Page 77 of Fate Loves

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“I know, right?” I reply. Not going to happen. “I just took the test yesterday, so I’m still working my way through the shock.”

“Have you told Aiden?” Katie asks.

I shake my head. “I plan on telling him tonight,” I say, walking to my purse. I pull out a gift-wrapped box and show the girls. Syd claps excitedly.

“Lulu will be a great big sister,” she says. I smile. She’ll be amazing.

“And I’m going to be an aunt to two kids!” Katie says, jumping up and down.

The happiness in the room is contagious. Excitement bubbles inside me. I’m having a baby. Aiden’s baby. Our baby. Sharing this wasn’t planned. I wanted to tell Aiden first, but I didn’t think about having to hide the fact that I can’t drink. I look around the room.

“Y’all have to help me tonight. If I don’t drink, people will notice,” I say and pick up a flute holding it in the air. Syd snatches it out of my hand and downs my mimosa then she fills it with orange juice and hands it back to me.

She swipes her hands twice and smiles wide. “We gotcha covered,” she says. “We’ll make sure to hand you either cider or water throughout the night so it’ll look like you’re drinking.”

“Well, don’t make me look like a lush,” I say, laughing out loud.

“I thought you wanted to make sure it wasn’t obvious.”

“Ha, ha, funny girl.” I push her shoulder.

“I’ve got some people who I think belong up here with you girls,” Jaxon says, tapping on the door and walking in. Katie does a little jig and runs into Jaxon’s arms. He lifts her up in his embrace and kisses her deeply. It makes my heart so happy to see them together. They have been flying back and forth this month, working on getting her moved.

“Move, you two love birds. I have work to do,” Cherrie says, strutting around them in her five-inch heels. Her flaming red hair and brightly colored one-piece jumpsuit stands out against the white in the room. I have a feeling she stands out anywhere. I chuckle to myself. A couple more people file into the room behind her and start setting down their cases full of makeup and hair stuff. Cherrie has done my hair since I moved to New York, and she made me promise to use her and her people for my hair and makeup. I told her she didn’t have to when we moved the wedding here, but she insisted.

“Addie, baby, you are glowing,” she beams.

I gasp, wondering if she can tell I’m pregnant. My gaze darts to Jaxon, but he’s in his own little world with Katie right now. I look back and shrug. “It must be the wedding glow,” I say awkwardly.

Her brows furrow and her head tilts to the side. “It sounds like you’re nervous, sweetie.”

Syd comes to my side, wrapping her arm around my waist. “No, she’s just ready to get things moving. Cherrie, do you want a mimosa before we start?”

Her lips curl into to a smile and her eyes brighten. “I would love one, but just tell me where and I’ll get one. I like it heavy on the champagne side,” she says, winking.

“Me, too, girl,” Syd chuckles. “It’s over there.” Syd points to the table, and Cherrie heads in that direction. “Calm down. Nobody can tell,” she whispers in my ear. I close my eyes briefly and exhale. She’s right. I need to relax. I look over at her and nod. “We got this. Now let’s get you married before you inadvertently end up telling everyone except Aiden.”

“Someone tell me about the gorgeous man who lives here and is he single?” Cherrie’s voice radiates from across the room.

“That’s my cue to go back to the guys,” Jaxon says and leans down to give Katie a quick kiss. We laugh at how fast he exits the room.

A second later he pokes his head back into the room. “Oh, Addison, you are definitely glowing.” He smiles and winks then disappears.


“Addie!” Lexi comes running into the room, straight to my arms. I hold her and take in a deep breath. She doesn’t know this day is about her, too. The love in my heart for her spreads warmth throughout my body.

“Hi, sweet girl. Are you ready for hair and makeup?” I run my hands through her caramel-colored hair. Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head up and down quickly.

“Can I get pretty blue on my eyes and red lipstick?” she asks, sweeping her finger over her eyelids and lips. I laugh at the thought.

“Oh,” Cherrie says excitedly, “a girl after my own heart.” Oh, dear.

Chapter twenty-six

“You look stunning, Addison,” my aunt says from behind me.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and I almost don’t recognize myself. The woman looking back is radiant and mature. It’s you, my brain reminds me. I run my hand down my stomach. The delicate lace from my dress is soft to the touch. I wonder about the baby growing inside of me. Are you a boy or a girl? Will your eyes be emerald green or turquoise blue?

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