Page 76 of Fate Loves

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I start second-guessing. “I know he can’t see me, I guess I’m assuming I can’t see him either,” I say with uncertainty.

Harper pulls out her phone and types something. “How did we live before Google?” she murmurs. “Oh, found it.” She waves her phone around before looking at it again. “It says here that it’s bad luck for him to see you before the wedding, not the other way around. So, I think you’re good.” My shoulders relax as I blow out a breath. I cannot have anything go wrong today. I look up and send out a silent plea for Fate to be on my side today.

A loud pop grabs my attention. The girls cheer as Syd makes mimosas for everyone. She picks up four glasses and passes them around.

“Alright, gir—”

“Wait!” Katie says, darting into the room, interrupting Syd’s toast. “You can’t toast without us.” She drops her bags on the floor, and Macie comes waddling in after her.

“I’m going to kill whoever decided we should be on the second floor,” Macie says, breathing heavily.

I scream with excitement and run over to them. “I’m so glad y’all are here.” After giving them a hug, I place my hand on Macie’s belly. “Is he kicking much?” My eyes widen when I feel him move. “Oh, my gosh, that’s crazy feeling that!”

“Yeah, just think how it feels from the inside.” She rolls her eyes. “He thinks he’s a Kung Fu champ. I swear he’s going to break a rib.”

“Have you all been here long?” Katie asks. She takes the mimosa Syd hands her. Syd gives Macie a flute of just orange juice.

“Nope,” Bryn says. “We’ve been here long enough to see the backyard and learn about superstitions on wedding days.” She giggles as Katie looks around the room.

“Superstitions?” she says, glancing at me. “You don’t seem like the superstitious type.”

“I’m not, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try everything I possibly can to make sure nothing goes wrong.”

“Let’s get this toast out of the way so we can drink our mimosas,” Syd says, holding up her flute. We hold ours up, too. “To my best friend, may the day be as amazing as you are.” My lips curl into a smile and my eyes start to water.

“My turn,” Katie says. “Here’s to you, because you now have to deal with my brother every day…and to me for gaining a wonderful sister.” The tears start flowing again. Shit, how am I going to get through today with all these emotions?

By the time Bryn, Harper, and Macie toast to me, I’m a sobbing mess.

“Thank you all for being here and celebrating this day with me,” I hiccup through my tears. “Each of you are so important to me, and I cherish our friendships more than you know.”

We raise our glasses and clink as we say “Cheers.” Syd downs hers before I even bring mine to my lips. I take a drink as she says, “I think I’ll just drink the champagne.” A thought crosses my mind, and I immediately spit my drink back into my glass. Dammit!

When I look up, five sets of eyes are staring at me. “Something wrong with your mimosa?” Syd asks slowly. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“No,” I squeak out.

“You love mimosas.” I do. I love them. The tangy taste of orange juice with the sparkling crisp taste of champagne. They were meant to be had together. It’s one of my favorite alcoholic drinks. But I can’t drink it. Not now.

“Um…” I pause for a beat and crack my knuckles. Sydney narrows her eyes at me. She knows when I’m nervous. “So…I’m pregnant.” My voice cracks. The foreign words coming out of my mouth surprise me. It’s the first time I’ve said it out loud.

“Oh, my gosh!” Sydney places her drink down and grabs mine out of my hand, placing it on the coffee table then wrapping her arms around me. She pulls back and asks, “When? How?” She knows how neurotic I am about taking my birth control. I have never missed a day. Ever.

I sigh. “Antibiotics.”

“Oops,” Harper murmurs.

Syd’s eyebrows rise and I nod. I don’t need to explain. Every woman on the pill should know antibiotics could make the pill ineffective. I should have known. It’s been forever since I’ve been sick though, and when I have been in the past, I guess I was never with anyone.

Syd watches me for a moment before saying, “How do you feel about it?” Her voice is tinged with apprehension. I’m not good with surprises. And this is a big one.

What haven’t I felt? Since taking the test last night, my emotions have gone from one extreme to the other. I look away from her inquisitive eyes. Tears pool in mine as I think about the baby growing in me.

“It’ll be okay,” Bryn says, grabbing my hand. Her words come out soft and tender. I glance at my wedding dress hanging off the door and focus on it while blinking back my tears. A soft laugh escapes my lips when I look back to the girls.

“No, I’m fine,” I whisper and squeeze Bryn’s hand. “I’m excited. I’m scared. I’m nervous. You name it, that’s me.” I take a couple deep breaths. “I know Aiden will be ecstatic. Hell, he wants ten kids.” I roll my eyes.

“Oh, dear God,” Harper says, giggling.

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