m a little late.”

“No way. I forgot how tiring is doing research all day can be.”

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